American Update: The Spirit From Harvey Comics – 1966 Revival of Eisner’s Vigilante Hero
*Spirit: The Spirit, Will Eisner’s legendary creation, having ended his lengthy run in American newspapers in 1952, returned briefly to four-colour comics in 1966, with Harvey publications producing two 64 page giant-sized issues. A small amount of new material augmented re-coloured reprints of classic strips from the Spirit sections of yesteryear – and given that the original Spirit stories ran an average of 6-8 pages, that’s a lot of reading! These two issues (a third was announced in #2, but never published) are truly beautiful examples, bright, tight and glossy, with white interior pages, vivid cover colours and unmarred squarebound spines. Both issues are VF+, cents copies with no pence stamp or overprint; #1 is £63, #2 is £50. SOLD