146 VG £3
147 VG £2.50
163 GD £2.50
172 VG £3
177 GD £2.50
178 VG £3
186 GD £2.50
192 VG £3
194 GD £2.50
196 GD £2.50
199 VG £3
203 VG £2.50
203 GD £2
205 VG £2.50
205 GD £2
208 GD £2
209 GD £2
212 VG £2.50
214 VG £2.50
217 VG £2.50
220 FN £3
220 GD £2
223 VG £2.50
224 VG £2.50
227 VG £2.50 2 available
229 VG £2.50
233 VG £2.50
234 VG £2.50
236 FN £3
237 VG £2.50
238 VG £2.50
245 VG £2.50
248 VF £4
249 VF £4
250 FN £3
255 VG £2.50
255 GD £2
257 FN £3
257 VF £4
260 FN £3
260 VF £4
270 GD £2
287 VG £2.50
297 FN £3 Pictured below
298 VG £2.50
(Romantic Confessions from here)
46 FN £12 Too Trusting
48 VG £9 Price Of Innocence
57 FN £12 Heart In A Whirl
10 GD £3
18 GD £2
25 GD £2
27 VG £2.50
36 VG £2.50
38 GD £2
39 VG £2.50 2 available
40 VG £2.50
43 VG £2.50
47 GD £2
48 GD £2
51 FN £3
80 VF £4 3 available
81 VF £4
81 FN £3 2 available
81 VG £2.50
149 FN £3
178 GD £2
181 FN £3
183 GD £2
185 GD £2
186 GD £2
187 VG £2.50
192 FN £3
194 VG £2.50
195 VF £4
195 VG £2.50
196 FN £3 2 available
196 VG £2.50
196 GD £2
199 VG £2.50
201 FN £3
202 VG £2.50
203 VG £2.50 2 available
203 GD £2
204 FN £3
204 VG £2.50
205 GD £2
208 FN £3
208 VG £2.50
208 GD £2
213 VG £2.50
214 VF £4
214 VG £2.50
215 VF £4
215 VG £2.50
216 VF £4
222 FN £3
222 VG £2.50 2 available
225 FN £3
243 FN £3 2 available
248 FN £3
249 VF £4
252 GD £2
253 VF £4 2 available
258 VF £4 2 available
259 VF £4
261 VF £4 2 available
266 FN £3
276 VG £2.50
278 GD £2 Small price sticker
279 FN £3 Small sticker
286 VF £4
288 VF £4
343 VF £9 They Called Her Scarecrow
369 VG/FN £6 Holiday Of Thrills
370 FN £7 Journey Into Danger
376 VF £9 Aunt Jemima On The Warpath
386 FN £7 Merrymakers In Arabia
389 FN £7 Sally And The Jungle Ballet
391 FN £7 Sue Writes A Play
394 FN £7 False Friends From The East 2 available
395 FN £7 Sue Day – Peacemaker
401 FN £7 That Elusive Grey Ghost
403 FN £7 Sue Day – Bridesmaid
404 VF £9 Sarah’s Island School
406 VF £9 Again The Grey Ghosts
407 VF £9 Sue Day – Stargazer
410 FN £7 Lost In The Jungle
411 VG/FN £6 Sue – A Dog’s Best Friend
421 VF £9 Livewire Of The Wards
423 VG £5 Sue Sent To Coventry
429 GD/VG £4.25 Danger On White Mountain
434 FN £7 Pam At Mountain School
436 FA £2.50 Casey’s Crazy School
437 FN £7 Young Fugitives
437 VG/FN £6 Young Fugitives
437 VG £5 Young Fugitives
437 GD/VG £4.25 Young Fugitives
438 FN £7 Livewire Nora Again!
442 VF £9 Temple Of Secrets
442 FN £7 Temple Of Secrets
443 FN £7 Sue And The Moon Visitors
445 FN £7 Schoolgirl Castaways
447 VF £9 Sue’s Sit-Down Strike
449 VF £9 An Otter Comes To School
449 FN £7 An Otter Comes To School
450 FN/VF £8 Strange Inheritance 2 available
450 FN £7 Strange Inheritance
451 FN £7 Sue Day – Magician 2 available
453 FN £7 The Clockwork Fish Mystery
454 FN £7 School On A Liner
455 FN £7 Sue On Telstar
457 FN £7 Flying Fashion Girls
457 VG/FN £6 Flying Fashion Girls
458 FN/VF £8 The Scheme That Shook The School
459 FN £7 Sue And The Black Orchid
473 FN £7 Lorna, Nursing Cadet
474 GD £3.50 Oklahoma Or Bust
488 VF £9 Danger Trail
488 FN £7 Danger Trail
489 VF £9 Runaways To Freedom
490 VF £9 Model Girl Castaway
491 VF £9 Sue’s Stone Of Mystery
493 VG/FN £6 Blaze – Wonder Dog
494 FN £7 Venture To The New World
494 VG/FN £6 Venture To The New World
497 GD/VG £4.25 The Cockney Kids
500 VF £9 Riddle Of The 13th Painting
502 VF £9 The Kids Among The Rebels
503 VF £9 Sue’s Baby Elephant
506 VF £9 Her Outlaw Brother
506 VG £5 Her Outlaw Brother
508 FN £7 Moor Mystery (1st Peewit Gang) 2 available
509 VF £9 Tina Takes Charge
510 VF £9 A Yank At Hazelford
510 FN £7 A Yank At Hazelford
511 FN £7 Sue’s Busman’s Holiday
511 VG/FN £6 Sue’s Busman’s Holiday
512 VG/FN £6 The Peewits’ Circus Adventure
513 FN/VF £8 That Amazing Princess Anita
513 FN £7 That Amazing Princess Anita
514 FN £7 Shiney On The Farm 3 available
516 VF £9 The Peewits Buy A Donkey
516 FN £7 The Peewits Buy A Donkey
517 FN £7 Spy-Hunt Among The Magicians
518 VF £9 Mystery at Goosehays
518 FN £7 Mystery at Goosehays
519 FN £7 Sue’s Riding Secret
521 FN £7 Jess O’The Wagons
522 FN £7 Rilla Junior Reporter
524 VF £9 Fireworks With The Peewits
524 VG £5 Fireworks With The Peewits
525 VF £9 Riddle Of Lu Fang
525 FN £7 Riddle Of Lu Fang
526 VF £9 Circus Girl At School
526 FN £7 Circus Girl At School 2 available
532 VF £9 The Peewits Play Cupid
532 FN £7 The Peewits Play Cupid
533 VF £9 Northland Trail
535 FN £7 Fugitive Princess
536 VF £9 The Peewits & The Fete
537 FN/VF £8 Kim & The Lion
539 FN £7 Angel Street Detective
540 VF £9 Operation Curlew
542 VG/FN £6 Secret Of Cloud Mountain
543 VF £9 Shadow Over Angel Street
548 FN/VF £8 Secret Of The Aerodrome
549 GD/VG £4.25 Jaunting With Jessica
550 VF £9 Adventure Island
552 FN £7 The Peewits Take The Stage
553 VF £9 Josie’s Farming Days
553 VG £5 Josie’s Farming Days
554 FN £7 Village Underwater
554 VG/FN £6 Village Underwater 2 available
556 FN/VF £8 Meet The Four Rolling Stones
556 FN £7 Meet The Four Rolling Stones
557 VF £9 White Princess Of The Sioux
557 FN £7 White Princess Of The Sioux
558 FN/VF £8 Wanda The Weightless Wonder
559 VF £9 Sara – Spy Catcher
559 FN £7 Sara – Spy Catcher
559 VG/FN £6 Sara – Spy Catcher
560 FN/VF £8 The Four Rolling Stones In Spain
562 VF £9 Sue’s Amazing Holiday
563 FN £7 The Missing Masterpiece
564 VF £9 The Rolling Stones Adventure For Four
564 FN/VF £8 The Rolling Stones Adventure For Four
564 FN £7 The Rolling Stones Adventure For Four
565 VF £9 Sal & Co Go Sleuthing
565 FN/VF £8 Sal & Co Go Sleuthing
566 VG/FN £6 Crackshot Katie
567 VF £9 Sara And The Mermaid
568 VF £9 The Lost Valley
569 VF £9 Pandora’s Village
1971 FN £17.50
1980 FN £17.50
598 FN/VF £6
600 FN/VF £6
622 VF £7
623 FN/VF £6
624 FN £5
625 FN £5
626 FN/VF £6
627 FN/VF £6
628 FN/VF £6
629 FN/VF £6
630 VF £7
631 FN/VF £6
656 VF £7
657 FN/VF £6
658 VF £7
659 FN £5
660 VF £7
661 FN/VF £6
662 VF £7
663 FN £5
664 FN/VF £6
665 VG/FN £4.50
670 FN/VF £6
671 VF £7
672 FN/VF £6
674 FN/VF £6
675 FN/VF £6
676 VF £7
700 FN/VF £6
702 VF £7
703 FN/VF £6 Pictured below
706 VF £7
708 VF £7
709 VF £7
712 FN/VF £6
713 VF £7
714 VF £7
715 VF £7
716 VF £7
717 FN/VF £6
718 VF £7
720 FN/VF £6
721 FN/VF £6
722 FN/VF £6
723 VF £7
724 VF £7
726 FN/VF £6
727 VF £7
728 VF £7
729 FN/VF £6
730 VF £7
732 VF £7
733 VF £7 Pictured below. 2 available
734 VF £7
734 FN/VF £6
735 VF £7 2 available
736 FN/VF £6
738 FN/VF £6
739 FN/VF £6
741 VF £7
744 VF £7
745 VF £7
746 VF £7
747 VF £7
748 VF £7
750 VF £7
751 VF £7
752 VF £7
753 VF £7
756 VF £7
757 VF £7
758 FN/VF £6
759 VF £7
760 VF £7
762 VF £7
763 FN/VF £6
764 VF £7
765 VF £7
766 VF £7 Pictured below
768 FN/VF £6
769 FN/VF £6
770 FN/VF £6
771 FN/VF £6
772 FN/VF £6
774 VF £7
777 VF £7
780 FN/VF £6
781 FN/VF £6
782 FN/VF £6
783 VF £7
784 FN/VF £6
786 VF £7
788 VF £7 Pictured below
791 FN/VF £6
795 FN/VF £6
798 FN/VF £6
799 FN/VF £6
827 FN/VF £6
830 VF £7
863 VG £4
871 FN/VF £6
872 VG/FN £4.50
875 FN/VF £6
879 VF £7
880 VF £7
883 FN/VF £6
884 FN/VF £6
885 VF £7
886 VF £7
887 VF £7
888 FN/VF £6
889 FN/VF £6
890 FN/VF £6
895 FN/VF £6
896 VF £7
898 VF £7
899 FN/VF £6
910 FN/VF £6
911 VF £7
912 FN/VF £6
913 FN/VF £6
918 FN/VF £6
919 FN/VF £6
920 VF £7
921 FN/VF £6
922 FN/VF £6
923 VF £7
924 FN/VF £6
926 FN £5
927 FN/VF £6
928 FN £5
929 FN £5
934 FN £5
935 VG £4
937 FN £5
949 FN/VF £6
954 FN/VF £6
956 FN £5
979 VG £4
1004 FN £5
1006 VF £7
1009 VF £7
1010 VF £7
1011 VF £7
1012 VF £7
1094 FN/VF £6
1095 VF £7
1096 FN/VF £6
1097 FN/VF £6
1098 FN/VF £6
1099 FN/VF £6
1100 FN/VF £6 Pictured below
1121 FN/VF £6
1134 VF £7
1135 VF £7
1137 VF £7
1138 FN/VF £6
1182 VF £7
1183 FN/VF £6
1184 VF £7
1185 FN/VF £6
1186 FN/VF £6
1187 FN/VF £6
1190 VF £7
1191 FN/VF £6
1193 FN/VF £6
1196 FN/VF £6
1213 VF £7
1214 VF £7
1215 FN/VF £6
1216 VF £7
1218 VF £7
1219 VF £7
1220 FN/VF £6
1255 FN/VF £6
1257 VF £7
1259 VF £7
1263 VF £7
1265 VF £7
1267 VF £7
1268 VF £7
1269 FN £5
1271 FN/VF £6
1275 FN £5
1277 FN £5
1282 VF £7
1283 VF £7
1284 VF £7
1286 FN/VF £6
1301 VF £7
1302 GD £3 Cover loose
1303 VF £7
1304 FN/VF £6
1305 FM/VF £6
1307 FN/VF £6
1308 VG £4 Cover coming loose
1325 VF £7
1330 FN/VF £6
1331 FN/VF £6
1337 FN £5
1339 FN/VF £6
1340 FN/VF £6
1341 FN/VF £6
1343 VF £7
1344 FN £5
1345 FN £5
1346 FN/VF £6
1347 FN/VF £6
1348 VF £7
1349 FN/VF £6
1356 VF £7
1358 FN/VF £6
7 VG £4
30 FN £3
36 FN £3
40 VG £2.50
41 FN £3
41 VG £2.50
42 GD £2
48 VG £2.50
51 VG £2.50
68 FN £3
68 VG £2.50 2 available
70 FN £3
70 VG £2.50 2 available
72 VF £4
72 VG £2.50
72 FN £3
77 FN £3 2 available
79 FN £3 3 available
80 VF £4
81 GD £2
81 VF £4
81 FN £3
83 VF £4
108 VG £2.50 Small price sticker
109 VF £4 3 available
112 VF £4
115 VF £4
115 FN £3
121 VF £4
31 VG £9
210 VF £10 A Heart At Stake
211 VF £10 Without Love
213 FN/VF £9 A Girl Pursued
214 FN £8 Love On Trial
222 FN/VF £9 An Illusion Of Love
229 VF £10 She Played It Cool
230 VF £10 Stranger In The Town
232 FN/VF £9 Don’t Stop Loving Me
233 VF £10 Catch That Dream
239 FN/VF ££9 Breaking Up
240 FN/VF £9 That Beats All
241 FN/VF £9 She Can’t Be You
242 FN/VF £9 Lonesome
243 FN/VF £9 Because I Love You
244 FN/VF £9 Her Tender Look
245 FN £8 And Now My Love
248 FN £8 Johnny’s Girl
250 FN/VF £9 You And Me For Always
254 VF £10 Wayward Girl
262 VG/FN £7 Like Honey
263 FN £8 Please Me Pearla
264 FN/VF £9 His Kind Og Girl
265 FN £8 Blue-Eyed And Handsome
267 VG/FN £7 Leading Lady
269 VF £10 Drum Beat
271 FN £8 A Heart In Chains
274 FN/VF £9 Our Tomorrow
275 VF £10 Don’t Fool Me
298 GD/VG £5 Say It Again
306 VF £8 £8 Way Out Romance
311 VF £8 Ring Me
312 FN/VF £7 Blue Beat
313 FN/VF £7 When?
325 FN £6 She’s Sweet Sweet Sweet
330 FN £6 The Right To Love
348 VG/FN £5 My Secret Heart
351 FN £6 Love Is A Game
357 FN/VF £7 Nothing Will Stop Me
372 FN £6 You Can’t Have Her
376 FN/VF £7 The Guessing Game
385 FN £6 Ticket To The Stars
387 VG/FN £5 Look For Love
388 FN £6 Happy Heart
395 VG/FN £5 Boy
406 FN £6 Model Girl
408 VF £8 Too Proud To Love
5 VG £12 Sue And The Cake Mystery
6 FN £15 Sally On TV
6 VG £12 Sally On TV
6 GD/VG £10 Sally On TV
8 FN £15 Sally & The Golden Cockerel
10 FN £15 Sally & The Ice Ballet
12 FN £12 Sally’s Christmas Ballet
12 VG £9 Sally’s Christmas Ballet
16 VG £9 Sally & The Jungle Ballet
16 GD £7 Sally & The Jungle Ballet 2 available
23 FN £12 Sue – A Dog’s Best Friend
24 FN £12 Sally At The Rose Chateau
25 VF £15 Sue – Racing Driver
25 VG £9 Sue – Racing Driver
26 VF £15 Sally – Highland Dancer
26 FN £12 Sally – Highland Dancer
28 VF £15 Sally In Venice
28 GD/VG £8 Sally In Venice
30 FN/VF £13.50 Sally’s Fiesta Ballet
31 VF £15 Vote For Sue
31 FN £12 Vote For Sue 2 available
37 VG/FN £10.50 Sue’s Hot Doggery
39 FN £12 Sue & The Moon Visitors
39 GD £7 Sue & The Moon Visitors
41 VG £9 Sue’s Sit-Down Strike
49 FN £12 Sue – Maid Of Sherwood
53 FN £9 Sue And The Chinese Puzzle
55 VF £12 Sue’s Circus Secret
55 VG £7 Sue’s Circus Secre
55 GD/VG £6 Sue’s Circus Secret
56 FN £9 Sally & The Lake Of Swans
57 VF £12 Sue Saves The Band
57 FN/VF £10.50 Sue Saves The Band
57 GD £5 Sue Saves The Band
58 FN/VF £10.50 Sally’s Journey Of Peril
58 FN £9 Sally’s Journey Of Peril
63 FN £9 Sue’s Stone Of Mystery 2 available
67 FN/VF £10.50 Sue & The Amazing Dummy
68 FN £9 Julie’s Gentle Giant
69 VF £12 Sue’s Baby Elephant
69 FN £9 Sue’s Baby Elephant
79 VG £7 Sue’s Riding Secret
85 VG/FN £8 Craziest Girl At Springcliffe
86 VG/FN £8 Flourette’s Days Of Danger
87 FN/VF £10.50 Julie & The Time Machine
87 FN £9 Julie & The Time Machine
88 FN £9 Riddle Of The Alpine Snows
88 GD £5 Riddle Of The Alpine Snows
89 VG/FN £8 Sue & The Mystery Rider
90 VG/FN £8 Jenny-Live-Wire Girl Reporter
91 FN/VF £10.50 Uncle Lionel’s Patent Pop-Singer
91 VG £7 Uncle Lionel’s Patent Pop-Singer
92 FN/VF £10.50 Sally & The Castle Secret
92 VG £7 Sandra & The Castle Secret
94 VG £7 Adventure Cruise
95 VF £12 Uncle Lionel’s Flying House
95 FN/VF £10.50 Uncle Lionel’s Flying House
95 FN £9 Uncle Lionel’s Flying House
95 GD/VG £6 Uncle Lionel’s Flying House
96 FN/VF £10.50 Pom-Pom – Circus Star
96 VG £7 Pom-Pom – Circus Star
97 VF £12 Her Highness Tilly Tuffin
97 FN £9 Her Highness Tilly Tuffin
98 VF £12 Danger In Hong Kong
98 FN £9 Danger In Hong Kong
100 VF £12 Riddle Of The Desert 2 available
101 FN/VF £10.50 Julie – Schoolgirl On Wings
101 FN £9 Julie – Schoolgirl On Wings
102 FN £9 The Secret Of Cabin 13
104 VF £12 Janie & The Boy Outlaw
104 FN £9 Janie & The Boy Outlaw 2 available
104 VG/FN £8 Janie & The Boy Outlaw
105 VF £12 Detective Tilly
105 FN/VF £10.50 Detective Tilly
105 FN £9 Detective Tilly
106 VG/FN £8 Jill On Danger Trail
106 VG £7 Jill On Danger Trail
108 FN £9 Cherry’s Alpine Christmas 2 available
108 VG £7 Cherry’s Alpine Christmas
109 FN/VF £10.50 Julie’s Pet Monster
109 GD/VG £6 Julie’s Pet Monster
110 VF £12 Heroine Of Invaded Isle
110 VG £7 Heroine Of Invaded Isle
112 VF £12 Rivals Of The Circus
112 FN £9 Rivals Of The Circus
114 FN/VF £10.50 Trudy’s Chinese Quest
114 VG £7 Trudy’s Chinese Quest
116 FN £9 Girl Of The Gold Rush
116 FA/GD £4 Girl Of The Gold Rush; minor scribble front page
118 FN £9 Schoolgirl Fighters For France
120 FN/VF £18 Runaway Sisters; final issue
120 FN £15 Runaway Sisters; final issue
1 VG £25 Tracy’s Fabulous Fur
1 GD/VG £30 Penny, Pop-Star Pupil
4 VF/NM £30 Morning Star
8 VF/NM £28 Adventure In Amsterdam
8 FA £10 Adventure In Amsterdam
12 VF/NM £28 Joyce And The Golden Medallion
14 NM £30 Jenny, Cub Reporter
19 VF/NM £28 Come To Moor House Fair
20 VF £26.25 Elissa & The Shaft Of Silence
20 VF/NM £28 Elissa & The Shaft Of Silence
23 FN £18.75 Ann & Sally Pony-Trekking
24 VF/NM £25 Juanita & The Gypsies
28 VF £22.50 Cave Of Secrets
37 VF/NM £25 Connie In Italy
38 VF £22.50 California Here We Come
44 FN £18.75 Bettina Takes A Bow
45 FA £6 Tom & The Magician; no back cover
49 VF £22.50 Prisoner At Pendledown
3 GD £20 Secret Of Sunshine Camp
4 GD £20 Vera At Mystery Manor
8 FA £15 Rosalind & The Young Highwayman
9 FA/GD £17.50 The Fourth Grey Ghost
10 GD £20 Brenda’s Holywood Quest
12 GD £20 Vera’s Christmas Adventure
13 VG £25 Jan Of Mountain School
13 GD £20 Jan Of Mountain School
15 GD £20 Schoolgirl Riders To The Rescue
15 FA/GD £17.50 Schoolgirl Riders To The Rescue
18 GD £20 Her Mission For The King
22 VG £20 Their Stowaway Friend
23 GD £15 Mystery At Waterside School 2 available
25 GD £20 Again The Grey Ghosts
29 FA £12.50 To Save A Princess
33 GD £15 Secret Of Headland House
36 GD/VG £17.50 Jill Crusoe – Castaway
37 PR/FA £11.25 Sally – Sensation Of The School
38 FA/GD £13.75 Pine Valley Adventure
39 GD £15 Denise And Her Desert Quest
42 GD £15 Rivals Of The Alpine School
42 FA £12.50 Rivals Of the Alpine School
46 GD £15 The Girl In The Crimson Cloak
47 GD/VG £17.50 Susan And The Treasure Hunters
47 GD £15 Susan And The Treasure Hunters
49 VG £20 Loyal To The Co-ed Outcast
50 FA £12.50 Pam’s Perilous Masquerade
51 GD £10 Yasmin And The Golden Pyramid
54 GD £10 Secret Rider From Highwood Hall
54 FA £8 Secret Rider From Highwood Hall
54 PR/FA £7 Secret Rider From Highwood Hall
55 GD £10 False Friends From The East
56 FN £20 Mystery Of Mandyke Manor
57 FN £20 Solak The Wolf Dog
58 GD £15 The Silent Three At St. Kit’s
59 FN £20 The Merrymakers In Italy
59 VG/FN £17.50 The Merrymakers In Italy
59 GD £10 The Merrymakers In Italy
60 VG/FN £17.50 Flight To Freedom
60 GD/VG £12.50 Flight To Freedom
60 FA £8 Flight To Freedom
64 VG £15 Jenny, Girl Reporter
70 VG £15 Patsy’s Circus Days
73 GD £10 Their Amazing Chinese Journey
74 VG/FN £17.50 Mystery Of The Masked Mannequin
77 VG £15 Her Royal Masquerade
77 GD £10 Her Royal Masquerade
78 FN £20 Lost In Red Man’s Land
78 VG £15 Lost In Red Man’s Land
78 GD £10 Lost In Red Man’s Land
80 VG/FN £17.50 The Merrymakers In Arabia
80 GD £10 The Merrymakers In Arabia
82 VG/FN £17.50 School Romance
82 GD £10 School Romance
82 FA £8 School Romance
83 GD/VG £12.50 Mary & The Boy Fugitive
86 PR £6 Diane Of St Dane’s
91 FN £20 Secret Of Swan Island
92 FN £20 Journey Into Danger
93 VG £15 Janie & The Boy Outlaw
95 GD £10 Runaway To The Circus 3 available
95 FA £8 Runaway To The Circus
96 VG/FN £17.50 Jon Of The Jungle 2 available
96 GD/VG £12.50 Jon Of The Jungle
99 VG £15 Mary & The Masked Pirate
100 VG £15 Jungle Princess
102 FN £15 Trudy’s Chinese Quest
102 GD/VG £9 Trudy’s Chinese Quest
102 GD £8 Trudy’s Chinese Quest
104 VG £10 Mystery At Moorland School
105 FN £15 Anita – Beloved Princess
105 GD £8 Anita – Beloved Princess
108 FN £15 Cherry Comes To Alpine School
111 FN £15 Mystery Boy Sheik
111 VG/FN £12.50 Mystery Boy Sheik
113 VG £10 The Young Overlanders
114 VG/FN £12.50 Schoolgirl Fighters For France
116 GD £8 Mystery Dog Of The Highlands
117 VG/FN £12.50 Circus Of Perils
121 VG £10 Yank At St. Celia’s
123 VG/FN £12.50 Anita – Princess In Peril
125 FN £15 To Save Cleopatra
126 FN £15 Phantom Smuggler Of Falcon Bay
128 VG £10 Jungle Quest
128 FA £6 Jungle Quest
130 VG/FN £12.50 Wong & Pete Investigate
132 VG/FN £12.50 Merle’s Voyage Of Mystery
138 VG £10 Mystery Pony 2 available
142 FN £15 Dangerous Journey
142 VG £10 Dangerous Journey
150 FN/VF £17.50 Rebels Of Invaded Isle
150 VG £10 Rebels Of Invaded Isle 2 available
151 FN £15 Temple Of Secrets
151 FA/GD £7 Temple Of Secrets
154 FN £15 Young Fugitives
154 GD £8 Young Fugitives
156 FN £15 Strange Inheritance
156 VG £10 Strange Inheritance 2 available
158 VG/FN £12.50 They Won An Island
160 VG/FN £12.50 School On A Liner
161 VG/FN £12.50 My Sister Rosa
164 FN £15 Kennel-Girl Detective 3 available
165 FN/VF £17.50 Moor Mystery
167 FN £15 Venture To The New World 2 available
169 FN/VF £17.50 The Scheme That Shook The School
172 VG/FN £12.50 Topsy’s Mystery Uncle
174 FN £15 That Amazing Princess Anita 2 available
174 FA £6 That Amazing Princess Anita
175 VG/FN £12.50 An Otter Comes To School
175 VG £10 An Otter Comes To School
175 GD £8 An Otter Comes To School
177 VG/FN £12.50 Desert Taxi
178 FN £15 Jenny & The Spaceman
179 VG £10 Peewits’ Circus Adventure 2 available
179 GD £8 Peewit’s Circus Adventure
181 VG/FN £12.50 Moyra’s Magic Talisman
181 GD £8 Moyra’s Magic Talisman
182 VG/FN £12.50 Schoolgirl Castaways
183 FN £15 The Peewits Buy A Donkey
183 VG/FN £12.50 The Peewits Buy A Donkey
183 VG £10 The Peewits Buy A Donkey
184 VG £10 Dixie Of Dockland
185 VG/FN £12.50 Our Friend Umpha
186 VG/FN £12.50 Livewire Nora Again
187 FN £15 The Peewits On The Trail
187 VG/FN £12.50 The Peewits On The Trail
187 VG £10 The Peewits On The Trail
187 GD £8 The Peewits On The Trail
189 FN £15 Wild Dog Of The Snows
189 VG £10 Wild Dog Of The Snows
191 FN £15 Fireworks With The Peewits
191 VG/FN £12.50 Fireworks With The Peewits
191 VG £10 Fireworks With The Peewits
192 FN £15 Sheila Of The Silver Skates
193 FN £15 The Miser Of Marshwick
194 FN £15 Aunt Melinda’s Ghosts
194 VG £10 Aunt Melinda’s Ghosts
195 FN £15 Christmas At St. Bridget’s
196 FN £15 Danger Trail
196 FA/GD £7 Danger Trail
197 FN £15 Tina Joins The Circus
197 VG/FN £12.50 Tina Joins The Circus
199 VG £10 It All belongs To Molly 2 available
200 VG/FN £12.50 The Cockney Kids
201 FN £10 Meet The Rolling Stones
201 VG £8 Meet The Rolling Stones
202 VG/FN £9 Blaze – Wonder Dog
203 FN £10 The Peewits Play Cupid 2 available
203 VG £8 The Peewits Play Cupid
204 FN £10 The Roving Regans 2 available
204 VG/FN £9 The Roving Regans
205 FN/VF £11 Topsy Goes To Sea
206 FN £10 Runaways To Freedom
207 GD/VG £7.25 Operation Curlew
210 VG £8 Tina Takes Charge
211 FN £10 The Peewits’ Seaside Mystery
212 GD/VG £7.25 Jenny Wren Of Ward 10
213 VG/FN £9 Blaze – Film Star
213 VG £8 Blaze – Film Star
214 VG £8 Mystery At Goosehays
215 FN £10 Secret Of The Aerodrome
222 FN £10 Shiney On The Farm
223 VG £8 The Peewits Take The Stage 2 available
224 FN £10 Adventure For Four
224 VG/FN £9 Adventure For Four
225 VG/FN £9 Jess O’The Wagons
226 VG/FN £9 A Yank At Hazelford
227 VG/FN £9 The Kids Among The Rebels
229 FN £10 Kim & The Lion
229 GD/VG £7.25 Kim & The Lion
229 GD £6.50 Kim & The Lion
230 GD/VG £7.25 Rilla – Junior Reporter
231 VG/FN £9 Mystery Pupil At Island School
232 FN/VF £11 Josie’s Farming Days
232 VG £8 Josie’s Farming Days
233 FN £10 Suzie – Patriot
233 VG £8 Suzie – Patriot
234 VG/FN £9 Case Of The Spy In The Sky
234 VG £8 Case Of The Spy In The Sky
235 FN £10 Fugitive Princess 2 available
236 FN £10 Northland Trail
236 VG/FN £9 Northland Trail
236 VG £8 Northland Trail
238 FN £10 The Peewits And The Fete
239 FN £10 Circus Girl At School
239 VG/FN £9 Circus Girl At School
245 FA/GD £5.75 Julie Of the South Seas
253 VG/FN £9 Cherry In Texas (Rolling Stones))
262 VG £8 Case Of The Runaway Duke
265 FN £10 Jaunting With Jessica
265 VG/FN £9 Jaunting With Jessica
266 FN £10 Two Girls In A Boat
269 VG £8 The Kids In Haunted Castle
280 FN £10 Susan & The Treasure Seekers
287 VG £8 Bunty The Bombshell
291 VG £8 Crazy Days (with the Three Bright Girls)
300 GD/VG £7.25 The Plan That Rocked The School
306 FN £10 Star Of The Highboard
310 FN £10 Zanna – Queen Of The Jungle
311 FN £10 Saddle Up, Paddy
312 FN/VF £11 Adventure For 3
313 FN £10 Zanna And The Valley Of Flame
317 FN £10 100 Dogs And A Girl
317 VG/FN £9 100 Dogs And A Girl
323 FN/VF £11 Schoolgirl Detective
324 VF £12 The Young Detectives
326 FN £10 Roma’s Ragamuffins
1 VG £12 How True My Love
2 VG £8 A Life Of Her Own
9 FN £10 Marry For Love
10 VG £8 Heartbreak
626 FN/VF £5.50
627 FN/VF £5.50
628 FN £5
629 FN/VF £5.50
630 FN/VF £5.50
631 FN/VF £5.50
632 FN/VF £5.50
634 FN/VF £5.50
635 FN/VF £5.50
636 FN/VF £5.50
637 VF £6
638 FN/VF £5.50
639 FN/VF £5.50
640 FN/VF £5.50
642 FN/VF £5.50
647 FN/VF £5.50
648 FN/VF £5.50
650 FN/VF £5.50
652 FN/VF £5.50
654 FN/VF £5.50
655 VF £6
659 VF £6
659 FN/VF £5.50
660 FN/VF £5.50
661 VF £6 2 available
667 VF £6
674 VF £6
676 VF £6
678 VF £6
682 FN £5
687 FN £5
687 FN/VF £5.50
688 FN £5 2 available
689 VF £6
690 FN/VF £5.50
691 FN/VF £5.50 Pictured below
693 FN/VF £5.50
694 FN/VF £5.50
695 FN/VF £5.50
697 VG/FN £4.50
698 VG/FN £4.50
700 FN £5
701 FN/VF £5.50
704 VF £6
705 VF £6
707 FN/VF £5.50
708 VF £6
709 VF £6
713 VF £6
720 VG/FN £4.50
724 FN/VF £5.50
725 VF £6
726 VF £6
729 VF £6
731 FN/VF £5.50
732 VF £6
733 VF £6
734 FN £5
738 FN £6