We list all comics individually from the Silver Age and up to approximately the end of the Bronze Age. For the most popular titles we extend the range into the 1980s or later.
(A small ‘p’ after the grade denotes a UK distributed pence copy; after the direct market started, comics were dual-priced in cents and pence as distributed worldwide, with cents only copies being US newsstand, but we do not show direct market copies as pence.)
For Marvel/Atlas/Timely Horror, War, Western, Romance & Teen Humour see the GENRES part of the catalogue. For Timely and Atlas super-hero comics and those outside these genres, see the MISCELLANEOUS 1940-1959 category.
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
8 GD- p £40 Pence stamped. Wall-to-wall Ditko of course. Multiple book shop stamps on cover. Solid enough with good staples, corner blunting, edge wear and a few colour-breaking creases. Pictured below.
4 GD- £40 All Kirby and Ditko. Features Dr Droom story, regarded as the first Marvel super-hero. Two small book shop stamps. Structurally solid with good staples; heavy creasing breaking colour to right edge of title logo. Lesser creasing at edges, corner blunting. Pictured below.
3 VF- £14.75
4 FN- £7
5 VF+ £33 Adams art
5 FN+ p £13.75 Adams art
6 FN £12.25 Adams art
6 VG+ p £8.50 Adams art
8 VG/FN £10.25 Adams art; last Black Widow
9 GD/VG p £5.75
10 FN £10 Last Inhumans
13 GD- p £8
15 FN £17
15 VG p £10.50
16 VG/FN £14.25
16 GD/VG £8.75
16 FA £3.25
20 FN+ p £3.50
22 FN/VF £4.25
23 FN/VF £4.25
27 VF p £4.75 2 available
28 VF p £4.75 2 available
28 VF- £4.75
29 VF £4.75
29 FN p £3.25
30 FN/VF £4.25
30 FN/VF p £4
33 VF- p £4.25
34 FN p £3.25
35 FN+ £4
39 FN p £3.25 Final issue
See under ‘S’
2 VG/FN £6.25
3 FN/VF £14.25
5 VG/FN p £7.50
5 VG £6.75
16 FN- p £3
21 VG p £6 It The Living Colossus Begins
21 GD/VG p £4.75 It The Living Colossus Begins
22 VG £5
27 FN+ £8.50
28 FN/VF £9.50
30 FN £7.50
31 VF p £8.25
32 VF- £7.50
33 FN p £4.75
33 VG/FN £4.25
34 VF+ p £9
34 VG+ £4
35 FN- £4.75
36 VF+ £10
36 FN £5
4 VF- p £2,800 1st Silver Age Captain America. This is a fabulous pence printed copy of this historic issue, bright and colourful, fresh and glossy. The corners are sharp and the pages a supple white to off-white. There is an absolute minimum of wear at edges and spine, a soft, barely discernible crease across the bottom corner of the back cover (with no colour break), and the staples are tight and firm at spine and centrefold, just a little bit behind centre spine. Very slight tanning to bottom edges of inner covers, but a copy that just glows with quality! High resolution images are available on request.
4 GD/VG p £1000 1st Silver Age Captain America; a cover unmarked except for some fine creasing at the bottom of the spine and along the bottom edge. The staples are firmly attached at the centre; the upper staple is loose at the front cover only, with a small tear of less than 1 cm and no loss. There is just a touch of Marvel chipping to the right edge and the top edge of the back cover is a little ragged. Page quality is a fairly nice off-white. Cover colours aren’t vibrant, but are quite reasonable. High resolution images are available on request.
10 VG p £245 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Immortus. Pence stamped, wear at staples area, with top staple detached from cover, cream to off-white pages, unmarked cover with good colour, otherwise just minor edge wear and corner blunting.
14 VG p £40 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence stamped. Decent copy with rich colour; some colour-breaking creasing across top edge and corners. Pictured below.
See Will’s Lockdown Interlude article The ‘WandaMySister’ Years: Best. Avengers. Ever!
18 FN £32
18 App FN £30 The Good Doctor Collection. Nice clean copy with short colour-breaking crease across number box. Good staples and pages. Ad page out; story complete.
21 FN/VF £110 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Power Man. Tight and unmarked, with just a suggestion of a reading crease at the spine not breaking colour. Square corners, firm staples, nice supple white to off-white pages. Pictured below
22 FN- £50 The Good Doctor Collection. Tight with bright colours, unmarked but for a colour-breaking crease along bottom of a right edge ending in a tiny chip out. Small dinks at bottom spine and top right corner. Firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. Pictured below
23 VF £200 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Ravonna. A superb cents copy, with clear cover and bright colours. Virtually no wear (just a tiny bit at edges), staples tight and firm at spine and centrefold, supple and beautiful off-white pages; sharp corners. There are a couple of small crease marks at the base of the spine, one of which very faintly breaks colour for about 1 cm.
26 FN/VF p £55 The Good Doctor Collection.Clean white background and strong colours. Unmarked, with very slight corner blunting. Only very minor edge wear. Firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. Pictured below
26 FN+ p £26
28 VF- p £150 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Collector, Giant-Man returns as Goliath. A solid, clean pence printed copy with bright cover colurs and gloss against a pure white background. Supple off-white pages and tight, firm staples. No cover marks except for a couple of short creases in the masthead box which only break colour for a miniscule amount at the spine edge. A lovely copy. Pictured below.
29 FN+ p £29 The Good Doctor Collection.
30 VF £55 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below.
30 FN p £19.75
31 FN £22 The Good Doctor Collection.
32 FN+ p £26 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Bill Foster
33 FN+ £29
33 VG+ £14.75
34 VF+ £59 1st Living Laser
35 VG+ p £20.75
36 FN p £17.75
36 VG p £11.75
37 VF+ p £54
37 FN+ p £22.50
37 VG- p £11.50
38 VF p £37
38 FN p £17.50 2 available
38 VG p £11.75
39 FN p £17.50
40 VF+ p £54
41 FN- p £20 The Good Doctor Collection.
42 FN- p £14.25
42 FN p £15.50
44 VG £15 The Good Doctor Collection.
45 VF £55 The Good Doctor Collection. Great copy with glossy cover, near white pages, tight, firm staples and only minimal edge and corner wear. Pictured below.
46 VF+ p £48
50 VF+ £53
50 VF- £32
55 VF+ £175 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st full Ultron. Glossy cover with vivid colour and bright white background. Staples tight and firm at spine and centrefold, supple white to off-white pages. Just the tiniest corner rounding to bottom spine and bottom right corner; no other wear.
55 FA/GD p £25 1st full Ultron; generally sound, but covers detached and separated
56 VF p £50 The Good Doctor Collection. Excellent copy with just minor reading wear at spine.
56 VF- p £35
59 VG £25 The Good Doctor Collection.
61 VF p £30
63 FN/VF p £21.50
63 VG+ p £15
63 VG+ p £15 The Good Doctor Collection.
64 VF £33
64 VG+ p £10
65 VF- £35 The Good Doctor Collection.
65 FN p £13.25 Off lower staple
66 VF p £38
66 FN/VF p £35 The Good Doctor Collection.
67 VG+ p £20 The Good Doctor Collection.
67 VG £14.75
68 FN/VF p £20.50
68 FN £14.75 Off lower staple
69 FN/VF p £95 The Good Doctor Collection. Kang and Growing Man; 1st brief app. Squadron Sinister. Very colourful and glossy copy with just minor handling wear. Pence printed. Pictured below.
70 FN £55 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st full Squadron Sinister. Nice glossy copy with quite moderate handling wear. Pictured below
72 VF- £30 The Good Doctor Collection.
73 VG p £7.50
74 VF p £39
74 VF- £35 The Good Doctor Collection.
74 FN p £11
77 FN/VF p £18.25
77 VG/FN p £9.25
78 VF+ £40 1st Lethal Legion
78 VF+ p £36 1st Lethal Legion
78 VG+ p £12 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Lethal Legion
79 FN p £11 Off lower staple
80 VG/FN p £30 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Red Wolf
81 FN/VF £24 The Good Doctor Collection.
81 VG/FN p £9.25
82 FN+ p £30
83 VG+ p £60 1st Valkyrie & Lady Liberators. Colourful and glossy, good staples, nice pages. Spine and edge wear, small soft creases to top right corner, just breaking colour.
84 VG- p £6.50 Off lower staple
84 App VG+ p £5.75 The Good Doctor Collection. Colour touches; off lower staple
85 FN p £35 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence stamped. A few crease marks at spine and on cover, some edge wear. Faint central vertical crease. Nothing colour breaking. Nice supple pages; firm, tight staples. Pictured below
86 FN £14.75 The Good Doctor Collection.
87 VF+ £100 The Good Doctor Collection. Origin of the Black Panther. A beautiful slick copy with vibrant yellow background that really pops and great colour everywhere. Square corners, tight, firm staples and near white pages. Just some minor spine handling wear on the back cover only, and a small crease at bottom of back cover are the only defects. Pictured below.
88 FN/VF p £24.75
88 VG+ p £10
88 VG+ p £10 The Good Doctor Collection.
88 VG p £9
94 VF- £38 The Good Doctor Collection. Adams art
94 FN/VF p £36 Adams art
96 VG+ p £13.25 Adams art
96 VG+ p £13.25 The Good Doctor Collection. Adams art
96 VG- £11.50 Adams art
97 FN+ p £20
99 VG p £7.50 Barry Smith art; off lower staple
104 FN p £9
106 NM p £37
106 NM- p £27.25
106 VG+ p £6.75
107 VF- p £17.50
108 VG/FN p £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
108 VG p £6
109 VF p £18.25
109 FN p £9
111 VF p £31 Magneto & the X-Men. Pictured below
113 VF p £17.50
115 VF/NM p £22
115 FN p £6.75
115 VG+ p £5.25 The Good Doctor Collection
116 VF+ p £26
116 VF p £24 2 available
116 VF- p £23.50
117 VF p £20
117 FN/VF p £17.50 2 available
117 FN+ p £14.75
117 FN+ p £14.75 The Good Doctor Collection
117 FN p £11
118 VF p £24
118 VF- p £23.50
118 FN p £12.25 The Good Doctor Collection
119 VF+ p £18
119 VF £15.50 The Good Doctor Collection
119 VF p £14
119 FN+ p £8.50
120 VF p £14 4 available
120 VF- £13.50 The Good Doctor Collection
123 VF £15.50 The Good Doctor Collection
126 FN/VF £11.50 The Good Doctor Collection
127 VF+ £24.25 The Good Doctor Collection
128 VF £15.50 The Good Doctor Collection
129 VF+ £95 Dramatic Kang cover and story; tight, flat and glossy copy; the slight colouring irregularity above the logo is a printing defect we have seen on all copies.
130 VF/NM £24.25
130 VF/NM £24.25 The Good Doctor Collection
131 VF- £60 The Good Doctor Collection. 2nd Wonder Man; nice and glossy, with just a little edge wear. Pictured below.
133 VF £13 The Good Doctor Collection
134 FN/VF £14.25
138 VF+ £16 The Good Doctor Collection
139 FN £7.50
139 VG/FN £6.25 The Good Doctor Collection
140 VF+ £18
140 FN+ £9
140 FN £7.50
140 FN £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
143 VF+ £11 The Good Doctor Collection
145 VF/NM £10 The Good Doctor Collection
147 VF £9 The Good Doctor Collection
148 VF- £8 The Good Doctor Collection
149 VF £9
149 FN/VF £7
149 FN £5
153 FN £5
157 FN p £4.75
160 FN/VF p £5.75
163 FN £5
166 FN/VF p £7.25
168 VF/NM p £11.75
169 NM p £7.50
169 VF p £4.75
169 FN p £3.25
173 VF p £6 2 available
173 FN/VF p £5.25
176 FN/VF p £5.25
179 VF p £4.75
180 VF p £4.75
182 VF p £6 2 available
189 VF £6.25
190 NM p £8.75
190 VF p £6 2 available
191 VF/NM p £7.50
191 VF p £6
192 VF £3.75
192 FN p £2.25 2 available
193 FN/VF p £3.25
194 VF p £3.75
195 NM- p £25 1st Taskmaster cameo;
195 FN+ p £20 1st Taskmaster cameo
197 VF p £3.75
199 VF p £4
201 VF p £3.25
202 VF p £7.50
203 VF p £3.25
206 FN/VF p £2.75
207 VF/NM p £3.50
208 VF p £3.25
214 VF/NM £5
215 VF £4.25
216 VF/NM £4.75
226 VF £3.50 3 available
229 FN £2.75
231 VF £3.50 2 available
233 FN £2.75
234 NM £4.25
235 NM £4.25
235 VF/NM £4
235 VF £3.50
238 FN £2.75
239 VF £4.25 2 available
240 NM £8.25
240 VF £4.25
241 VF £3 2 available
241 FN £2.25
242 VF £3 3 available
244 VF/NM £3.25
244 VF £3 2 available
245 VF/NM £3.25
245 VF £3 2 available
246 VF+ £15 1st Maria Rambeau
247 NM £3.50
247 VF £3 2 available
248 VF £3 3 available
249 VF £3 2 available
249 FN £2.25
250 FN £3.25
251 FN £2.25
256 VF £3
265 FN £1.75
278 VF £2.25
284 FN £2.25
285 FN £2.25
286 VF £2.25 2 available
287 NM £2.75
287 VF £2.25 2 available
288 VF £2.25 2 available
289 VF £2.25 3 available
290 NM £2.75
290 VF £2.25 2 available
292 VF £2.25 2 available
294 VF £2.25 3 available
295 NM £2.75
295 VF £2.25
295 FN £1.75
297 VF £2.25
297 FN £1.75
298 VF £2.25 2 available
299 VF £2.25
300 VF £4.25 3 available
360 VF/NM £18 30th Anniversary special
363 VF/NM £18 30th Anniversary special
Ann 2 VF £145 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Scarlet Centurion. Solid squarebound spine, flat, tight and glossy, lustrous unmarked black background. Tiny suggestion of very minor glue puckering at spine. Excellent copy.
Ann 9 VF £4.25
Giant-Size 5 FN £10
42 FN/VF £2.50
43 VF £3
43 FN £2
46 VF £4.25 1st Great Lakes Avengers. Pictured below. 2 available
47 NM- £3
47 VF/NM £2.75
47 VF £2.50
48 VF/NM £2.75
48 NM £3
48 VF+ £2.50
49 VF/NM £2.75 2 available
49 FN £1.75
50 FN/VF £2
50 VF £2.50
50 FN £1.75
51 VF £2.50
52 VF+ £2.75 2 available
52 FN/VF £2.25
53 NM £3
53 VF/NM £2.75
54 VF/NM £2.75
57 VF+ £2.75
57 VF £2.50
57 FN/VF £2.25
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
1 VF+ £25 2 available
1 VF £22 Pictured below
2 VF £5
2 VF p £4.75
9 VG p £2
1 VF+ p £30 Pictured below
4 FN/VF £12.25 The Bute Collection.
7 FN p £6.75 The Bute Collection.
8 VF+ p £18 The Bute Collection.
9 FN p £6.75 The Bute Collection.
10 VF- p £11
10 FN+ p £8.50 The Bute Collection.
11 VF- p £11
11 FN p £6.75 The Bute Collection.
12 VF p £14
12 VF p £14 The Bute Collection.
13 VG/FN p £5.75 The Bute Collection.
13 VG p £4.75
14 FN p £6.75 The Bute Collection.
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
102 FN+ £55 The Good Doctor Collection. Bright colours and gloss, tight staples, off-white pages. Slight edge wear, one tiny colour-breaking crease across very edge of bottom right corner. Pictured below
105 FN/VF £35 The Good Doctor Collection.Pictured below
105 VG- £8.75
106 VF+ £65 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
107 FN/VF £50 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
108 VF+ p £45 Pictured below
111 GD/VG £23 Steranko cover and art. Cover a little dingy with small felt tip price over CCA box.
114 VF £55 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
114 VG+ p £29
114 VG- p £6.50 Loose centrefold; off lower staple
115 VF- £70 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
116 FN/VF £45 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
118 FN+ £60 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
119 FN £40 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below.
120 VG+ p £8.50 Off lower staple
121 VF- £16.50 The Good Doctor Collection
121 FN+ £12.50
121 VG/FN p £7.50 Off lower staple
122 VF £18.75 The Good Doctor Collection
125 FN £10
127 VF £18.75 The Good Doctor Collection
128 VF- £16.50 The Good Doctor Collection
129 FN/VF £14.25 The Good Doctor Collection
130 FN £10 The Good Doctor Collection
131 VF £18.75 The Good Doctor Collection
131 FN+ p £11
132 VF £18.75 The Good Doctor Collection
134 NM- £40 The Good Doctor Collection
137 VF- p £17.50
165 VF p £7.50 2 available
166 VF p £8.25
166 VG+ p £3.50
167 VG+ p £3.50
177 VF p £7.50
177 FN p £3.50
177 VG+ p £3.50
178 FN/VF p £6
179 FN/VF £6.50
180 VF p £85 1st Steve Rogers as Nomad. Lovely glossy, rich copy with just minor handling wear and a touch of white spine. Lies flat with near white pages and firm, tight staples. Pictured below.
181 VF+ p £14.25
182 VF p £6
182 FN/VF p £4.50
183 VF- £7
184 VF p £6
185 VF p £6 2 available
187 VF p £6
188 VG+ p £3.50
188 VG p £3
189 VG+ p £3.50
190 VF p £5.75
190 FN p £4.75
191 FN- £4
194 FN- p £4.25
195 FN p £4.75
196 VF p £7.50 2 available
197 FN/VF p £6
198 VF p £7.50 2 available
199 VF+ p £9
200 FN/VF p £6.50
200 FN+ p £5.50
201 FN £5
201 FN p £4.75
202 FN £4.25
202 FN p £4
202 VG p £3.25
203 VF p £4.75
203 VG p £3.25
204 VF p £6
205 VF p £6
206 FN+ p £5
206 FN- p £4.25
210 VF p £6
210 FN p £4.75
211 VF £6.75
211 FN/VF £5
211 FN p £4.75
282 NM- £25 1st Jack Monroe as Nomad. Beautiful tight, flat copy with square corners, rich colour and gloss. Near white pages, with just the tiniest sign of having been read at the top of the spine. Pictured below.
Ann 4 VF £13
2 VF- p £32
2 FN/VF £30 The Good Doctor Collection
3 FN/VF p £20.50
3 FN £14.75 The Good Doctor Collection
3 VG/FN £12.25
4 FN/VF £22.75 The Good Doctor Collection
5 VF p £28
5 FN/VF £22.75 The Good Doctor Collection
6 FN/VF £15
6 FN/VF £15 The Good Doctor Collection
6 FN/VF p £13.50
7 VF £20 The Good Doctor Collection
8 FN/VF p £13.50
8 FN £9.25
8 VF £20.25
8 VG/FN £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
9 VF- p £15 The Good Doctor Collection
9 GD/VG p £4.75
10 VG/FN £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
10 VG p £6
11 VF- p £13.25
11 FN- £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
11 FN p £9
12 FN £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
12 FN p £6.25
12 VG/FN p £4.75
13 VF £14
13 FN p £6.75 2 available
14 FN/VF £16.25
15 FN p £6.75
15 VG/FN £6.25
16 VF- £50 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st cameo new Captain Marvel. Pictured below
17 VF+ £80 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st full new Captain Marvel. Pictured below.
18 FN/VF p £55 Carol Danvers gains super-powers.
18 FN p £35 The Good Doctor Collection. Carol Danvers gain super-powers.
19 VG p £4.75
19 GD/VG p £3.50
21 VG p £7.50
25 VF p £70 Thanos cameo
26 VG+ p £38 2nd full Thanos; 1st Thanos cover
27 VG- p £33 3rd full Thanos; faint bookshop stamps.
28 FN/VF p £90 4th full Thanos; Avengers app.
29 VF+ p £65 Thanos cameo.
30 FA/GD p £3 The Good Doctor Collection
32 VG/FN £35 Thanos, Avengers app.
33 FN £43 Thanos.
34 FN p £20 1st Nitro; Captain M. contracts cancer.
35 FN+ £5.25
35 FN/VF p £5.25
35 FN p £4.75
35 VG p £3
36 FN+ p £5
36 FN p £4.25
37 FN+ p £5
37 FN p £4.75
38 FN/VF p £5.25
39 FN p £4.75
40 FN p £4
40 VG p £3.25
41 GD p £2
42 FN p £4.75
43 VF £6.75
43 FN/VF p £5.25
44 VF p £6
44 FN p £4.25
45 VG p £3
45 GD p £1.75 Lower watermark
46 FN p £4.75
47 FN p £4.75
48 VF+ p £6
48 VF p £5.50
48 FN/VF p £5
51 FN+ £5.50
52 FN £5
53 FN/VF p £5.50
53 FN+ p £5
53 FN p £4.75
54 FN/VF p £5.25
55 VF p £5.50 2 available
56 VF p £5.75
56 FN+ p £5
57 VG £3.25
58 FN p £4.75 2 available
59 FN+ p £5
60 VF p £5.75
60 FN+ p £5
61 VG/FN p £3.75
62 FN p £4.75 2 available
1 NM £25
1 VF/NM £15
2 VF+ p £10
2 FN p £4.25
3 NM £16.25
3 VF £9
3 FN/VF £6.50
4 FN p £4.25 2 available
5 FN p £4
6 VF £9
6 VF p £8.25
8 FN p £4.75
9 FN/VF £6
9 FN p £4.75
10 VF £9
10 FN p £4
11 FN p £4.75 2 available
CONAN (1970)
3 VF £90 A nice copy with great cover colour and gloss, tight staples, nice pages. Just a little discolour along a few cms of the top edge.
4 FN- £33
5 FN- p £17
11 VG/FN £14.25
12 VG p £7.50
15 VF- £27 Elric crossover
15 FN/VF p £20.50 Elric crossover
15 VG+ p £10 Elric crossover
18 VF p £19.75
19 VF p £24.75
20 VG+ p £8.50
21 VG+ p £6.75
21 GD £4.25 Water rippled
24 FN/VF p £70 1st Red Sonja cover. Very nice pence-printed copy with great gloss and colour. Very minor spine wear. Very soft, non colour-breaking crease across bottom right corner is barely discernable. Very tiny tear at right edge with no loss. Sharp corners, tight, firm staples, supple white to off-white pages. Pictured below.
28 FN/VF p £7.25
29 VF p £9.75 2 available
30 FN/VF p £7.25
32 VF p £6.75
34 FN/VF p £5.75
35 VF/NM p £8.25
35 VF p £6.75
35 FN/VF p £5.75
36 FN+ £5.75
37 VF+ £18.25
41 VF+ £7.50
42 VF- p £5.75
43 VF p £6
43 FN p £4.75
45 VF- p £6.25
45 FN+ p £4.75
46 VF £6.75 Mark Jewellers’ insert
47 VF p £6
48 VF p £6
48 FN/VF p £5.25
49 VF+ p £6.75
50 FN+ p £5
50 FN p £4.75
51 VF p £3.75 2 available
51 FN p £2.50
53 VF- £4
53 FN/VF £3.50
57 VF+ p £4.25
59 VF p £4
59 VF- p £3.50
60 VF £4.25
60 VF- p £3.50
60 FN/VF p £3.25
60 FN p £2.50
61 FN £2.75
61 VG+ p £1.75
62 VF/NM p £3.75
62 VF+ p £3.50
63 VF+ p £3.50
63 FN+ p £2.75
64 NM p £5
64 VF p £2.75
65 VF+ p £3.50
65 VF £3.50
66 VF £3.75 2 available
65 VG p 1.75
66 VF p £3.75
67 VF+ p £4
67 VF- p £3.50
67 FN/VF p £3.25
67 FN+ p £3
68 VF p £3.50
68 FN+ p £3
69 VF p £3.75
69 FN p £2.75
69 VG p £2
70 VF p £3.75
71 VF p £3.75 2 available
72 VF+ p £3.75
72 VF p £3.50 2 available
72 FN+ p £2.75
73 VF p £3.50
73 FN/VF p £3
74 VF p £3.50
75 VF p £3.50 2 available
76 VF p £4 2 available
76 FN/VF p £3.50
77 VF £3.50
77 VF p £3.25
77 FN p £2.75
78 VF £3.75
79 VF p £3.50 2 available
79 VF- p £2.75
79 FN+ p £2.75 2 available
79 FN p £2
80 VF p £3.75
80 VF- p £3.50
80 FN+ p £3
80 FN p £2.75
81 VF/NM p £4
94 VF £4
95 VF £4
105 VF £2.75
107 VF £2.75
110 VF £2.75
114 VF+ £2.75
123 FN £2
126 VF £2.75
129 VF p £2.50
130 VF £3 2 available
132 FN £2.25
136 VF £3
137 VF £3
139 FN/VF £3
140 VF £3
141 VF £3 2 available
142 VF £3
148 VF £3
149 FN £2.25
150 VF £3
151 FN £2.25
155 VF £3
156 VF £3 2 available
159 VF £3
171 VF £3
173 NM £3.50
174 VF £3
175 VF £3
180 VF £3
181 VF £3
181 VG £1.50
182 VF £3 2 available
183 VF £3
185 VF £3
186 VF £3
187 VF £3
190 VF £3
191 VF £3
193 NM £3.50
193 VF £3
217 VF £3
228 NM £3.50
229 VF £3
231 NM £3.50
233 VF £3
235 VF £3
248 VF £3
250 NM £5
253 NM £4.25
256 NM £4.25
261 NM £4.25
263 NM £4.25
266 NM £4.25
Ann 2 VF £7.75 2 available
Ann 3 VF £6.25
Ann 4 FN/VF £5.50
Ann 5 VF £4
Ann 6 VF £3.75
Ann 11 NM £3.25 2 available
Giant-size 2 VF/NM £22.75
Giant-size 2 VG £4.75
Giant-size 3 VF/NM £19.50
11 NM £4.25
11 VF £3.50
13 VF £3.50
14 VF £3.50
15 VF £3.50
16 VG+ £2
18 VF £3.50
22 FN £2.25
23 VF £3
24 FN £2.25
25 VF £3
26 NM £3.50
27 VF £3
28 VF £3
29 VF £3
32 FN £2.25
35 VF £3
36 VF £3
38 NM £3.50
38 VF £3
39 VF £3
40 NM £3.50
42 VF £3
46 VF £3
47 VF £3
48 VF £3
49 NM £3.50
52 VF £3.50
53 VF £3.50
54 FN £2.75
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
7 GD/VG £135 DD Vs Sub-Mariner; Wally Wood art. This lower-graded copy has much creasing at the coners and edges, all breaking colour, and one or two which intrude on to the cover, but do not spoil the main image. The spine is solid and the staples firm, except that the lower staple is detached at the centrefold. Pages are a supple off-white. MMMS Wants You box featured on cover. Pictured below
10 VG+ p £50 1st Organizer & Ani-Men. Pence printed with ‘Pop Art’ logo in masthead. Nice unmarked cover with rich colour. Minimal edge wear. Tight firm staples and supple off-white pages. Tiny chip off top back cover corner and moderate to heavy tanning to inside cover edges (not brittle), which brings down the grade of this otherwise lovely copy. Pictured below
14 VG £38
17 VG/FN p £42 Guest-starring Spider-Man.
20 FN- £18
20 VG+ p £15 The Good Doctor Collection
20 VG+ £16
21 VG £11 The Good Doctor Collection
22 VG p £9 The Good Doctor Collection
23 VG p £9
24 VG+ p £10 The Good Doctor Collection
24 VG p £9
24 GD/VG p £6.25
25 VG p £32 1st Leap-Frog. A mid-grade pence printed copy, with good cover colour, flat and with tight staples and very little wear. Pages are cream to tan, and we have avoided a higher grade due to some tanning around the edges of the inside covers. But not brittle and structurally sound.
26 VG p £9 The Good Doctor Collection
27 VG- p £10.25
28 VF+ p £43
28 FN+ p £17.50
28 VG/FN p £11 The Good Doctor Collection
28 VG+ p £10
28 VG p £9
30 FN+ p £17.25 The Good Doctor Collection
30 VG+ p £11.75
31 FN/VF p £20 The Good Doctor Collection
31 FN p £13.25 2 available
32 VF+ p £38
32 FN+ £18.50
32 FN+ p £16.75
32 App VG/FN £6.25 The Good Doctor Collection; colour touches
33 FN+ p £16.25 The Good Doctor Collection
33 VG p £9 Small previous owner’s sticker over Comics Code Box
33 VG- p £7.75
34 FN- £13.50 The Good Doctor Collection
35 VF £30 The Good Doctor Collection
39 FN £14.75 The Good Doctor Collection
40 VF- £26 The Good Doctor Collection
40 VG p £8.25
44 VF p £24.75
44 VF- £23.75
44 VG/FN p £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
45 VF £28 The Good Doctor Collection
45 FN+ p £14.50 Off lower staple
46 VF £28 2 available
46 VG £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
47 FN p £11
47 VG/FN p £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
47 VG £8.25
47 GD/VG p £5.75 Small previous owner’s sticker over Comics Code Box
48 FN+ £16 The Good Doctor Collection
51 VF £29
51 VF p £26 The Good Doctor Collection
51 VF- £24.25
51 FN p £11
51 VG/FN p £9.25
53 VF p £26
53 VG/FN p £9.25
53 GD/VG p £5.75 Lower spine split
55 VF p £19.75
55 FN/VF p £14.25
55 FN+ £12.75
55 VG+ p £6.75
55 VG+ p £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
55 VG- p £5.25 Small previous owner’s sticker over Comics Code Box
56 FN+ £12.75
56 FN+ p £11.75
56 FN p £9 2 available
56 VG+ p £6.75
57 FN- £13.50 The Good Doctor Collection
57 FN p £13.25
60 FN/VF p £14.25
60 FN £10 The Good Doctor Collection
60 VG+ p £6.75
61 VF/NM p £27
62 GD+ £4.25 The Good Doctor Collection
63 FN- £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
63 VG+ p £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
64 FN/VF p £12.75
64 VG/FN £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
64 VG p £6 2 available
65 VF p £17
65 FN p £9
65 VG- p £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
66 FN+ p £11 The Good Doctor Collection
66 FN p £8.25
66 VG p £6 Small previous owner’s sticker over Comics Code Box
67 VF £18.75
67 VF- p £17.75
67 FN p £9
68 VG+ p £6.75
68 VG p £6 The Good Doctor Collection
69 VG+ £17 with the Black Panther
70 FN+ £12.75
70 FN+ p £11 The Good Doctor Collection
70 FN £9.75
71 VF p £17
71 VG/FN p £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
72 VG/FN £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
72 GD p £3.25
72 GD p £3 Off staples
73 VG/FN £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
73 VG/FN p £7.50
74 VF p £17
74 FN/VF £14.25 The Good Doctor Collection
74 VG+ £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
74 VG p £6
76 FN/VF p £12.75
76 FN+ p £11
76 VG+ p £6.75 2 available
76 FN p £9 2 available
76 VG- p £5.25 The Good Doctor Collection
80 FN+ p £11 The Good Doctor Collection
80 FN- £7.75
80 VG/FN p £7.50
82 VG+ p £6.75
83 VG+ p £5.25
84 FN+ p £8.50
86 GD/VG p £3.50
87 FN/VF p £10.50
88 VF- p £17 The Good Doctor Collection
92 VF £15.50
92 VF+ p £22
92 FN/VF p £10.50 The Good Doctor Collection
92 VG+ p £5.25
93 VF p £17
94 FN p £9
95 VF+ p £22
96 FN p £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
96 VG- p £5.25
97 FN/VF p £13
97 FN+ p £8.50
98 VF- p £15
98 FN p £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
100 FN/VF p £16.50
100 FN p £11
102 FN+ p £8.50
106 FN+ p £8.50
108 VG+ p £5.25
112 VF £13
112 FN £7.50
114 VF £13
116 VF p £11.75
117 FN/VF p £9.25
117 FN £7.50 2 available
117 FN p £6.75
119 FN+ p £8
122 FN+ p £7.75
122 FN £7.50
123 VG p £4
125 FN £7.50
126 FN/VF £9.50
126 FN p £6.75
128 FN p £6.75
128 VG/FN p £5.75 2 available
129 FN/VF £9.50
134 VF p £10.25
134 FN/VF £9.50
134 FN/VF p £8.25
135 VF/NM p £14.75
135 FN/VF £9.50
136 FN/VF £9.50
137 FN/VF £8.75
138 FN/VF £11.50
138 FN p £6.75
138 VG/FN p £5.75
140 VF/NM p £13.25
141 FN/VF £15
141 FN p £9
142 VF £10.75
143 VF p £9.50
143 FN/VF p £6.50
143 FN p £4.75
144 FN/VF £8
145 VF/NM p £13.25
145 FN/VF £8
146 FN/VF £15
147 FN/VF £7.25
149 FN £4.75
149 FN p £4
152 FN/VF £7.75
152 FN p £4.25
153 FN/VF p £7
155 VF p £10.50
155 FN p £6.25
155 VG p £4.75
160 NM p £43
164 VF+ p £18.75
164 FN/VF p £8.50
165 VF/NM p £15.25
165 VF p £14.50 2 available
166 VF p £10
166 VG £9
167 VF/NM p £14.75
168 VG £85 1st Elektra. Towards a mid-grade, glossy and shiny, with firm, tight staples and nice white to off-white pages. There is minor spine wear and corner blunting, with a tiny chip off bottom right corner. There are a couple of creases which only faintly break colour on DD’s head and body. Pictured below.
171 VF/NM p £19
172 VF p £12.50
173 FN £7.50
174 NM £37 1st The Hand
174 VF £18.75 1st The Hand. Pictured below.
175 VF+ £20.50
176 VF p £11.75 1st Stick
176 FN/VF p £9.25 1st Stick
176 VG £6.75 1st Stick
177 NM £27
177 VF/NM p £17.50
177 FN/VF £10.75
180 NM £26
185 VF £6.75
185 FN £5
186 VF+ £8
186 VF £6.75 2 available
187 VF+ £8
188 VF £6.75
188 FN/VF £6
189 VF £6.75
190 NM £11.50 Resurrection of Elektra; double-sized. Pictured below.
191 VF+ £8
192 VF £3.50 2 available
193 VF £3.50
194 VF £3.50 3 available
195 VF £3.50
196 VF £11.50 2 available
198 VF £3.50 2 available
199 VF £3.50
201 VF £3.50 3 available
203 VF £3.50 2 available
204 FN £2.75
205 VF £3.50
213 VF £3.50
215 VF £3.50
215 FN £2.75
216 VF £3.50
218 VF £3.50 2 available
218 FN £2.75
219 FN £3.25 Miller script
221 VF £3.50 3 available
222 VF £3.50 2 available
224 FN £2.75 2 available
235 VF £3.50
238 FN £3.25
239 NM £3.50
240 VF £3
241 FN £2.75
242 VF £3 2 available
243 VF £3 2 available
244 VF £3 2 available
245 NM £3.50
246 NM £3.50
246 VF £2.75
247 VF £3
248 VF £4.25 2 available
248 FN £3.25
250 VF £3
DAZZLER (1981)
1 VF+ £25 Pictured below
2 FN/VF £2.50
3 VF- £2.75
4 VF £3
5 VF+ £3
5 VF £2.75
6 VF £3
7 VF+ £3
8 VF £3
9 VF £3
10 VF/NM £3.25
12 VF £3
13 VF £3
14 VF+ £3
16 FN/VF £2.50
17 VF- £2.75
18 VF+ £3
19 VF £3
20 VF- £2.75
22 FN £2.75 Rogue app
23 VF £2.75
23 FN £2.25
24 VF- £3.25 Power Man & Iron Fist
26 VF+ £3
39 VF/NM £3.25
40 VF/NM £3.25
41 VF/NM £3.25
4 FN/VF p £95 1st Barbara Norris as Valkyrie. A nice glossy copy with tight staples, off-white pages and just minimal edge and corner wear and a touch of white spine.
5 VF/NM £43
5 VF p £22.75
5 FN p £10.25
6 FN/VF p £11
7 VF- p £26
7 VF p £30
7 VG/FN p £5.75
9 VG/FN p £7.50
11 VF p £36 2 available
12 FN p £6.75
15 VF p £11.75
16 VG p £4.75
17 VF p £70 1st Wrecking Crew (cameo)
18 VF/NM p £125 1st full Wrecking Crew and cover
19 VF+ p £26
19 FN p £4.75
19 FN- p £4
20 VF+ p £14.50
20 FN p £4.75
20 GD p £1.75
21 FN- p £17
23 VF p £20.25
24 VF- p £18
25 FN p £3.25
26 VF p £26
26 FN/VF p £19
30 VG p £2
36 FN+ p £3
38 FN+ p £3
39 FN p £3
39 VG p £1.75 2 available
40 FN p £2.50
40 VF p £3.25 2 available
41 FN p £3
42 VF p £3.75
42 FN+ p £3
43 VG £2.25
44 FN p £3
44 VG p £2
45 VF £4.25
45 FN p £3
46 FN/VF £3.75
46 FN+ p £3
46 FN £2.75
47 FN+ £3.50
48 FN+ p £3
49 FN £3.25
49 FN p £2.50
50 FN p £3
51 VG p £1.75
52 FN p £2.50
53 FN p £2.50
53 VG p £1.75
71 VF p £2.50
71 FN £2
72 VF p £2.50
72 FN p £2
73 FN p £2
74 VF p £2.50
76 VF p £2
77 VF p £2
79 NM p £2.50
79 VF p £2
80 VF p £2 2 available
81 NM p £2.50
81 VF p £2
82 VF p £2
83 VF p £2
84 VF p £45 Black Panther’s first battle with the Sub-Mariner. Pictured below
85 NM p £2.50
85 VF p £2
86 NM p £2.50
86 VF p £2
87 VF p £2 2 available
88 NM p £2.50
88 VF p £2
89 VF p £2
91 VF p £2
98 NM p £2.50
1 VF £30 Pictured below
3 NM £16.50
4 VF+ £9.25
5 NM £16.50
7 NM £16.50
8 NM £16.50
9 VF+ £9.50 Final issue
Giant-Size 1 FN/VF £10.25 2 available
See Rob’s Lockdown Interlude article Strange Times: The Doctor Is In
169 VF+ p £400 1st issue of series. This opening issue of Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme was a book-length retelling of his origins, scripted by Roy Thomas and lavishly illustrated by Dan Adkins, often regarded only as an inker but here supplying full and excellent artwork. This is a great pence stamped copy, glossy with rich vibrant colour against a deep black background. Tight and flat with supple, near white pages and firm staples. Only very minor corner blunting and suggestions of minor wear at edges and blunting at corners prevent an even higher grade. Pictured below
171 VF £90 The Good Doctor Collection. Glossy, white to off-white pages, small arrival date top of masthead box, tight staples, minimal wear.
172 FN- p £27 The Good Doctor Collection.
174 VF+ £100 The Good Doctor Collection. Tight, flat and unmarked with beautiful gloss on a rich black background. White pages, square corners, great staples. Extremely minor wear at top edge and very short, faint stress marks at spine which do not break colour. Pictured below
176 VG+ £11
176 FN p £17.50 The Good Doctor Collection.
177 VG- p £12.75 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st new look
178 FN+ £18.75 The Good Doctor Collection. Black Knight
178 FN p £11 Black Knight. Loose centrefold
178 GD £4.25 Black Knight
180 FN p £35 The Good Doctor Collection. Classic Eternity cover..
182 FN+ £60 The Good Doctor Collection. Juggernaut. Nice glossy copy with some handling wear to spine and edges. Pictured below.
4 FN £7.50
4 FN- p £6.25
5 VF+ £17.50
5 FN/VF £10.50
6 VF- p £6.75
6 VG £3.50 Felt tip price centre cover
6 GD/VG p £2.50 2 available
7 VF p £7.50 2 available
10 VF- £6.75
11 VF p £4.75
12 VF p £4.75
12 VF- p £4.25
16 VF £4.25
16 VG p £2.25
18 VF p £4.75 2 available
19 VF/NM p £5
19 FN+ p £3.50
19 FN p £3
22 FN £3.25
25 FN p £3
26 VF £3.50 2 available
26 FN p £3 2 available
27 VF p £3.75
28 VF- p £3.50
28 FN/VF p £3
29 VG+ p £2.25
31 VF p £3.50
31 FN p £3
34 VF £4.25
34 VF p £3.50
34 FN/VF p £3.25
46 FN+ p £2.25
47 VF p £2.50
50 FN- p £2
56 VF £3
57 VF £3
79 VF/NM £3.25
DYNO-MUTT (1977)
1 VF/NM £60 Glossy and colourful, great staples and white to off-white pages. Only the tiniest amounts of handling wear. Pictured below
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
2 VG p £6 The Good Doctor Collection
4 VF- p £9.50
5 VF- p £9.50
5 FN/VF p £8.50
6 VF p £10.50
6 VF- p £9.50
7 VF p £10.50
7 FN/VF p £8.50
9 VF p £10.50
10 VF+ p £12.25
10 VF p £10.50
11 FN/VF p £8.50
12 VF- p £9.50
13 VF+ p £12.25
14 VF p £10.50
14 VG/FN p £5.75
15 VF p £10.50
15 FN/VF p £8.50
15 FN- p £6.25
16 VF p £10.50 2 available
16 FN+ p £7.75
17 VF/NM p £14
17 VF £10.50
17 FN p £6.75
4 App FA p £450 The Bute Collection. 1st Silver Age Sub-Mariner. Pence-printed and an Apparent Fair due to the Mr Fantastic pin-up page missing (story complete). The spine and part of the top edge have been taped at some time in their history; tape now removed leaving brown residue. Thumbnail-sized chip out right edge, which is also jagged with Marvel chipping. Lots of cover creases and wear. Bottom staple off at spine, centre okay. Pages are tired with slightly ragged edges in places, not affecting story. Small water stain lower back cover. There is also a vertical tear halfway down the splash page. The missing pin-up page means this is priced as a Poor. Pictured below.
10 VG/FN p £450 The Good Doctor Collection. This above average pence printed copy is solid and supple with great colour. There are a couple of very soft vertical creases on the cover which do not break colour and a couple of horizontal lines either side of the Human Torch which look like they were there when the copy came off the presses. Tiny nick to right cover edge, but corners only slightly blunted, staples firm at spine and centrefold and nice creamy pages. There is just a suggestion of a narrow dust shadow along the right edge, and printed slightly off centre with the spine line just a couple of mm around the back cover. A very nice example of this early issue.
11 GD/VG p £195 The Bute Collection. 1st Impossible Man & Willie Lumpkin. Not a bad pence-priced copy, with good colour cover; most wear and colour-breaking marks are restricted to the edges or near the spine; there are a few insignificant cover grubby marks and the very slight suggestion of a subscription crease which does not break colour. Staples are firm and reasonably tight. Pages are a nice supple off-white. Pictured below
12 GD- p £400 The Bute Collection. 1st full Marvel Crossover – the FF meet the Hulk. This is a thin, worn pence printed copy; cover colours are okay but a little dulled. There are quite a few creases, particularly near the spine, with some breaking colour, but not generally too heavily. Staples are reasonable, if placed (as printed, we believe) a little in from the true spine. Page quality is cream/light tan, and the pages are tired, with a couple of small tears at page edges without loss. So, not a great copy but complete and not an issue we see turning up very often. Pictured below.
13 VG+ p £350 The Bute Collection. 1st Watcher, 1st Red Ghost & his Super-Apes. A mid-grade pence printed copy. The cover has some reading and handling wear, with a small number of creases, only one or two of which break colour at all, and not in a big way. A couple of small drop stains near the bottom of the logo, but these look like stars or planets in the sky. Staples are tight and firm throughout. Decent colour with creamy, supple pages. Pictured below
15 GD/VG p £120 The Bute Collection. 1st Mad Thinker and his Awesome Android. Pence-printed, with good colour but some wear. The top edge of front and back covers are a little ragged and there are reading crease marks towards the bottom of the spine that break colour. Corners are a little blunted and there is a small mark (1 x 2 cm) across one of the hoodlum’s weapons. Pages are supple and off-white, with just a hint of cream at the edges.Pictured below
17 VG p £140 The Bute Collection. Pence printed. In The Clutches Of Dr Doom. Decent copy with some residual gloss. Corner blunting and edge wear, mostly at top back cover. Supple off-white pages and tight, firm staples. Pictured below.
18 VG p £185 The Bute Collection. 1st Super-Skrull. This is a decent pence printed copy with good colour, no markings, firm, tight staples and supple off-white pages. Minor edge wear, a little more significant along the top edge where the tiniest corner is nicked at the top right. Inside covers are a little tanned at the edges and there is a faint dust shadow along the right edge of the front cover. Pictured below.
19 GD p £85 The Bute Collection. 1st Rama-Tut. This is a pence printed, worn and slightly dingy lower-graded copy, but structurally integral with very few cover flaws but for tiny wear and creasing at edges and corners and a small tear around the lower staple, although both staples are still well attached. Off-white to cream pages are okay. Pictured below.
19 GD- p £75 1st Rama-Tut; not a great copy. It is pence stamped, with the original cents price blacked out by an ugly looking stamp (see scan); there are also book shop stamps elsewhere on the cover and the first ‘a’ plus the ‘o’ in the logo have their centres filled in with pen. The top staple is off (at the front only), but the edge wear and corner creasing isn’t too bad, although the comic is a little limp and tired. Page quality is okay.
20 VG/FN p £190 The Bute Collection. 1st Molecule Man. A sound pence-printed copy with great colour and gloss. Firm staples and supple off-white pages. Minor edge wear and corner blunting. Pictured below
20 GD/VG p £160 Solid pence printed copy with reading wear at spine and fine colour-breaking creasing above the logo. Corner blunting, but good off-white pages.
21 App VG p £60 Pence printed; ad/text page out but story complete. Corner blunting, staples a little loose at spine but attached at centre. Very slight chipping to right edge. Moderate spine and edge wear but unmarked cover; decent pages, with one small corner off one page (margin only).
22 VG £105 The Bute Collection. A sound copy with great colour and gloss. Firm staples and supple white off-white pages. Minor edge wear and corner blunting. There are a couple of small tears bottom edge back cover, with a small piece out near bottom staple, which hardly shows on front cover. Pictured below.
22 VG- p £100 Solid pence printed copy with relatively minor edge and spine wear. Tight, firm staples and nice off-white pages. Colour breaking crease across small corner bottom right cover. Fairly unobtrusive book shop stamps.
23 FA/GD p £70 Pence printed; taped spine hiding lower split and some staining to bottom spine area. A couple of long colour breaking creases diagonally across the logo and story title box, as well as smaller creases breaking colour above that and at bottom right cover. Small cover tears at right and back cover edges. Small chip missing from back cover bottom edge. Staples firm at centrefold; pages are a very reasonable off-white.
24 VG+ p £50 The Bute Collection. Pence printed. Nice solid copy with only minor edge wear and very slight chipping. Pictured below
24 GD+ p £33
25 GD/VG p £225 Classic Hulk/Thing fight. A pence printed copy. Rich colour cover with no markings. Staples firm at spine; centrefold loose. Decent pages. Moderate edge and handling wear and corner blunting. Two colour-breaking cover creases, both fairly faint: one across bottom right edge diagonally, one narrow from top to about a third of the way down, culminating in a small edge nick.
27 VG p £150 Sub-Mariner & Dr Strange. Decent pence-printed copy with good cover colour. Edge and spine wear but only minor colour-breaking marks, except for a few short creases across the bottom right corner. Lower staple is coming loose at front cover; upper remains tight and firm. Pages are off-white to cream. Pictured below.
28 VG+ p £180 The Bute Collection. With the X-Men. This solid mid-grade pence printed copy has nothing much in the way of specific defects (a small crease bottom right corner just breaks colour), but just honest wear with a little corner blunting. Staples are tight and firm, spine strong, pages a supple off-white to cream. Pictured below
29 VG p £110 Red Ghost & Super-Apes and Watcher. Pence-printed solid copy. Excellent cover colour; supple off-white pages with staples tight and firm at spine and centrefold. Spine ticks, with some breaking colour. A faint bookshop stamp centre cover does not mar the image. Pictured below.
30 VG- p £60 1st Diablo. Decent pence printed copy with good staples and pages. Spine and edge wear with small colour-breaking creases across bottom corners and small area of slight grubbiness at right edge. Pictured below
31 GD/VG p £55 Pence printed copy with good staples and pages. Spine wear with colour-breaking creases, also in corners. Small biro writing in masthead box. Pictured below
32 VF- £135 The Bute Collection. Unmarked cover with great colour and gloss, white background. Tight and flat with firm staples. Very minor corner blunting and edge wear. Supple pages are off-white to cream with just a tiny hint of tanning to the inside cover edges. Pictured below
33 App GD+ p £30 1st Attuma. Photo background cover, pence stamped. Ad page out, story complete. Edge wear, colour-breaking creasing at spine and bottom right corner.
34 FN/VF p £85 The Bute Collection. Pence-stamped. Cover with great cover and gloss, unmarked but for pence stamp. Great colour and gloss. Staples tight and firm. Minor wear at spine. Supple off-white pages. Pictured below.
35 VG p £60 1st Dragon Man. Pence stamped. Good staples and pages. Reading crease at spine; other minor edge wear. Slight grubbiness. Pictured below
36 VF- £250 The Bute Collection. 1st Medusa, 1st Frightful Four. An outstanding clean, bright copy, with no marks or creases, glossy and vibrant. Off-white to white pages and firm, tight staples. Just very minor edge and corner wear, but in highly desirable condition. Pictured below.
36 VG+ p £120 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Medusa, 1st Frightful Four. A nice mid-grade pence stamped example, with good colour and no creases other than light to moderate wear at spine and top edge. Tight firm staples and supple off-white pages. Pictured below.
37 FN/VF £95 The Bute Collection. Nice clean copy with residual gloss, a couple of tiny cover creases that don’t break colour, minor wear along top edge, tight, firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. Pictured below.
37 VG+ £40
37 VG+ p £36
38 FN/VF p £85 The Bute Collection. Pence stamped. Nice clean copy with minor corner blunting and slight spine wear, small ink stain on back cover, tight, firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. Pictured below.
38 VG/FN £44
38 VG p £38 2 available
39 FN- p £120 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence stamped. Excellent cover colour and gloss. Unspoilt and unmarked image. Minor edge wear and corner blunting, with a tiny colour-breaking crease across the very extremity of top right corner. Tight and flat with excellent staples and nice off-white pages. Pictured below
41 VG £22.75 Loose centrefold
42 VF- £75 The Bute Collection. A Marvel Pop Art Production. Lovely clean copy with vivid colour unmarked cover. Tight and flat with firm staples. Very minor edge wear and a tinly dink at the top of the spine. White to off-white pages. Pictured below.
42 VG/FN £28 A Marvel Pop Art Production.
43 VF £90. The Bute Collection. A Marvel Pop Art Production. Fabulous copy with stunning colour and gloss. Tight and flat with firm staples and near white pages. Just very minor wear along top edge and slight stress at spine with no colour breaks. Pictured below
43 FN p £31 A Marvel Pop Art Production.
43 VG+ £26 A Marvel Pop Art Production.
43 VG+ p £23 A Marvel Pop Art Production.
46 VG £140 The Bute Collection. 1st full Black Bolt. Solid copy with nice off-white pages and tight firm staples. Soft diagonal crease extends from Black Bolt’s left bicep to cover edge, faintly breaking colour. Minor edge wear with slight grubbiness to bottom edge. Pictured below
47 FN- £65 The Bute Collection. 1st Maximus. Solid clean copy with nice off-white pages and tight firm staples. Square corners, only minor edge wear. Pictured below
48 FN/VF p £1,850 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Silver Surfer, 1st Galactus. Pence printed and in beautiful condition, with vibrant colour cover and a totally unmarked cover scene. Corners are fairly sharp, and staples firmly attached at spine and centrefold. Wear is minimal, mostly restricted to the top edge, but very narrow. There are small handling marks at top corners resulting in tiny creases. Pages are a lovely white to off-white, nearer the white end of that scale. Covers and pages are both beautifully supple and fresh. Just to the right of the Fantastic Four logo there is a soft, barely discernable crease of about 4 cm, with just a hint of a colour break. An iconic Silver Age comic in fabulous condition, which would be a high point of many a collection. Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
48 FN- p £1,100 The Bute Collection. 1st Galactus & Silver Surfer. Nice clean pence printed copy with unmarked cover and strong colours. Edge wear is minimal, very slight along top edge only, and a tiny bit of chipping at right of bottom edge. There is also a tiny crease at bottom right corner that breaks colour. To the right of the number box there is an incipient crease of less than 1 cm that also breaks colour. Strong spine; small amount of corner blunting. Staples are tight and firm, pages are a lovely, supple white to off-white. Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
49 VF- £1,100 The Bute Collection. 1st Galactus and Silver Surfer cover. Very nice clean copy with unmarked cover and strong colours. Very minimal edge wear (just very slight at top edge) and very minor corner blunting. Strong spine; no creases apart from miniscule crease across bottom right corner which just breaks colour but is hard to see. Staples are tight and firm, pages are a lovely, supple off-white. Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
50 GD/VG £175 The Good Doctor Collection. 3rd part Galactus/Surfer trilogy. This defining issue for the Surfer is a reasonable lower grade cents copy, with a reading crease that breaks colour towards the spine and several spidery creases at the spine itself. There is some edge wear, with a couple of small nicks along the right side. Staples are secure and page quality is a nice off-white. In the lower half of the right cover, between the Surfer’s knee and the Johnny Storm inset panel, there are a number of faint impressions that look like someone was drawing pencil lines on paper and using the comic to rest on, but these are quite difficult to spot. Pictured below.
51 VG/FN £90 Classic ‘This Man…This Monster.’ This is a lovely cents copy with reasonable gloss, and a cover without marks except a slight grubbiness over the number box. Slight corner blunting, and a couple of creases at the right edge, one very short and one longer but very soft, about 8 cm across the Invisible Girl and the Thing, although neither break colour and are difficult to see. Staples are good at spine and centrefold and page quality a supple off-white. Very slight tanning at inside cover edges. Pictured below.
53 FN £75 The Bute Collection. Origin and 2nd app Black Panther. Origin and 1st app Klaw. Nice copy with unmarked cover and bright colours. Tight, firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. Minor edge wear and corner blunting; tiny dink at top spine. Pictured below.
54 FN £40 The Bute Collection. Nice flat copy; the white background is just a little off pure white, but unmarked with bright colours. Tight, firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. Only very minor amounts of wear with tiny dink at top spine. Pictured below.
55 FN+ £150 The Bute Collection. Classic Thing vs Silver Surfer cover and story. Vibrant colour cover with vivid purple background. Tight, firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. Very minor corner blunting. There is a small, narrow crease (about 3 cm) across edge of bottom right cover which is hard to see and only very faintly breaks colour. An outstanding copy. Pictured below.
56 VG/FN £35 The Bute Collection. This copy is printed slighty askew (see scan), but not too badly. Bright colours and unmarked cover. Tight, firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. Minor edge wear and corner blunting. Pictured below.
57 VF £295 The Bute Collection. Iconic Dr Doom cover. Rich colour cover, with only very minimal signs of wear and no marks. Strong spine with firm, tight staples. Tiny dink at bottom right corner. Superb white to off-white pages. A fresh example. Pictured below
58 FN £75 The Bute Collection. A beautiful copy, with vibrant colour cover. Strong spine with firm, tight staples. Tiny dink at top of spine, but no other creases. Superb white to off-white pages. Marred only slightly by a tiny line of chipping at the bottom right edge. Pictured below
61 FN £29 The Bute Collection
61 VG p £11.75 Loose centrefold
62 VG+ p £18.25 The Bute Collection
63 FN+ p £23 2 available
64 VG+ p £24.75 The Bute Collection. 1st Kree Sentry
65 VG- p £40 The Bute Collection. 1st Ronan, 1st Kree Supreme Intelligence. Pictured below
66 VG+ £50 The Bute Collection. Origin of Him. Fresh copy with minor wear at right corners. Pictured below.
66 GD- p £35 Origin of Him. A nice enough pence-printed copy with some edge wear which would grade higher but for a small corner off top right cover (see scan). Pictured below.
67 FN £100 Revelation of Him. A sound copy with residual gloss, good colour and an unmarked cover. Excellent pages are off-white to white and staples are tight and firm. A handful of tiny creases at spine, only one of which breaks colour by about 1 mm. Pictured below.
68 FN+ p £27 The Bute Collection
68 VG+ p £13.25 2 available
69 FN/VF £32
69 FN+ £6 The Bute Collection
69 FN+ £26
69 FN £19.50
70 VF+ £63
70 FN/VF £36 The Bute Collection
70 FN p £17.50
71 FN+ £29 The Bute Collection
72 VF p £150 The Bute Collection. Pence stamped. Great cover colour and reflectivity. Wear is restricted to a few very minor edge marks. Flat, tight staples, square corners and near white pages. Pictured below.
73 VF+ £120 The Bute Collection. A brilliant white cover background. No marks except for a small, faint pencil arrival date. Flat, tight staples, square corners and near white pages. An outstanding copy. Pictured below.
74 VG/FN £55 The Bute Collection. Nice glossy copy with great colour. Very slight wear along the spine. Small handling marks and a small felt tip ‘5’ towards top right (see scan). Tiny dink very top of spine. Flat, tight staples, and near white pages. A little corner blunting.Pictured below.
74 GD- p £20 4 cm upper spine split; a little worn around the edges.
76 VF+ £76
76 FN/VF £36
76 FN/VF £36 The Bute Collection
76 FN+ p £26
77 FN/VF £45 The Bute Collection.
79 FN/VF p £31 The Bute Collection
80 VF £45 The Bute Collection. Pictured below
81 FN/VF p £29 The Bute Collection
82 VF- £40 The Bute Collection. Pictured below
83 VF p £42 The Bute Collection. Pictured below
84 FN/VF £32 The Bute Collection
85 VF £33 The Good Doctor Collection
85 FN+ £26 The Bute Collection
85 VG/FN p £11
87 VF £33 The Good Doctor Collection
88 FN p £12.25
89 FN- p £12.25
90 VF p £36 The Bute Collection.
91 VF p £36 The Bute Collection.
92 VF+ p £35 The Good Doctor Collection
92 VF p £25
92 VF p £25 The Bute Collection.
93 VF p £36 The Bute Collection.
93 FN- £13.50 The Good Doctor Collection
93 FN £15
94 VF- p £120 The Bute Collection. 1st Agatha Harkness. A pence printed copy with great colour and gloss. Near white pages and firm, tight staples. No marks or creases, just very minor edge and corner wear. Pictured below.
94 FN/VF p £110 1st Agatha Harkness. This is a nice, glossy black background pence-stamped copy with very minor wear around the upper staple area and a tiny dink at the base of the spine. Near white pages and firm, tight staples complete this very attractive package.Pictured below.
95 FN/VF p £26 The Bute Collection
95 FN+ p £15.50
95 VG p £9 The Good Doctor Collection
96 FN p £12.25
96 FN £13.25
96 VG/FN p £11.50 The Bute Collection
96 VG+ p £10
97 vG+ p £11.75 The Bute Collection; off top staple
98 VF- p £31 The Bute Collection
98 FN+ £18.50
99 VF p £39 The Bute Collection
100 FN+ p £29 The Bute Collection
101 FN £14.75
101 VG/FN p £12.75 The Bute Collection
102 VG+ p £11.75 The Bute Collection
103 FN p £15.50
103 VG/FN p £11
104 VF- p £23.50 The Good Doctor Collection
104 FN+ p £14.25
104 FN £13.75
104 FN p £13.25
104 VG+ £12.50 The Bute Collection
105 FN+ p £14.75
105 VG+ p £10 The Bute Collection
106 FN+ £19.25 The Bute Collection
106 FN £11.50
106 VG/FN p £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
107 VF p £29 The Good Doctor Collection
107 VG+ p £13.25 The Bute Collection
108 VF- p £22 The Good Doctor Collection
108 VG £10 The Bute Collection
109 FN £12.25
109 VG £10 The Bute Collection
110 FN- p £575 The Bute Collection. Green Printing Error Variant. Two of the 4 ink colors (magenta, cyan, yellow and black) used to create all the colors on the cover (they are mixed at various percentages) were applied to the wrong plates before printing. It appears that a relatively small number of these ‘green printing variants’ were ciculated before the error was corrected on the majority of the print run. Some copies must even been exported, since our example here bears a pence stamp. Nice copy with good (if odd!) colours and gloss. Firmly attached staples, supple off-white pages. Minor edge wear and very slight corner blunting, with a small dink at the spine bottom where a tiny crease across the very edge just breaks colour. Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
111 FN- p £12.25 The Bute Collection
111 VG+ £7.75
111 VG p £7.50
113 VG+ p £8.50 The Bute Collection
114 VF- p £19.25 The Good Doctor Collection
114 FN/VF p £18 The Bute Collection
115 VF p £22 The Good Doctor Collection
115 FN/VF £20 The Bute Collection
115 FN+ p £13.75
116 FN £17 The Bute Collection
117 FN/VF p £14.75 The Good Doctor Collection
117 VG/FN p £9.25 The Bute Collection
118 VF+ p £28 The Bute Collection
118 VF p £20.50 The Good Doctor Collection
119 FN p £11 The Bute Collection
121 VF p £28 The Bute Collection. Pictured below
122 VF p £34 The Bute Collection. Pictured below
122 FN- p £12.25 The Good Doctor Collection
123 VF+ p £39 The Bute Collection. Pictured below
124 FN p £9 The Bute Collection
124 VG/FN p £7.50
125 VF- p £15 The Good Doctor Collection
125 FN/VF p £14.75
127 VF p £17 The Good Doctor Collection
127 FN+ p £11.75
129 VG p £16.25
130 FN/VF £14.25 Steranko cover
130 FN/VF £14.25 The Good Doctor Collection; Steranko cover
130 VF/NM £28 Steranko cover
131 FN p £11 Steranko cover
132 VF/NM p £39 The Good Doctor Collection
132 FN p £11
133 VF+ £34 The Good Doctor Collection
133 VG p £7.50
134 VG/FN p £7.50
135 FN p £7.50 2 available
135 VG+ p £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
135 FN+ £11.25
136 VF- p £15 The Good Doctor Collection
136 FN/VF p £14.75
137 FN/VF £12
137 FN/VF p £11
137 FN p £8.25
138 VF £18.75 The Good Doctor Collection
138 VF- p £17.50
138 FN p £8.25
139 VF- p £17.50
139 GD £3
139 GD p £2.75
140 VF p £17
140 VF- p £16
141 VF- p £17.50
141 FN/VF £14.25 The Good Doctor Collection
142 VF p £13.50 2 available
142 FN+ £10 The Good Doctor Collection
142 FN p £6.75
143 VF+ p £23.75
143 FN+ p £8.25
143 FN p £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
149 VF p £14.25 3 available
149 VG/FN p £5.75
149 VG p £4.75
149 VG p £4.75 The Good Doctor Collection
150 VF p £21 Wedding of Quicksilver and Crystal 2 available
151 VF p £10.25 3 available
151 VG/FN p £5.75
152 VF p £9.25 2 available
152 FN p £6.75
153 VF p £11
153 VG/FN p £5.25 2 available
153 VG p £4
154 VF- £10
154 FN+ £7.25
154 VG/FN p £5.75 2 available
157 VF- p £39 Silver Surfer
158 VF- p £10
158 FN p £6.75
159 VF p £11
159 FN p £6.75
160 VF £12.25
160 VF p £11
160 FN p £6.75
160 VG p £4.25
161 VF p £7.50
161 FN p £4
161 VG/FN p £3.75
161 GD p £1.75
162 FN/VF £6.75
162 FN p £4.25
163 VG/FN p £3.25 2 available
163 VG p £3
165 VF p £6.25
165 FN p £4.25
166 VF p £11.75
167 VF p £11.75
168 VF p £7 2 available
168 VG/FN p £4
169 VG/FN p £4 2 available
169 VG p £3
170 VF p £7 2 available
170 VF- p £6.50
171 VF p £6.25
172 VF £8.25
172 VF p £6.25 2 available
172 VF- p £5.75
173 FN/VF p £7
174 VF p £6.25
175 VF p £17.50 3 available
177 FN/VF £6.75
177 FN/VF p £6
178 VF p £7
178 FN £5
179 FN/VF p £5.50
179 FN £4.75
179 FN p £4.25
180 FN/VF p £6
180 FN+ £5
180 FN p £4.25
182 VF/NM £5.75
182 FN £4.75
183 VF p £4.75
184 VF/NM £5.75
184 FN p £4.25 2 available
186 VF- p £20
187 FN p £4 2 available
187 VG/FN p £3.50
188 VF p £5.75
188 FN/VF p 5.25
189 VF p £5.75
189 FN £5
195 FN £4.25
197 VF £5.75
197 FN £4.75
197 VG £3.25
199 FN/VF £5.50
200 VG £5
203 VF £3.50
212 VG+ p £3.50
226 VF £4.25
227 VF £3.75
227 FN £3.25
228 VF £3.75
229 FN/VF p £3
229 VF £4.25
230 VG p £2
232 VF p £6 3 available
233 VF £3.50 2 available
234 VF p £3.25
235 VF p £3.25 2 available
237 VF p £3.25 2 available
246 VF £4.25
248 VF £4.25 2 available
253 FN £3.25 2 available
263 FN/VF £2.50
268 VG/FN £2
269 VF £3
269 FN £2.25
270 VF £3
270 FN £2.25
271 FN £2.25
273 VF+ £25 1st full appearance Nathaniel Richards
276 VF £3
277 VF £3
279 VF £3 2 available
287 VF £3
293 FN £2.25 2 available
294 VF £3 2 available
295 VF £3 2 available
297 VF £2.25 3 available
298 NM £2.50
298 VF £2.25 2 available
299 VF £2.25
300 VF £2.25 2 available
Ann 2 FA p £125 Dr Doom special with origin. Top two thirds of spine split, split also at bottom spine. Lots of wear and cover creasing, including long diagonal crease across cover (colour-breaking). A couple of felt tip pen marks on cover. Pages are decent.
Ann 3 VG/FN p £75 The wedding of Sue & Reed. Pence stamped. Pictured below
Ann 6 VG p £175 1st Franklin Richards, 1st Annihilus. Solid spine, some edge wear, with small crease across right upper corner (breaks colour). Nice off-white to white pages.
Ann 6 GD+ p £55 The Bute Collection. Pence stamped copy with moderate edge wear, breaking colour at top and bottom edgescorner blunting and upper 4 cm spine split. Some reading and handling wear. Firmly stapled. Excellent page quality. Pictured below.
Ann 6 PR £22 1st Annihilus, 1st Franlkin Richards. Covers detached and separated.
Ann 8 FN p £6.75
Ann 8 VG+ £6
Giant-Size 2 FN+ £10.50
Giant-Size 2 VG £6.25
Giant-Size 3 FN £10
Giant-Size 5 VF £13.75
2 GD p £4
4 VG p £7
1 VF £55 Glossy and colourful, great staples and white to off-white pages. Just tiny amounts of handling wear with very minor waviness at spine. Pictured below.
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
3 VF p £22.75
4 FN+ p £13
9 FN+ p £9 2 available
10 FN/VF p £11
14 FN/VF p £8
14 VG p £4.75
15 FN+ p £7.75
16 FN+ p £7.75
17 VF/NM p £12.25
17 FN+ p £7.75
22 FN p £4.75 1st Enforcer
36 VF p £4.75
39 FN+ p £3.50
41 VF p £4.75
42 FN- p £3
43 FN/VF p £4
44 FN p £3.25
44 FN £3.50
45 GD/VG p £1.75
46 VF p £4.75
47 FN/VF p £4
48 VF- p £4.25
51 VF- p £3.50
51 FN+ p £2.75
52 FN/VF p £3.25
56 FN p £3
64 VG+ £2.50
66 VG+ £2.50
69 VF/NM £4.75
72 FN+ £3.50
75 GD £1.25
78 GD/VG £1.50
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
1 FN/VF p £50 Pence printed, minor handling wear. Pictured below
2 FN p £4.75 2 available
2 VG/FN p £4
3 VF p £10.50
3 VG+ p £3.50
4 VF+ p £12.50
4 FN p £4.75 2 available
5 VF+ p £9 2 available
5 VF p £7.50
5 VG/FN p £3.25
6 VF p £4.75
6 FN+ p £2.75 2 available
7 VF/NM p £6
7 FN p £2
7 VG/FN p £1.75
8 VF p £4.75 2 available
9 VF+ £6
9 VF- p £4.25
10 VF+ £6
10 VF+ p £5.25
10 FN p £2.25
10 VG/FN p £2
11 VF/NM £6.75
11 FN/VF p £3 2 available
12 NM £48 1st Kiss Cameo
12 VF p £19.75 1st Kiss cameo
13 VF+ £30 1st full Kiss
13 VF+ p £28 1st full Kiss. Pictured below
14 VF/NM £5
14 VF p £4
15 VF+ £4.75
15 VF- p £3.50
15 FN+ £3
16 VF+ £4.75
17 VF+ £4.75
17 FN/VF p £3.25
17 FN £3
17 FN p £2.75
18 VF+ p £4.75
18 VF £3.75
18 VF- p £3.25
18 FN p £2.50
19 VF+ p £4.25
19 VF p £4
20 VF/NM p £4.75
20 VF p £3.25
21 VF/NM p £4 2 available
21 VF £3.75
22 VF+ p £4.25
22 VF £3.75
22 VF p £3.50 2 available
23 VF p £3.25 2 available
24 VF p £4
24 FN/VF p £3.25
25 VF+ £3.75
25 VF £3.50 2 available
26 VF p £3.25 2 available
27 FN/VF £3.50
28 VF- £$
28 VG £2
29 VF £4.25
30 FN £2.75
31 VF- £4
Ann 1 VF £4.75 2 available
HULK (1968)
103 FN+ £29
103 FN p £20.25
103 VG+ £18.25 The Good Doctor Collection
103 GD/VG p £12.25 Book shop stamps
106 VF- £34 The Good Doctor Collection
106 VF- p £27
107 VG £10.75
107 VG- £10 The Good Doctor Collection
108 FN £17 The Good Doctor Collection
108 FN £17
108 FN p £13
108 VG+ £12.25
108 VG+ p £11
109 FN- £15.75 The Good Doctor Collection
109 FN- £14.25 Small sticker over issue number
110 VG+ £13 The Good Doctor Collection
110 VG £10.75
111 VF+ £31
111 FN+ p £14.25
111 FN- p £10.25
111 VG+ p £8.50 The Good Doctor Collection
112 VF+ p £31
112 FN- £11.25 The Good Doctor Collection
112 VG+ £9.25
113 FN+ £16 The Good Doctor Collection
114 VF+ p £31
114 FN p £11
114 VG £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
115 VF+ p £31
115 VG/FN £10.25 The Good Doctor Collection
116 VF p £22.25
116 FN/VF p £17.50
116 VG/FN £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
117 VF- £19.25
117 FN+ £16 The Good Doctor Collection
117 FN+ p £13.25
117 VG p £7.50
118 FN+ £26 The Good Doctor Collection
118 VG p £10.25
118 VG p £10.25 Loose centrefold
119 VF- £19 The Good Doctor Collection
120 FN- £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
121 VF £30 The Good Doctor Collection; 1st Glob
122 FN/VF p £85 The Good Doctor Collection. Hulk Vs Thing. Pence printed, glossy with pure white background and great cover colour. Square corners, nice white to off-white supple pages and strong staples. There is a small dink at the top of the spine and one or two spine stress marks; none of these break colour. Pictured below.
123 VF- p £17.25 The Good Doctor Collection
123 FN p £9
125 VG+ p £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
127 FN/VF £14.25 The Good Doctor Collection
129 VF+ p £22
129 VF p £20.50
129 FN/VF £14.25 The Good Doctor Collection
131 VF £45 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Jim Wilson. Pictured below.
131 FN p £11 1st Jim Wilson
132 FN/VF p £16.50
132 VG/FN £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
133 FN- £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
134 FN- £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
135 FN £10 The Good Doctor Collection
135 FN- p £8.25
136 FN p £9 The Good Doctor Collection
137 FN+ £12 The Good Doctor Collection
138 VG/FN £8.25
138 VG/FN £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
139 VF/NM £30 The Good Doctor Collection. Multi-villain cover.
140 FN+ p £12.50 1st Jarella
140 FN p £9 1st Jarella
141 VG+ p £42 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Doc Samson. Pictured below.
142 VF+ p £90 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Samantha Parrington as Valkyrie. Pictured below
147 VG+ £5.75 The Good Doctor Collection.
148 FN/VF £11.50 The Good Doctor Collection.
148 FN p £6.75
152 VG+ p £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection.
158 VG/FN £6.25
161 FN p £13.25 Death of Mimic.
162 VF- p £95 1st Wendigo. A nice pence printed copy, with a clean, vibrant cover, off-white pages and firm staples. Minor corner blunting and a couple of very short creases/ticks at the spine (not breaking colour) are the only defects. From an original owner collection and new to the marketplace. Pictured below.
163 FN p £6.75
163 VG/FN p £5.75
164 VF- £10.25 1st Captain Omen; 2 available
164 FN p £6.75 1st Captain Omen
164 VG/FN £6.25 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Captain Omen
165 FN+ p £8.25
165 VG/FN £6.25 The Good Doctor Collection.
165 VG/FN p £5.75
166 VG/FN p £5.75 1st Zzzax; Hawkeye app.
166 VG+ p £5.25 1st Zzzax; Hawkeye app.
168 FN- £30 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Harpy
170 FN+ £8.25
170 FN £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection.
174 FN £8
174 FN- £7 The Good Doctor Collection.
174 VG+ £5.25
175 FN/VF £12.25 The Good Doctor Collection.
183 VF £7.75
187 FN+ £5.50
187 VG £3.50
191 VF £8.25
192 VF/NM £11.50
199 NM- £12.25
203 VF £6.25
206 FN+ £5.75
207 FN £5
208 VF £6.25
208 FN/VF £6
210 VF £6.25 2 available
216 FN £5
220 VF £6.25
232 VF £5
259 VG £2
266 VF £3.25
266 VF p £3
268 VF £3.50
269 VF £3.50
275 VF £4.25
284 VF £4.25
283 VG £2.25
284 FN £3.25
286 VF £4.25 2 available
287 VF £4.25 2 available
301 VF £3.50
302 VF £3.50 2 available
302 FN £2.75
303 VF £3.50
303 FN £2.75
304 VF £3.50
305 FN/VF £3
310 VF £3.50
311 VF £3.50
313 VF £3.50
314 VF £4.25
317 VF £3.50 2 available
317 FN £2.75
318 NM £4.25
318 VF £3.50 2 available
319 FN £2.75 Bruce and Betty wedding; 3 available
323 NM £5
323 VF £4.25
326 VF £6.75 2 available
327 VF £3 2 available
327 FN £2.25
328 VF £3
329 VF £3 2 available
330 VG/FN £7 1st McFarlane art on series
331 VF £13
331 FN+ £9
332 VF £6.75
332 FN/VF £6
332 FN £5
334 FN/VF £3
335 VF £4.25 3 available
336 VF £5 3 available
337 VF £5 3 available
338 VF £3.50
338 FN £2.75
339 VF £3.50 2 available
339 FN £2.75
341 NM £10
341 VF £3.50
341 FN £2.75
342 VF £3.50 2 available
342 FN £2.75
343 VF £3.50
343 FN/VF £3
343 FN £2.75
346 VF/NM £5
346 VF £3.50 2 available
347 FN £18 1st Mr Fixit; 1st Marlo Chandler
348 VF £3 2 available
349 VF £3.75 2 available
Ann 6 VF £20 1st Her 2 available
1 FN £30 Reprints Hulk #180 and #181, the debut of Wolverine, in a high quality reprint at a fraction of the price of the originals. This extra-thick volume also features a Wolverine/Hercules back up plus a long feature of the evolution of Wolverine as a character. Some short creases just at the spine on this one, but not breaking colour. Tight with white pages. Pictured below
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
1 VG £10 Cover print defect; lower central faint ‘stain’ effect.
2 FN p £6.75
2 GD/VG p £3.50
5 FN p £4.75
6 FN p £4.75
6 VG p £3.25
4 FN £7.25
15 VF £6.75
15 FN p £4.75
16 FN p £4.50
18 VF £6.25
18 FN p £4.75
22 FN+ p £2.75
25 VF p £4
25 FN p £2.50
27 FN/VF p £3.25
27 FN £2.25
28 VF £4.25
30 VF £3.75
30 FN p £2.50
34 VF p £4
35 FN/VF p £3.25
39 VF p £4
39 FN/VF p £3.25
IRON FIST (1975)
4 VF £34
6 VF- £11.25
6 FN+ £8.75
7 VF £14.50
7 FN+ p £7.25
9 NM/M £50
10 NM £65
15 FN/VF £42 John Byrne art on X-Men
IRON MAN (1968)
3 VF- £90 The Good Doctor Collection. Tight, flat and glossy with firm staples, white to off-white pages and very little wear.
4 VF £80 The Good Doctor Collection. Vibrant colour cover with full gloss, square corners, firm, tight staples, white to off-white pages, very minor edge wear.
6 VF- £75 The Good Doctor Collection. Vibrant colour cover with full gloss, square corners, firm, tight staples, white to off-white pages, very minor edge wear, tiny colour-breaking crease across extremity of bottom right cover corner.
7 FN+ £40 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below.
7 FN+ p £36
8 VG- p £18 The Good Doctor Collection
9 FN+ p £60 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below.
11 VF £75 The Good Doctor Collection
15 VF+ £65 The Good Doctor Collection
18 FN+ £38 The Good Doctor Collection
19 FN+ £38 The Good Doctor Collection
19 FN p £11
20 FN/VF p £30 The Good Doctor Collection
21 FN+ £21.50 The Good Doctor Collection
22 FN/VF £15 The Good Doctor Collection
23 FN/VF £15 The Good Doctor Collection
24 FN+ £12.50 The Good Doctor Collection
24 FN+ p £11.25
26 VF- £16 The Good Doctor Collection
26 FN p £9
28 FN p £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
28 VG+ p £6.75 Lower spine split
29 VF- p £16 The Good Doctor Collection
29 FN+ p £13.75
30 FN p £9
31 VF+ £22 The Good Doctor Collection
32 FN+ p £9 The Good Doctor Collection
34 VF p £15.50 The Good Doctor Collection
35 FN+ p £9 The Good Doctor Collection
37 VF £14.25
37 FN- p £6.25 The Good Doctor Collection
38 VG+ p £5.25 The Good Doctor Collection
39 FN/VF p £11 The Good Doctor Collection
40 VF p £15.50 The Good Doctor Collection
41 VF- p £13.25 The Good Doctor Collection
42 FN/VF p £11 The Good Doctor Collection
48 NM p £34
54 FN p £65 1st Moondragon as Madam McEvil. A very respectable pence printed mid-grade, flat and glossy with vibrant colour, tight staples and white to off-white pages. Small scuff marks below the upper staple and small wear at the base of the spine are the only real defects. Pictured below
55 VF+ p £600 1st Thanos. Also features the debuts of Drax the Destroyer, Mentor, Eros (later Starfox of the Avengers) and Kronos.This is a beautiful pence printed copy, clean and bright with reflective cover colour. Firm, tight staples and supple white to off-white pages. No cover marks except for a faint and tiny soft dink at base of spine and a couple of minor stress marks centrally at spine; none of these break colour. Pictured below. High grade images are available on request.
56 VF/NM p £39
57 VF/NM p £16.25
57 GD £2.50 Water damage
61 FN- p £5.75
67 VG+ £5.25
76 VG+ p £3.50
77 FN+ p £5.50
79 FN p £4
81 VG+ p £3.50
85 FN/VF p £5
91 FN p £4
92 VF p £5
93 VF p £5.75
93 FN/VF p £4.75
94 VF p £5
101 FN p £4
103 VF p £5
111 NM p £7.50
127 NM- p £12.25
127 VF p £7
128 VF p £85 Classic Demon In A Bottle story. This is a superior copy, with some spine ticks which do not break colour, and a tiny crease across the bottom right corner which faintly does break colour. White pages, tight staples. Pictured below.
129 NM p £5.75
130 VF p £3.25 2 available
137 NM p £5.75
138 VF p £3.25
138 FN/VF p £3
141 NM p £5.75 2 available
148 NM £5.75
154 VF £4.25
161 VF £4.25
162 VF £4.25
163 VF/NM £4.75
165 VF £4.25 3 available
166 VF £4.25
167 VF £4.25
167 NM £5
168 VF/NM £4.75
171 VF £4.25
173 VF £3.50
175 NM £4.25
176 VF £3.50 2 available
178 VF £3.50
179 VF £3.50
184 VF £3.50
186 VF £3.50
193 NM £4.25
202 NM £3.50 2 available
204 VF £3 2 available
205 NM £3.50
208 VF £3
209 NM £3.50
214 VF £4.25
217 VF £3 2 available
218 VF £3
219 VF/NM £25 1st Ghost
221 VF £3
222 VF £3 2 available
Ann 1 FN/VF p £20
1 FN p £85 The Good Doctor Collection. A decent, solid example, pence stamped but with an otherwise unmarked cover with bright colours. Very minimal edge wear and corner blunting, but no creases. Tight and flat with good staples and off-white pages. Pictured below.
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY (1952) (For 1950s issues, see Horror 1940-59 section)
75 GD/VG p £55 Reasonable pence printed copy with some spine wear and handling wear to right edge, with colour-breaking creases, particularly across the right bottom. Pictured below.
96 FN/VF p £135 Pence stamp as well as pence price precludes higher grade — see scan
101 GD/VG £65 The Good Doctor Collection. Reasonably clean cover, very small chip out bottom edge; creases that mostly don’t break colour. Staples are a little loose but okay; reasonable page quality. Pictured below.
102 GD/VG p £105 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Balder, Sif and Hela. Pence printed, good colour, short creases and small tears at bottom right corner, but decent pages and staples. Pictured below.
107 VG/FN p £70 1st Grey Gargoyle; a nice bright copy of his debut, pence priced, tight and flat with minimal edge wear and good staples (top staple very slightly loose at rear cover); it’s let down only by four tiny pin holes in the lower cover which do not carry over into the comic and are not easy to spot.
109 VG £130 The Good Doctor Collection. Magneto & BEM app. A decent mid-grade cents copy, with staples tight and firm at spine and centrefold and supple off-white pages. Not too much wear; the spine is solid if a little worn and there is some colour breaking creasing across the top edge and top right corner. There are a couple of longer soft creases diagonally acrioss Magneto’s body which slightly break colour, but are not at all too bad.
115 FN p £55 The Good Doctor Collection. Detailed origin of Loki. Nice pence-stamped copy with great colour, staples and nice off-white pages. Just minor reading wear at spine. Pictured below.
117 NM- £220
117 VF/NM £150
118 VG+ p £80 1st Destroyer; solid and sound with minor colour-breaking creases at some extremities, strong colour, nice pages and firm staples. Minor spine wear.
118 App VG £15 1st Destroyer; one non-story page out
119 VG/FN p £34 1st Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg
120 VF+ p £95
120 FN £36 The Good Dioctor Collection.
121 NM- £225
121 VF/NM £140
121 VG p £18.75
122 VF+ £110
122 VF- £49
122 VG+ 23.75
122 VG+ p £21.25
123 VF+ £110
123 VG+ £24.50 2 available
123 VG £21
123 GD/VG p £15.50
Ann 1 GD p £150 1st Hercules. A lower-graded copy, pence stamped, spine intact but for 1cm split at bottom and tiny wear at top. Handling, edge and corner wear, mostly non colour-breaking, one small tear at right edge. Staples are strong and supple pages are a good off-white to cream. Small distribution marks below pence stamp inked over. Pictured below.
(Thor from #126)
2 FN- £7
3 FN/VF £9.50
10 VF+ £20.25
11 VF p £9.75 2 available
11 VG p £4.75
12 VG- p £4
13 VF p £12.50 Pictured below
15 NM p £17
15 GD p £2.50
16 NM p £17
18 FN p £6.25
20 VF/NM £15.25
20 VF p £9.75
20 FN+ £7.25 Label scuff mid-cover
24 NM- £18.75
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
K – L
KA-ZAR (1974)
5 VF £6.25
7 VF £6.25
8 FN £4.75
9 FN p £4
10 VF £6.25
11 FN/VF £3.25
12 VF £3.75
12 FN/VF p £3
KING CONAN (Listed after Conan)
KULL (1971)
1 VG/FN p £12.50 Loose centrefold
8 VG+ p £3.25
9 FN p £4.25
11 FN p £4.25
13 GD £1.75 Watermarking
15 FN+ £5.25
LOGAN’S RUN (1977)
1 FN p £10
3 FN p £3.25
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
1 NM- £25 Pictured below
10 FN/VF p £3.25
10 FN p £3
11 VF p £4
11 FN £3
11 FN p £2
12 FN £3
13 FN £3
1 VF- P £30 1st Modred the Mystic. Pictured below
2 FN/VF p £20 Modred the Mystic
2 VG+ p £3.25 Modred the Mystic
3 FN+ £4.75 The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
3 FN £4.25 The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
4 VG £3 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea 2 available
5 VG p £3 Black Beauty 2 available
6 VG £3 Gulliver’s Travels
6 VG- £2.75 Gulliver’s Travels
7 VG p £2.75 Tom Sawyer
10 VG+ p £3 Red Badge Of Courage
12 VF £3.75 The Three Musketeers
12 VG £1.75 The Three Musketeers
15 FN £2.50 Treasure Island
17 FN £2.50 The Count Of Monte Cristo
1-10 Complete Set VF/VF+ £50 Wolverine Save The Tiger story. #1 Pictured below
10 FN £7 Ant-Man
12 VF- £25 Thing with Iron Man; early Thanos app. Bright and glossy with just minor reading/handling wear. Pictured below.
All Red Sonja
3 FN/VF p £3.25
5 VF £5
6 VF £5 2 available
6 VF/NM £19.50
6 FN+ £9
6 VG/FN £6 2 available
8 VF+ £28
13 VF £25
15 NM- £335 1st Iron Fist. This is an awesome copy, glossy, reflective, tight and flat with firm staples and square corners. Pages are a supple off-white to white. Only a very tiny mark of two that shows it’s been handled, but in reality, as good as it was on the newstand in 1974. Marvel Value Stamp intact, of course. This is an outstanding copy from an original owner collection, bought new in 1974 in New York, and carefully preserved ever since. Pictured below.
17 NM- £34
17 VF- £11.75 Ballast ink
18 NM £43
22 NM p £33
22 VF £15.75 2 available
22 VF p £14.50
23 NM £43
23 VF/NM £25
24 NM p £33
24 VF/NM £25 2 available
25 VF £26
27 FA/GD p £12 Satana
31 FN/VF p £3
32 VF/NM £4.75
32 FN p £3.25
36 NM £7.75
37 VF £3.50
37 VF p £3.25
38 NM £7.75
38 FN p £2.25
39 NM £7.75
41 VF p £3.25
42 VF p £3.25
43 NM £7.75
43 FN p £2.50
46 VF p £3.75
47 VG/FN p £50 1st Ant-Man II. Pence printed, bright, colourful and glossy, with tight, secure staples and white to off-white pages. Very minor spine ticks and some edge wear at the top do not break colour. A VERY faint crease (like part of a subscription crease) extends from the top edge centre down to the logo, but there’s only a slight suggestion of a colour break. Pictured below.
48 FN+ p £11 2nd Ant-Man II
51 VF/NM £9.25 Black Panther
52 NM £11.50 Black Panther
55 NM £20 1st solo Wonder Man. Pictured below
56 NM £4.75
57 NM £37 1st Dr Who at Marvel US
60 NM £9.25 Dr Who
1 VF/NM p £48 1st Bloodstone. Pictured below
1 FN £11.50 1st Bloodstone; small cover scuff
2 FN/VF p £6 Bloodstone
4 VF- p £7.50 Guardians Of The Galaxy
4 VF £8 Guardians Of The Galaxy
5 VF p £7.50 Guardians Of The Galaxy
7 FN p £4.75 Guardians Of The Galaxy
9 NM p £10 Guardians Of The Galaxy
5 VF £1,800 1st Ghost Rider. A beautiful higher grade copy, with a glossy, reflective cover with strong colour. Tight and flat with staples firm at spine and centrefold and supple off-white pages. Wear is limited to very faint stress marks at lower staple which do not break colour and the merest suggestion of wear at lower and right edges. From an original owner collection, bought new in 1972 on a New York newsstand, and carefully preserved ever since. Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
7 VF+ £125 Ghost Rider; a glossy, shiny cover with a black border surrounding the image, great colour, tight and flat with firm staples and nice off-white pages. A couple of very minor spine ticks and a small dink to the upper spine corner are all that prevent an even higher grade on this lovely cents copy.
8 VF- £35
10 VF+ p £32
11 FN+ £17.25
12 FN+ p £50 1st solo Son Of Satan plus origin. This is a nice glossy pence printed copy with lurid colour, white to off-white pages and tight, firm staples. Just minor handling wear to edges, tiny stress marks at upper staple and slight corner blunting. Pictured below.
17 VF p £5.75
26 VF+ £7
29 VF p £50 Moon Knight. Flat, tight and glossy with firm staples and supple white pages. Square corners, just very minor wear at spine.
30 FN £2.75
31 NM £6.25
31 FN/VF p £3
31 FN p £2.75
32 VF £75 1st Spider-Woman. Bright colours, tight and flat with tight staples and white to off-white pages. Tiny suggestions of wear in a couple of corners and bottom right edge, but very minor indeed. A miniscule crease of about 0.5 cm across bottom right corner is barely visible, but faintly breaks colour. From an original owner collection, bought new in 1977 in New York, and carefully preserved ever since. Pictured below.
32 FN £45 1st Spider-Woman. Nice above average copy with great colour and gloss, tight, firm staples and near white pages. A few stress marks at spine (a couple just break colour) and a minor bit of corner blunting. Pictured below
1 VF p £7.50 Captain Marvel
2 VF p £3.75 2 available
3 VF p £3.50
3 FN p £3
4 VF p £3.50
4 FN p £3
5 NM p £4
6 VF/NM £33 Star-Lord
6 VF p £18.25 Star-Lord
7 VF/NM £28 Star-Lord
8 FN £5
14 FN+ £24.25 Spider-Man
14 FN £22.50 Spider-Man
14 FN p £20.25 Spider-Man
15 VG £9.25 Medusa
16 VG+ p £7.75 Phantom Eagle
16 VG p £7 Phantom Eagle
16 VG £8.25 Phantom Eagle
19 VG+ p £6.25 Ka-Zar
2 VG/FN £37 Extra staple
5 VF+ £48
7 FN- £9.25
10 VF £18
14 VF- £10.50
17 FN £7.50
18 VF- £9.50
19 VF £11.50
20 VF+ £14
25 FN £5
26 VF p £5.75
26 FN/VF £5.25
26 FN p £4.75
28 VF- £6.25
29 FN £5
29 VG/FN £3.75
30 FN/VF £4.25
32 VF- £6.25
33 FN/VF £6
33 VG p £1.75
34 VG/FN p £2
35 VF £6.75
36 VF £6.75
36 FN/VF p £5.25
37 FN £5
40 VF- £6.25
41 VF+ £7.50
42 FN/VF p £3 2 available
43 FN/VF p £3
44 FN/VF p £3
44 FN p £2 2 available
45 VF/NM £8.25
47 VF/NM £8.25
48 NM £11.50
49 NM- £10
52 VF/NM £8.25
53 VF+ £35 1st Byrne art on X-Men. Pictured below
54 VF+ £8
59 NM- £11.50
59 VG+ p £2.25
60 VF/NM £9
61 VF £6.75
64 VF/NM £9
65 VF+ £45 1st US app Captain Britain. Lovely clean glossy copy with just a couple of stress marks at the spine. Pictured below
66 VF+ £22 2nd part Captain Britain story; 1st Arcade. Lovely clean glossy copy with just a small dink at base of spine. Pictured below
69 FN/VF £6
70 VF £6.75
75 VF+ £7.50
78 FN p £2
78 GD/VG p £1.50
90 FN/VF p £2.50
101 VF/NM £3.25
101 FN £2
119 VF £3
119 FN/VF £2.50
119 FN £2.25
120 FN/VF £2.50
123 VF £4.25
124 VF £2.75
Ann 1 FN/VF £55 Spider-Man and the X-Men. Pictured below.
Ann 7 VF/NM £4.75
5 VG p £9 Hulk
16 VG p £9 Defenders
17 VG+ £10 Hulk
18 GD/VG £7 Spider-Man
11 FN/VF p £4
16 VG p £2
17 VF+ p £5.25
18 FN+ p £3.50
20 VF p £4
21 FN/VF p £3
25 VF p £2.75
25 FN/VF p £2.50 2 available
28 VF p £3.75
30 VF p £12 2nd full Spider-Woman
31 FN p £3
34 VF £3
35 VF p £2.75
39 FN p £2.50
45 FN p £3
47 VF p £3.50
48 VF p £3.25 3 available
49 FN p £2.50
59 FN p £2
61 VF/NM £6.25
61 FN p £3.25
62 VF/NM £6.25
66 FN p £2
68 VF p £2.50 2 available
69 FN p £3.25
74 FN £2
74 FN- p £1.75
77 FN p £2
88 VF £3.50
91 VF £3 2 available
15 VF/NM £300 Special Marvel Edition #15. 1st Shang-Chi, Master Of Kung Fu. This is an outstanding copy from an original owner collection, bought new in 1973 on a New York newsstand, and carefully preserved ever since. Flat, tight, glossy, square corners, perfect staples, no marks or creases; solid black cover background. There is just the slightest suggestion of handling wear centre right cover edge. The pages are off-white, with edges a very light shade of tan. Pictured below
21 VF £7.75
23 VF £7
27 FN £4.75
38 VF/NM p £5
38 FN p £3
43 VF £4.50
43 VF p £4.25 2 available
44 FN p £3
46 FN p £3 2 available
47 VF+ £5
47 VF p £4.25
49 FN/VF p £3.25
49 FN p £3
50 FN p £3
52 VF p £3.25
55 VF £3.50
55 FN/VF p £2.75
56 VF p £3.25
58 VF p £3.25
62 VF/NM £4
66 FN/VF p £2.75
68 VF p £3.25
70 VF/NM p £3.50
73 VF+ £3.50
73 VF p £3.25
74 VF+ £3.50
75 VF+ £3.50
80 VF £3
81 FN p £2
82 FN £2.25
84 VF £3
88 VF £3
88 VG £1.75
90 VG p £1.50
100 VF £3.50
101 FN p £1.75
103 VF £2.50
104 FN p £1.75
107 VF £2.50
107 FN p £1.75
Giant-Size 2 VF- £11.75
1 NM £50 Pictured below
28 VF p £2.50
32 VF p £2.50
34 VF p £2.50
37 VF £3.50
38 VF £2.75
39 VF £2.75
41 VF p £2.75
42 VF p £2.75
44 VF p £2.75
47 VF p £2.75
Ann 1 VF/NM £3.75
Ann 2 NM £4
1 VF+ p £50 A high grade pence printed issue, glossy with rich colour, great pages and staples and a perfect spine. Just a suggestion of handling wear at top edge. Pictured below.
MS MARVEL (1977)
2 FN+ p £9
3 NM- £18
3 VF+ p £11.50
4 VF/NM p £13.25
4 VF p £9.75
5 NM £21
5 NM- p £16.25
6 NM- p £16.25
6 VF p £9.75
6 FN+ p £5.25
8 VF p £7.75
9 VG/FN p £13.25 1st Death-Bird
10 VG+ p £3.50
11 VF/NM £11.50
12 FN+ p £5.25
13 VG+ p £
14 NM p £14.75
14 FN/VF p £6
17 FN p £20 2nd Mystique cameo; 2 available
21 VF p £7.50
22 NM £18
22 VF p £7.50
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
7 VF £4.25
8 VF £4.25
9 VF £13.25 1st Selene, the Black Queen
34 VF £3.50 2 available
41 VF £3.50
42 VF £3.50
43 VF £3.50
44 VF £3.50
46 NM £4.25
46 VF £3.50
48 FN £2.75
49 VF £3.50
87 CGC 8.5 VF+ £160 1st full Cable; CGC Signature Series signed by Rob Liefield
87 NM £17 1st full app. Cable; 2nd printing
87 NM- £15 1st full app. Cable; 2nd printing
88 VF/NM £15 2nd full Cable
1 FN/VF £15
1 VG- p £35 Steranko cover and art. A lower graded copy, pence stamped, with quite a bit of edge wear, spine ticks and diagonal colour-breaking creases across the bottom right corner. Pictured below
2 VF p £55 The Good Doctor Collection. Steranko cover and art.
2 VG+ £19.50 Steranko cover and art
3 VG+ p £17.50 Steranko cover and art
5 FN p £25 Steranko cover and art
5 VG+ p £17.50 Steranko cover and art
7 FN+ p £35 Steranko cover
8 FN/VF p £27 The Good Doctor Collection
8 FN p £9
8 VG+ p £6.75
8 VG £6.25
9 VF £35 The Good Doctor Collection
9 FN/VF p £14.75
9 GD/VG p £4.25 Off lower staple
10 FN p £9 2 available
11 VF- p £17.50
11 FN/VF p £14.75
12 VF+ £33 The Good Doctor Collection. Barry Smith art
12 FN+ p £13.75 Barry Smith art
13 FN/VF £16.25 The Good Doctor Collection
13 FN+ £12.25
13 FN £10
14 VF- £17.50 The Good Doctor Ciollection
15 VG+ p £15 1st Bullseye; off top staple
15 VG p £11 1st Bullseye; off top staple
3 VG+ £7 2 available
3 VG £6.25
5 VG+ £7
6 VF- £14.75
6 FN+ £11.50
6 FN £9.25
6 VG+ p £6.25
7 VF- £14.75
7 FN p £8.25
8 FN/VF £12.75
9 FN/VF p £13.75
9 FN £11.25
9 VG p £7.25
10 FN/VF £15.25
10 FN+ p £12
10 FN £11.50
11 FN £10.25
12 FN £11.50
NOVA (1976)
1 FN/VF p £50 Nice glossy pence printed copy with firm staples and supple off-white pages. Very minor spine and corner wear with a tiny colour-breaking crease across the very extremity of the bottom right corner. The top edge has been dinked at some point in its history, resulting in a narrow colour-breaking crease of approx 2-3 cm on an otherwise quite lovely copy. Pictured below
2 FN p £6.75
3 NM £18
3 FN/VF p £10.50
4 VF p £15.50 Thor app.
5 VF p £6
5 FN p £3.25
6 FN/VF p £5.25
7 FN p £2.75 4 available
8 VF p 4.25
8 FN/VF p £3.50
8 FN p £2.75 2 available
9 FN/VF p £3.50
9 FN p £3 2 available
10 VF p £6
10 FN p £3.25
11 VF p £4
11 FN/VF £3.50
12 FN p £6.75 Spider-Man app.
13 VF/NM p £9.75
13 FN/VF p £3
13 FN p £2.50
14 VF p £6.75
14 FN p £2.25
15 FN p £3.25
15 GD/VG p £1.50
16 VF p £4.75
16 FN p £2.25
16 VG p £1.75
17 VF £5
18 VF £5
19 VF/NM £6.75
20 VF p £4.75
20 FN/VF £3.50
21 VF/NM p £6
21 FN p £2.50
22 VF £4.75
22 FN p £2.50 2 available
23 VF/NM £6.75
24 VF p £4.75
24 FN+ p £2.75
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
O – R
19 NM £57 1st Cottonmouth
22 FN £4.25
22 FN p £4
24 VF+ £44 1st Black Goliath
25 FN p £4.25 2 available
27 FN p £4.25 3 available
28 FN+ p £4.75
29 FN/VF p £5.25
29 VG p £2.75 2 available
30 FN p £4.25
31 VF £4.25
31 FN p £3
31 VG £2.25
32 VF p £4
32 FN/VF p £3.75
34 VF £4.25
34 FN p £3
34 VG p £2
35 VF £4.25
35 FN/VF p £3.75
35 VG £2.25
36 FN+ p £3.25
38 FN £3
38 GD/VG p £2
39 VF £4.25
39 VG £2.50
39 VG p £2.25
40 VG p £2.25
41 VF/NM £6.25
42 VG p £2.50
43 VF+ p £4.50
43 FN/VF p £3.75 2 available
44 FN+ p £3.50
44 FN p £3.25
45 FN+ p £3.25
45 FN p £3
46 VF+ p £4.50
46 FN p £3 2 available
48 FN £20 p £20 1st Power Man/Iron Fist team-up
51 FN p £2.75
55 VF p £3.50
57 VF+ £24.50 Guest starring the X-Men
57 VF- p £13.25 Guest-starring the X-Men
59 NM £4.75
60 NM £4.75
65 FN+ p £3
66 VF+ £40 2nd Sabretooth
67 FN/VF £3.50
68 VF £3.75
68 VF p £3.50
69 VF £3.75 2 available
70 VF p £3.50
71 FN+ p £3
72 VF £3.50 3 available
73 VF p £3.50 2 available
74 VF p £3.50
74 FN p £2.75
75 VF p £3.75
76 VF £3.50
78 NM £45 3rd Sabretooth (cameo)
78 VF £20.25 3rd Sabretooth (cameo)
79 FN £2.25
80 VG £1.50
81 VF £2.75
81 VG/FN £2
82 FN £2.25
84 FN/VF £15 4th Sabretooth
85 VF £2.75
86 VF £2.75
86 FN £2.25
87 NM £3.50
88 NM £3.50
88 VF £2.75
88 VG £1.50
89 VF £2.75
89 VG £1.50
91 VF £2.75 2 available
91 FN £2.25
93 VF £2.75
93 VG £1.50
94 VF £2.75
94 VG £1.50
95 FN/VF £2.50
95 FN £2.25
96 VF/NM £3.25
97 VF £2.75
97 FN £2.25
98 VF £2.75 2 available
99 VF £2.75
100 NM £7
102 VF £2.75
102 FN £2.25
103 FN £2.25
104 FN £2.25 2 available
105 VF £2.75
105 FN £2.25
109 VF £2.75
110 VF £2.75
110 FN £2.25
111 NM £3.50
111 FN £2.25
112 VF £2.75 2 available
113 VF £2.75
114 NM £3.50
114 FN/VF £2.50
115 VF £2.75
115 FN £2.25
117 FN £2.25
Ann 1 VF/NM £15.25
Giant-Size 1 VF- £11.50
3 VF £4.25
3 FN £3.25
6 FN £3.25
7 FN £3.25
9 VF £4.25
9 FN £3.25
10 VF £11.50 Guest-starring Daredevil
11 VF £3
12 VF £3
13 FN £2.25 2 available
14 FN+ £2.50
14 FN £2.25
15 VF/NM £3.25
16 VF/NM £3.25
16 VF £3
17 VF £3 2 available
18 VF/NM £3.25
18 VF £3
19 FN £2.25
20 VF £3
21 VF £3
23 VF £3
24 FN £2.25
28 VF/NM £2.50
32 VF/NM £2.50
36 VF £2.25
37 VF £2.25
38 VF £2.25
51 NM £2.75
55 NM £2.75
56 VF £2.25
60 NM £2.75
61 NM £2.75
69 NM £2.75
70 NM £2.75
71 NM £2.75
72 NM £2.75 2 available
73 NM £2.75 2 available
77 NM £2.75
78 NM £2.75
Ann 1 NM £3.50
Ann 1 FN £2.25 2 available
7 NM £4.25 With Wolverine
QUASAR (1989)
1 VF/NM £18
RED SONJA (1977)
7 VF p £5 2 available
7 FN+ p £4.25
8 VF- p £4.75 2 available
9 VF/NM £8.25
9 FN p £4.25
10 VF £5.75
10 VF p £5
10 FN p £4
11 VF/NM £6.75
11 FN p £3
12 FN p £3
13 VF p £4 2 available
ROM (1979)
20 VF p £4
25 VF- £3.50
26 VG+ £10.50 Galactus app.
40 VF £4.25
48 VF £4.25
51 VF £4.25 2 available
52 VF £4.25
52 FN £3.25
53 FN £3.25
55 VF £4.25
56 FN £3.25
59 FN £3.25
60 FN £3.25
64 VF £4.25
66 VF £4.25
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
1 FN/VF £95 Glossy and colourful, great staples and white to off-white pages. Tiny amounts of handling wear and a very tiny corner off at top right, which brings it down to this grade. Pictured below
4 FN+ £5.50
5 NM- £7.75
5 FN £5
7 FN £4
8 FN+ £5.50
9 FN+ £8.50
10 VF/NM £4
10 VF £3.50
10 FN £3.50
13 FN+ £4
15 FN+ £4
16 FN £3.50
17 VF p £4
17 FN- £3.25
18 FN+ £4
19 FN/VF £4.25
20 VF £4.50
20 FN+ £4
21 VG/FN £3
22 FN+ £4
22 FN+ p £3.50 2 available
22 FN- £3.25
23 FN+ £4
23 VG p £1.75
24 VF £4.25
24 FN £3.50
24 FN/VF £4.25
1 NM- £50 A beautiful near perfect copy with just the tiniest speck of discolouration at the top right edge. Glossy, vibrant, tight, flat, supple and all those other adjectives you’re looking for in this grade. Pictured below.
6 FN £2.25
8 VF/NM £3.25
1 NM- £30
1 VG/FN p £350 This is a decent mid-grade copy, pence stamped, with rich colour and some gloss. The squarebound spine is intact, apart from an unobtrusive 3 cm split at the base. There is some wear to the right edge, slightly breaking colour, with a narrow 7 cm colour breaking crease across the top right corner down through the logo right border. Inside, the first wrap is not attached at the staple (Stapling on these is always a little hit and miss), but it is a clean flaw. Beatutiful supple off-white page quality. Pictured below.
5 GD p £25 Spine split halfway from top, 6 cm at bottom; some cover creasing.
10 VG £30
11 GD/VG p £18.25
12 FN p £40
14 GD/VG p £25 With Spider-Man. Nice copy but has large felt tip price on cover. Pictured below
18 FN+ p £29 Final issue. Kirby art, with the Inhumans
18 VG+ p £16.50 Final issue. Kirby art, with the Inhumans
1 VG £5 John Byrne one-shot
1 VF+ £20
2 FN £3.25
7 FN £3.25
7 VG £2.25
8 VF £4.25
8 FN £3.25 2 available
9 VF £4.25
11 VF £3.50 2 available
12 VF £3.50 2 available
13 VF £3.50
21 VF £3 3 available
22 VF £3
23 VF £3
23 FN £2.25
24 VF £3
26 VF £3
27 VF £3 2 available
27 FN £2.25
28 VF £3 2 available
29 VF £3 2 available
30 NM £3.50
30 VF £3 2 available
32 VF £3
33 NM £3.50
37 VF £5
39 NM £3.50
39 VF £3 2 available
40 VF £3 2 available
41 NM £3.50
41 VF £3
50 VF £25 With Thanos. Gimmicky foil-enhanced cover (the first such?) Pictured below
51 FN £2.50
51 VG £1.75
52 VF £3.50 4 available
54 VF+ £3.50
62 VF £2.25 2 available
63 FN £1.75 2 available
64 VF £2.25
65 VF £2 2.25 available
66 VF £2.25 3 available
68 VF/NM £2.50
69 VF £2.25
71 NM £2.75
73 NM £2.75
74 NM £3.50
79 NM £2.75
83 VF £2.25
84 VF/NM p £2.50
84 VF £2.25
85 NM £2.75
91 VF £2.25
103 VF £2.75
106 VF £2.75
Ann 5 NM £2.75
Ann 5 VF £2.25
2 VF £6.25 2 available
3 FN £4.25
4 VF £5.75
6 VG- p £2.75
7 FN/VF £5
8 VF £5.75
2 FN- p £4.25
2 VG p £3
1 FA/GD p £3,950 This first issue of just about the most famous and in-demand run in comics’ history features the origin of Spidey re-told, and the first appearances of J. Jonah Jameson and the Chameleon, as well as the first ever Fantastic Four crossover. It’s a lower graded UK pence printed variant, with supple creamy pages. The spine is worn, with the bottom staple off, and also off at centrefold. The top staple is weak at spine but still attached, and is firm at centrefold. Tiny pieces out at top and bottom spine. Corners blunted with some chipping along the right edge (not severe). There are two short tears at the right edge with no loss; one of 1.5 cm and one of 2 cm (the latter extends to a lessening degree to the first three pages). There are no marks or stains on the cover, other than a fair few creases. Most of these are to the right side of the cover; there is a long reading crease at spine and a long vertical crease down the comic (off centre) which is not too apparent. Most of these creases break colour. Inside covers are slightly tanned at edges, but there is no sign of brittleness. The comic is not fresh and is a little limp, but it is a reasonable and relatively affordable copy of this icon. Many images are shown below. High resolution images are available on request.
3 FA/GD p £1,200 1st Dr Octopus. This is a low grade, pence printed copy. There are plenty of flaws, but none too horrific. There is a softish central crease vertically down the cover, like a subscription crease but not as severe, occasionally breaking colour. Spine splits at top (3.5 cm) and bottom (0.5 cm). Off top staple, bottom okay, although off at centrefold. Small pea-sized hole in front cover in Spidey’s right arm. Chipping towards bottom right edge, with small chips out. Narrow dust shadow along right edge. Moderate tanning around the edges of inside covers. Edge wear isn’t too bad at all, but there are some creases that break colour along the bottom edge. However, the cover colour is good with a strong image; pages are a reasonable cream to light tan. Pictured below; high resolution images are available on request.
4 CGC 5.5 FN- £1,350 1st Sandman, 1st Betty Brant. This is a CGC graded copy at 5.5 (FN-). Universal blue label (unrestored). Case perfect. Off-white to white pages. The cover has rich colours. CGC Code: 3954525006. Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
5 FN+ p £1,450 Vs Dr Doom. This pence printed copy is a beauty, with a clean and colourful vibrant, glossy cover, hardly any corner blunting and an absolute minimum of edge wear. Staples are firmly attached at spine and centrefold. No creasing apart from a small dink at the base of the spine which barely breaks colour and a soft narrow crease on the bottom edge of the back cover only. Pages are supple, flexible and on the white side of off-white. Conservatively graded at FN+. Pictured below; high resolution images are available on request.
5 VG p £1,000 The Good Doctor Collection. Vs Dr Doom. This is a very respectable mid-grade pence printed copy featuring an unspoilt cover with good colour (faint blue smudge about the size of a 1p coin centrally above logo). There is some corner blunting and tiny bits of edge and spine wear. Staples are firm at cover, although the lower one only is off at centrefold. Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
6 FN/VF p £1,500 1st Lizard; an outstanding copy, pence printed, in a superior grade. Glossy, virtually flat, sharp corners, tight staples and a vivid, unmarked cover scene; the page quality is superb, very close to white pages. There are only the smallest flaws: a small dink at the top corner of the masthead (does not break colour), a very tiny scuff at the base of the Lizard’s lower claw (which you really have to look hard to see) and a couple of very soft, short creases towards the bottom of the spine, which do not break colour and again can barely be seen. We hardly ever see such an early issue of Amazing Spider-Man is such fantastic condition. Pictured below; high resolution images are available on request.
6 GD/VG p £575 1st Lizard. A clean cover, apart from the previous owner’s small monogram below the issue number box, with good colours. There is some wear, particularly at the spine, but the spine is intact and the staples are tight and firm there and at centrefold. A miniscule corner is off bottom right and a slightly larger corner off top right (a much smaller extension of this carries through the comic, affecting just the tiniest edge of the top right margins). Off-white page quality is otherwise quite reasonable. There is a near-vertical central crease up from the bottom edge towards Spidey’s figure that only faintly breaks colour. The back cover has minor corner and edge creasing. Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
7 GD- £245 The Good Doctor Collection. Plenty of flaws: spine roll, a loose centrefold, a small biro figure ‘6’ on the cover by the Vulture’s head, long vertical colour breaking cover crease and lots of similar smaller ones, edge wear and worn spine, ragged right edge pages, back cover tears and a small front cover tear bottom right; the most significant defect is a jagged finger-size section missing from the bottom of the spine (see scan). For all that, it is otherwise complete, the colours are good and the page quality acceptable. Certainly a great gap-filler for the budget conscious. Pictured below
8 VG+ p £240 This is a nice pence-printed mid-grade copy, with strong cover colour, free of cover marks (except as stated below) and free of cover creasing except a couple of faint, tiny creases across bottom right cover which do not break colour. Edge wear is minimal; there is some corner blunting. The right edge has a vertical sun shadow, very slightly tan. This is more pronounced on the inside covers which have tanned edges but are nor brittle. Pages are creamy white, slightly darker at margin edges. Staples are firm at spine and centrefold. An attractive example which would grade higher without the sun shadow. Pictured below
10 VG+ p £315 1st Big Man & the Enforcers. This pence-printed copy is structurally very sound, nice and flat with virtually no creasing except one or two minor spine ticks; there is a tiny chip out centre cover right edge. Staples are tight and firm, pages a supple off-white to cream. Cover colour is strong. Inside covers have some tanning at edges, but are not brittle. The main defect is a narrow dust shadow which runs along the length of the right cover edge (see scan). If you can live with this, you can get a really nice copy of this early issue at a good price. Pictured below.
13 VF- p £2,000 1st Mysterio. The Good Doctor Collection. A supple pence printed copy, with sharp corners, great cover colour and nice gloss, flat with tight firm staples, and an unmarked cover, white to off-white pages. The only wear comprises a few ticks along the spine and a short, non-colour breaking crease of about 2.5 cm at the bottom of the black border to the left of the cover. An absolute gem; pictured below; high grade images are available on request.
14 VG/FN p £1,600 1st Green Goblin. This is a solid pence printed copy, with good cover colour, just minor spine and edge wear (with virtually no creasing), staples tight and firm at spine and centrefold and supple pages that are off-white with hints of tan at the edges. There is some corner blunting (but nothing serious) and a not too significant narrow dust shadow down the right edge of the cover. The inside covers are tanning at the edges, but there is no sign of brittleness. Overall a decent copy that presents well. Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
14 GD/VG p £1,100 1st Green Goblin. This is a lower to mid-grade example, pence printed, where the central image is clean and attractive with strong colour (one or two minor handling marks). There is some edge and corner wear (with blunting), and small creases which do break colour at the very edges of the comic only. There is a small 1 cm spine split at base. The top staple is firmly attached at spine and centrefold; the bottom is secure at centrefold and back cover, but off at the front. The comic holds together very well, though it is a little tired. The pages, while not fresh, are a supple enough creamy colour. A presentable copy of a major key issue.Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
15 VG/FN p £700 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Kraven the Hunter. This is a very decent mid-grade pence printed copy, with residual cover gloss and an unmarked cover image with strong colour. Minor handling wear towards spine with a very faint crease across Spidey’s right foot which only threatens to break colour. Tiny colour-breaking crease across top right corner. Edge and spine wear is minor. Staples are strong and firm at spine and centrefold. Pages are a nice off-white to cream, with some tanning to edges of inside covers; no brittleness. Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
17 FN- p £260 The Good Doctor Collection. 2nd Green Goblin. A nice, fresh pence-printed copy, with rich, bright colours, tight, firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. There’s minor wear along the top edge, a soft, faint 4 cm vertical crease down the centre of the logo which barely breaks colour and some tiny creasing in the bottom corner extremities. A couple of spine ticks just break colour. Conservatively graded. Pictured below.
18 CGC 2.0 GD p £100 1st Ned Leeds. This is a CGC encased copy with a pence stamp, graded at 2.0 (GD). Universal blue label (unrestored). Case perfect. Off-white pages. CGC Code: 3954511008. Pictured below.
19 GD/VG £110 A decent enough cents copy, a bit worn but with no cover markings. A colour-breaking vertical crease left of centre from logo down across title box, but no colour breaks as far as Spidey’s figure. Minor chipping to top and right edge, corner blunting with tiny tear at top of spine. Staples are tight and firm, pages are off white to cream with small stain to top of margin on just a few pages. A little tired but not bad. Pictured below
20 GD/VG p £285 1st Scorpion. Pence stamped, solid and firm, with nice colour cover and gloss, tight and firmly attached staples. Pages are supple, creamy to slightly tan. Faint central vertical crease on lower half of cover, which only slightly breaks colour on bottom couple of cms. Relatively minor wear at spine just breaks colour with an insignificant short reading crease. The right edge of the cover has a dust shadow (see scan). Interior covers are moderately tanned at edges, but there is no suggestion of brittleness. The grade has been assigned to recognise these defects. Pictured below
21 VF £450 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. This is a clean and flat cents copy with a glossy cover, vivid colour and great reflectivity, square corners and virtually no wear. Supple pages are off-white to cream, staples are firm and tight at spine and centrefold. Just a tiny bit of wear along the top of the masthead, and miniscule chipping at lower edge; there is also a small arrival date in pen above the ‘the’ in the logo. Pictured below.
22 CGC 8.5 VF+ £475 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Unrestored universal blue label with case in perfect condition and cream to off-white pages. Pictured below.
23 VF- £430 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. 3rd Green Goblin. Includes a wonderful Ditko Spidey pin-up page. This is a beautiful copy with glowing colour and a pristine white background. Flat with square corners and only the most minimal signs of wear at corners and spine. We would have graded it even higher if not for a slight tanning round the edges of the inside covers, but the pages are supple and a nice off-white to cream. Pictured below.
24 VG p £100 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence stamped. Nice copy with gloss and strong colour. Supple off-white pages and tight, firm staples. 2-3 colour breaking creases across bottom right cover corner. Pictured below.
25 VG+ p £140 1st Mary Jane cameo, 1st Professor Smythe and his Spider Slayer. This pence stamped copy is a very reasonable mid-grade, with average but unobtrusive edge wear and a tiny colour-breaking crease across bottom right cover corner. A relective cover with good colour, tight firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. The inside covers have narrow tan strips at the edges and there is a 1 cm nick at bottom spine. Pictured below
26 VF- £300 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. 1st Crime-Master. Great cover colour and gloss, unmarked. Staples tight and firm at spine and centrefold. Square corners, supple off-white pages. Very minimal wear, just very slight chipping to lower cover right edge and miniscule and infrequent spine ticks that are barely noticeable. Pictured below
26 VG p £90 1st Crime-Master. Decent, solid copy with some spine and edge wear and colour-breaking creasing at right bottom corner; firm staples, nice pages. Pictured below
27 VF- £200 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Great cover colour and gloss, unmarked. Staples tight and firm at spine and centrefold. Supple off-white pages. Square corners, except bottom left which has a little rounding. Very minimal wear, just a few tiny spine ticks. Pictured below
28 FN+ p £350 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Marvel Pop Art Productions logo. 1st Molten Man. Nice clean copy with some gloss and unblemished image. Very minor corner blunting and edge wear. There are some stress marks along the spine where ticks just break colour; they show up more in the scan than in real life. Excellent tight staples and near-white pages. Pictured below
28 VG- p £125 1st Molten Man. ‘Marvel Pop Art Productions’. iconic but notoriously infamous black background cover which traditionally shows up every imperfection. In that respect, this copy isn’t too bad. There is only minor wear at top, bottom and right edges, and although the spine has some reading wear where the black colour is broken, this is fairly unobtrusive. There is also a 4 cm fairly soft crease across bottom right cover edge which only slightly breaks colour. Staples are good and tight. Pages are off-white, turning slightly cream at the margin edges. The inside covers have tanned edges but are not brittle. Pictured below
29 VF- £250 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Marvel Pop Art Productions logo. Very slight discolouration in bottom right corner, barely shows at all. Very slight corner blunting but no other faults. Tight, firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. Pictured below.
29 VG p £125 2nd Scorpion. ‘Marvel Pop Art Productions’. Pence printed, more than reasonable copy, with good cover colour and gloss, firm and tight staples, and creamy supple to slightly tan pages. A little corner blunting, but very little edge wear except for a very narrow chip out top right cover. There are a couple of diagonal creases across the centre of the cover which do not show strongly, and only very slightly break colour for a small part of their extent. The right edge of the cover has a dust shadow (see scan). Interior covers are tanned at edges, but there is no suggestion of brittleness. The grade has been assigned to recognise these defects. Pictured below
30 VG/FN p £85 The Good Doctor Collection. This copy, a pence-printed ‘Marvel Pop Art Production’, is very nice with rich, moody colour cover and residual gloss. Minor corner blunting with a small dink at top left spine and small stress marks along the spine. Nice white to off-white pages and tight staples. Presents very well. Pictured below.
30 VG p £75 Decent, solid copy with some spine and edge wear; firm staples, nice pages. Pictured below.
31 GD/VG p £150 1st Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn and Prof Warren. Pence printed, a ‘Marvel Pop Art Production’. Structurally sound with good cover colour; supple off-white to cream (at the edges) pages and tight, firm staples. Some edge wear with short colour breaking creases across bottom right corner and at top between mast-head and logo. There are also two longer colour-breaking creases (about 5-6 cm) up from the bottom edge. The cover was folded off-centre in production so that 0.5 cm of the cover image is over the fold on the back cover. Edges of inside covers are tanned but not brittle. Pictured below
32 GD/VG p £55 Pence printed with good cover colour and gloss. Minor edge wear with tiny chip out centre right edge and small flake off bottom right cover corner (see scan). Tight, firm staples and decent off-white pages. Dust shadow along cover right edge. Edges of inside covers are tanned but not brittle. Pictured below.
32 GD- p £44 Worn spine, heavy subscription crease and other colour-breaking cover creases; staples and pages okay, small spine split at base.
33 CBCS 7.0 FN/VF £375 Issue #33 of the Amazing Spider-Man is a lot of people’s favourite issue, and a Lee & Ditko classic. A great cover, with Spidey trapped under impossibly heavy machinery as water splashes down all around. And that full page Ditko illustration inside, where, beset by worries about his aunt’s health, he exerts himself as never before to throw off the machinery — possibly my favourite Spidey moment! Not that you’ll see that with this CBCS issue unless you crack it open, but at least you can have the satisfaction of knowing that you have a true gem in your collection! Graded at 7.0 (FN/VF) by CBCS, this cents copy is unrestored with white pages and a perfect case. Pictured below.
34 VG+ p £80 The Good Doctor Collection. Sound copy with great colour, flat, tight and fresh. Minimal edge wear, no creases, supple off-white pages, firm staples. Would grade a lot higher if not for obtrusive book shop stamp over Kraven’s figure (see scan). Pictured below
35 FN- p £80 The Good Doctor Collection. Strong colour, tight, firm staples and supple off-white pages. Small bits of edge wear and spine ticks marginally break colour, but a nice copy. Pictured below.
36 App FA p £20 1st Meteor Man, later Looter. Cover worn with black felt tip pen mark; bottom staple coming loose. Ad page out but story complete.
37 VG+ p £95 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Norman Osborn. Decent copy with good colour, tight staples and supple off-white pages. There is some spine wear and minor corner blunting. A faint, flat crease across the bottom right corner is barely perceptible. Pictured below
41 VF £750 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. 1st Rhino. A beautiful cents example of this issue, tight and flat with good cover colour and gloss, excellent white to off-white supple pages and firm staples. There is virtually no wear, just a very slight blunting of the top left corner, a few narrow wear marks at the very bottom of the left bottom edge and tiny ticks at spine. The inner covers are ever so slightly discoloured at the very extremities, but we’re being ultra-picky on this great-looking copy. Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
44 FN/VF £185 The Good Doctor Collection. Great cover with strong colour and dark background. Firm staples and supple off-white pages; nice and flat. Just very minor corner blunting and minor edge wear. Pictured below
45 FN/VF p £120 The Good Doctor Collection. Great cover with strong colour and bright background. Firm staples and supple off-white pages; nice and flat. Minor corner blunting and a few stress marks at spine just break colour. Pictured below
46 VG p £120 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Shocker. Some edge wear with small amounts of creasing at right top and bottom covers, just breaking colour. Small tear top back cover. Pages are off-white to cream; staples are tight and firm. Pictured below.
47 VG p £75 The Good Doctor Collection. Great Kraven the Hunter cover. Some edge wear with short colour-breaking creasing across lower right cover corner. Nice off-white pages, with tight, firm staples. Pictured below.
48 VF £180 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Lovely flat copy with firm, tight staples, great colour and nice gloss. Miniscule handling and edge wear. Excellent off white pages. Top and bottom edges of inside covers have slight tan lines across. Pictured below.
48 VG p £48 2 available
48 GD/VG p £38
49 VG- p £35 The Good Doctor Collection.
50 GD+ p £320 Iconic cover; 1st Kingpin. A reasonable pence printed copy with the central image intact and good colours. The top right cover corner has been crumpled at some stage, leaving small tears and creases in that corner; these have flattened out really well, and a piece of tape has been well deployed on the inside cover which makes the best of this damaged area. Elsewhere, minor wear with very small colour-breaking creases. Corner blunting with tight flat staples and supple off-white pages. Pictured below
52 VG £50 The Good Doctor Collection. Finale of 1st Kingpin story. Minor edge wear only, except for some heavy creasing along right edge near top half, breaking colour. Pages are off-white to cream, with tight, firm staples. Pictured below.
52 App VG/FN £25 4 non-story pages out
53 VF+ £215 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Tight, flat copy, printed without an upper staple (but the lower is firm). Sharp corners, residual gloss, great colour. Supple off-white pages. Virtually no wear, just a couple of very minor signs at edges. Pictured below.
55 VF- £145 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Beautiful unmarked cover on this iconic issue. Flat and glossy with great colour. Staples firm at spine and centrefold. Sharp corners with just a hint of wear at top left. Very faint non-colour-breaking crease at top of logo, but you can only see it in a certain light. Slight tanning to inner covers. Supple off-white pages. Pictured below
56 VG+ p £60 Pence stamped, solid copy with good colour, pages and staples. Some wear at spine; a few soft creases, but only breaking colour in the masthead box. Pictured below
57 FN/VF £90 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. A bright, shiny copy with some colour-breaking creases at lower spine and minor edge and corner wear, but white pages and tight staples. Pictured below
59 VG p £60 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Mary Jane cover. Pence-stamped, good colour, nice staples and off-white pages. Faint subscription crease and reading crease at spine break colour. Pictured below
61 VF+ £195 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. 1st Gwen Stacy cover. Brilliant cover colour and high gloss, square corners, firm, tight staples, nice white to off-white pages. Just virtually indiscernible, and very minor handling wear in bottom right corner prevents a NM. Pictured below.
62 FN/VF £100 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Classic Romita cover. Great colour, square corners, firm, tight staples, nice white to off-white pages. Minor handling wear only. Pictured below.
63 VF £130 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Shiny, glossy copy with brilliant cover colour and black background. Just minor handling edge wear and a couple of minute ticks at the spine preclude a higher grade. Tight, firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. Pictured below.
63 VG- £34 Off bottom staple
64 VF+ £140 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Brilliant bright cover with sharp white background. Square corners, tight and flat. An absolute minimum of edge wear on this wonderful copy. Tight, firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. Pictured below.
65 VG p £30 The Good Doctor Collection.
67 VF- £80 The Good Doctor Collection. Classic Mysterio cover. Excellent cover colour and reflectivity. Sharp edges and corners. Cover unmarked, staples tight at spine and centrefold. Tiny handling wear at extremity of top edge just breaks colour. Small ink mark at top of pages looks like a (very minor) printing issue. Supple white to off-white pages. Pictured below.
67 VG £40 Classic Mysterio cover. ‘$1’ marked in biro near masthead box. Pictured below.
68 VG p £34
68 VG/FN p £39
69 VG p £29 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence stamped, glossy, white pages, firm staples; some wear along spine and right edge with small creases that break colour. Pictured below
70 FN £65 The Good Doctor Collection. Glossy, white to off-white pages, firm staples. Tiny colour-breaking crease at top right corner, small dink at base of spine. Pictured below.
71 VF+ p £110 Pence printed, great colour and reflectivity. White to off-white pages, firm staples. Only the most minor suggestions of reading/handling wear. Pictured below
73 VF- £85 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. 1st Silvermane. Excellent copy with rich cover colour and shiny brilliant white background. Staples tight at spine and centrefold. Supple off-white pages. Square corners. A couple of very small non-colour breaking creases at base of spine; the spine is printed very slightly off true, resulting in a tiny diagonal look to it (see scan). Pictured below.
74 FN p £45 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence printed. Nice clean copy with minor edge wear, good pages and staples. Pictured below.
75 FN p £70 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence printed. Nice clean copy with minor edge wear, good pages and staples. Pictured below.
76 GD/VG p £20 The Good Doctor Collection.
77 GD p £14.50 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence printed.
78 GD/VG p £60 1st Prowler. Long vertical crease near spine partially breaks colour. Pictured below.
79 FN/VF £70 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Solid copy with great colour and gloss. Great staples and nice off-white to white pages. A couple of spine ticks which break colour lead to very short creases that don’t. Pictured below
80 FN+ p £42
81 FN- p £36 1st Kangaroo
82 VG+ p £45 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence stamped Pictured below
83 FN- p £50 1st Schemer. The Good Doctor Collection. Pence printed. Pictured below.
83 VG/FN p £42 1st Schemer. Pence stamped. Solid copy with minor edge wear.Pictured below.
84 VG+ £35 The Good Doctor Collection.
85 VG+ p £32 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence stamped
86 VG+ p £50 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence stamped. John Romita’s new design for the Black Widow. Pictured below
87 FN- £55 The Good Doctor Collection Pictured below
88 VF £80 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Glossy, flat, lustrous, white to off-white pages, firm staples, sharp corners; just very minor reading and handling wear. Pictured below.
89 VF £100 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Glossy, flat, lustrous, white to off-white pages, firm staples, sharp corners; just very slight crease towards base of spine (not breaking colour). Pictured below.
90 VF £100 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Glossy, flat, lustrous, white to off-white pages, firm staples, sharp corners; just tiny amounts of reading wear at staple areas. Pictured below.
91 VF- £85 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection.Tight and shiny with just marginal handling and reading wear. Pictured below
92 FN/VF £43 The Good Doctor Collection. With Iceman. Pictured below
93 FN/VF £55 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Tight and shiny with handling and reading wear at spine and a few pressure marks on cover, not breaking colour. Pictured below
94 VF- £75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Tight and shiny with minor stress marks at spine and tiny reading wear bottom right corner; nothing breaks colour. Pictured below
95 FN/VF £70 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
96 VF+ £150 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Non-code approved. Flat and glossy, with only the tiniest handling wear at spine. Square corners, tight, firm staples, supple off-white pages. Pictured below
96 VF- £105 Non-code approved. Flat, tight and glossy with a clear and colourful cover image. The staples are tight and the pages off-white to white. Just some minor stress marks to the spine and miniscule bits of wear at the top and bottom left corners stop it grading higher. Pictured below
97 VF/NM £160 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Non-code approved. Almost a perfect copy. Flat, tight and glossy. Supple white to off-white pages. Just a couple of faint, short crease marks at the upper staple (not breaking colour) and a slight, faint tanning to the edges of the inside covers. Pictured below
98 VF+ £135 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Non-code approved. Flat, tight and glossy. Supple white to off-white pages. Tiny wear at corner extremities, very tiny signs of wear visible at spine. Pictured below
100 VF p £175 Anniversary issue. A very nice superior shiny, flat pence stamped copy with only very minor edge wear, no marking, no creasing and little corner blunting. Staples are firm and tight at spine and centrefold; supple pages are off-white to cream. Pictured below.
101 VF- p £350 1st Morbius. A very nice pence printed issue, tight, flat and glossy, with firm staples, an unmarked cover and decent off-white to cream pages. Just very minor handling wear and corner blunting reduce the grade, albeit to a very respectable one. Pictured below
105 FN+ p £23.25
107 FN p £17.50
107 VG+ p £13.25
108 VF- £33
111 VF p £37
111 VF- £36 The Good Doctor Collection.
111 FN/VF p £28
113 FN p £17.75 The Good Doctor Collection.
115 VF- £36 The Good Doctor Collection.
116 VF/NM p £70 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
116 VF p £39
117 VF p £37 The Good Doctor Collection.
117 FN+ p £22.50
118 FN+ p £22.50 The Good Doctor Collection.
118 VG p £11.75
119 FN/VF £90 The Good Doctor Collection. Vs the Hulk. Tight and flat, with small creases at spine that do not break colour; tiny nicks out back cover. Great colour and gloss, secure staples, white to off-white pages. Pictured below.
120 VF+ £130 The Good Doctor Collection. Vs the Hulk. Great cover colour and gloss, tight, firm staples and square corners, supple white to off-white pages. A superior copy.Pictured below.
121 VF £400 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Death of Gwen Stacy. A tight, flat and glossy copy with vibrant colours. Excellent white to off-white supple pages, square corners, firm, fresh staples. Three or four miniscule edge creases which barely register and only one ever-so faintly breaks colour for a few mm. Pictured below.
124 FN/VF £120 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Man-Wolf. Glossy unmarked copy with very minor edge wear and a couple of short creases at centre spine which do not break colour. except for a pin-prick size mark on the spine itself. Firm, tight staples and nice off-white pages. Pictured below.
125 VG/FN £18.25 The Good Doctor Collection. Origin Man-Wolf.
126 VF+ £69 Beautiful glossy, tight, flat copy with just a tiny dink at the upper right corner.
126 FN/VF £34 3 available
126 FN+ £29
127 FN/VF £32
128 VF/NM £58 Glossy with deep colour and sharp corners, tight and flat with great staples and only the merest suggestion of edge wear preventing a NM grade.
129 VF+ £2,500 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. 1st Punisher, 1st Jackal; in lovely condition, with a glossy, bright colour unmarked cover, staples firm at spine and centrefold, supple white to off-white pages and sharp corners, with only the barest signs of wear or handling marks. High resolution images are available on request.
130 VF+ £47
130 FN/VF £36
131 FN- £13.50 The Good Doctor Collection.
132 VF+ £42 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
133 VF £30
134 FN/VF £90 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Tarantula, 2nd Punisher (cameo). Bright, glossy copy with just a minimum of handling wear. A couple of spine ticks don’t break colour. Firm staples and off-white pages. Pictured below.
138 VF+ £30 2 available
138 VF- £19.50
139 VG/FN £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection.
140 VF £22.75
141 VG+ £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection.
142 FN/VF £20.25 The Good Doctor Collection.
143 VF £47 1st Cyclone. Pictured below
146 VF- £37
147 VF £45 The Good Doctor Collection
148 FN/VF £45 The Good Doctor Collection
150 FN+ £28 The Good Doctor Collection
153 VF £20.25
154 VF £20.25 2 available
154 VF- £17.75
155 VF £20.25
155 FN £10 The Good Doctor Collection
155 FN £10
156 VF £27 1st Mirage 2 available
157 FN+ £12.50 The Good Doctor Collection.
158 VF £20.25
159 VF/NM £33
159 VF+ £27
161 VF+ £40 1st Cameo Jigsaw
164 VF+ £20.75
164 VF- £13.50
164 FN £7.50
165 CGC 9.6 NM+ £135 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Unrestored blue label universal grade, white pages, case perfect. Pictured below
165 VG £5 Water damage
166 VF/NM £24.25
166 VF £15.50
167 VF+ £20.75 1st Will O’The Wisp
168 VF/NM £24.25
169 VF £15.50
170 VF £15.50
171 FN+ £12
172 FN+ £9.50 The Good Doctor Collection.
173 FN £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection.
175 VF/NM £33
175 FN/VF £15
176 VF £16.25
176 FN/VF £12
177 VF/NM £25
178 VF £16.25 2 available
179 VF/NM £25
180 FN- £7 The Good Doctor Collection
181 VF- £11.75 The Good Doctor Collection
182 VF £13 The Good Doctor Collection
182 VF- £11.75
183 CGC 9.6 NM+ £70 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Universal unrestored blue label, off white to white pages, case perfect. Pictured below
183 VF/NM £18.75 2 available
183 VF+ £16
183 FN/VF £10.25 The Good Doctor Collection
185 VF/NM £18.75
185 VF+ £16
186 CGC 9.6 NM+ £100 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Unrestored blue label, case perfect, white pages. Pictured below
186 VF £13
186 VF+ £16
187 NM- £36 The Good Doctor Collection. Captain America guest-stars.
188 VF £18.75 The Good Doctor Collection.
189 CGC 9.6 NM+ £80 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Universal unrestored blue label, off white to white pages, case perfect. Pictured below.
189 VF+ £22
189 VF £17
190 VG £5 The Good Doctor Collection
191 VF+ £14
192 VF+ £14
193 FN/VF £10 The Good Doctor Collection.
194 VF+ £175 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Newstand variant. 1st Black Cat. A lovely copy, typical of this collection, with great colour and gloss and just the tiniest signs of handling wear at spine and edges. Sharp corners, no colour breaks. Tight, firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. Pictured below.
194 VG+ £115 1st Black Cat. A nice copy, with tight, firm staples, spine ticks and some handling wear, decent off-white pages; it is marred by a colour-breaking crease of 11 cm across the bottom right corner. Pictured below.
196 VF/NM £16.25 The Good Doctor Collection
197 VF £11.50 The Good Doctor Collection
198 VF/NM £16.25
199 VF/NM £16.25
199 VF £11.50 The Good Doctor Collection
201 NM- £70 The Good Doctor Collection. Classic bullseye cover. Pictured below
202 VF+ £24.25 The Good Doctor Collection
205 VF+ £11 Black Cat. The Good Doctor Collection
205 VF+ £11 Black Cat
207 VF+ £11 The Good Doctor Collection
208 VF+ £11 The Good Doctor Collection
208 VF £9
210 VF+ £80 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. 1st Madame Web. Great colour and gloss, sharp corners, flat and tight, white to off-white pages — everything you would want. One or two tiny stress marks along the spine preclude an even higher grade. Pictured below.
211 NM £16.25 The Good Doctor Collection
212 NM £55 1st Hydro-Man. The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
213 VF+ £11
214 NM- £25 The Good Doctor Collection
214 VF/NM £13
215 VF+ £11 The Good Doctor Collection
215 VF+ p £10
215 FN+ £6
216 NM £24.25 The Good Doctor Collection
218 VF+ £11
219 NM- £24.25 The Good Doctor Collection
219 VF/NM £13
220 VF £19 Moon Knight
221 NM £11.50
221 VF/NM £9
222 NM £11.50 2 available
222 VF/NM p £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
223 VF p £6.25 The Good Doctor Collection
224 VF+ £8.50 The Good Doctor Collection
224 VF £6.75
226 VF/NM £22.75 Black Cat. The Good Doctor Collection
227 VF/NM £22.75 Black Cat. The Good Doctor Collection
227 VF/NM £22.75 Black Cat
229 VF £17 The Good Doctor Collection
230 VF+ £22 The Good Doctor Collection
232 VG+ £4 The Good Doctor Collection
233 VF/NM £9
234 NM £11 The Good Doctor Collection
235 VF/NM £9
235 FN- £4.75 The Good Doctor Collection
237 NM £11.50
237 NM £11.50 The Good Doctor Collection
239 NM £60 2nd Hobgoblin. Pictured below.
240 NM £11.50 The Good Doctor Collection
243 VF/NM £9 The Good Doctor Collection
244 VF/NM £27 The Good Doctor Collection
245 NM £34 The Good Doctor Collection
246 NM £11.50 The Good Doctor Collection
249 NM- £19.50 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
250 NM £60 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below.
251 NM- £19.50 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
253 NM- £24.25 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Rose
254 VF/NM £9 The Good Doctor Collection
256 VF/NM £28 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Puma
257 NM- £36 The Good Doctor Collection
258 VF £22 The Good Doctor Collection. Spidey leaarns that the black costume is an alien symbiote.
260 NM- £28 The Good Doctor Collection.
261 FN/VF £10.75 The Good Doctor Collection
262 NM £19.50 Photo cover. The Good Doctor Collection
264 VF- £6.25 The Good Doctor Collection
266 VF £6.75
267 VF- £6.25 The Good Doctor Collection
268 VF/NM £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
271 VF+ £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
271 VF £6.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
272 VF/NM £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
272 VF- £6.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
273 VF- £6.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
273 VG+ £4 The Good Doctor Collection
274 NM £10 The Good Doctor Collection
274 VF+ £7.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
275 NM £29 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
275 VF £14 The Good Doctor Collection
276 VF £8.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
277 NM £10 The Good Doctor Collection
277 VF/NM £8.25
277 VF/NM £8.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
278 NM £10 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
279 NM £10 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
279 VF+ £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
280 VF+ £7.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
280 VF+ £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
281 NM £10 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
282 NM £12 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
282 NM- £10 The Good Doctor Collection
283 VF £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
283 VF £6.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
284 NM- £11.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
284 VF- £6.25 The Good Doctor Collection
285 VF £6.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
285 FN+ £5.50 The Good Doctor Collection
286 VF+ £7.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
286 FN/VF £6 The Good Doctor Collection
287 NM- £10 The Good Doctor Collection
287 VF- £6.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
288 VF/NM £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
288 VF £6.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
289 VF £15.50 Hobgoblin revealed. The Good Doctor Collection
289 VF £15.50 Hobgoblin revealed. The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
289 VF £15.50 Hobgoblin revealed
290 NM- £8.25 Peter proposes to MJ. The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
291 VF/NM £6.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
292 VF+ £6 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
292 VF £5
293 FN/VF £15 Kraven’s Last Hunt Part 2. The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Pictured
294 VF+ £22.50 Kraven’s Last Hunt Part 5. The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Pictured
295 VF/NM £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
295 VF+ £6 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
296 VF/NM £6.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
296 VF £5
296 VF/NM £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
297 NM- £8.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
298 FN/VF £45 1st brief appearance of Eddie Brock (the man who would become Venom) and the beginning of Todd McFarlane’s run as artist. Brilliant white background cover, sharp corners, tight staples, white pages. There is a slight but unnoticeable uneveness in the pseudo barcode box that suggests some historical indentation on this copy, but a dazzling example nonetheless. Pictured below
301 NM- £90 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. A very nice copy, popularly known as the ‘negative’ version of #300 due to Spidey being back to his original costume plus the white background. This high grade copy is near pristine, with great cover colour and gloss, and barely a mark or defect. Tight and flat with firm staples and white pages. You really wouldn’t need nicer than this. Pictured below
302 VF £9
302 VF £9 The Good Doctor Collection
303 NM- £16.25 The Good Doctor Collection
303 VF £9 2 available
303 FN+ £6
304 NM- £16.25 The Good Doctor Collection
304 VF £9 2 available
305 NM £18
305 NM £18 The Good Doctor Collection
305 VF £19
305 FN/VF £7
305 VG+ £4
307 NM £16.25 The Good Doctor Collection
307 VF £8.25
308 VF+ £10 The Good Doctor Collection
309 VF £8.25
309 VF £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
310 VF/NM £11.50 The Good Doctor Collection
310 VF £8.25
310 FN/VF £6.75
311 VF £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
312 VF+ £17.50 The Good Doctor Collection. Green Goblin Vs Hobgoblin
313 VF- £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
314 VF/NM £11.50 2 available
314 VF £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
317 VF £18.75
317 FN/VF £14.25 The Good Doctor Collection
318 VF/NM £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
319 NM- £10
319 VF+ £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
319 VF £6.75
320 VF/NM £8.25
320 VF/NM £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
320 FN/VF £6
321 NM- £10
321 VF- £6.25 The Good Doctor Collection
322 NM £11.50
322 VF £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
322 FN £5
323 VF+ £11 The Good Doctor Collection. With Captain America
325 VF+ £16 The Good Doctor Collection; 2 available
326 VF- £4.75
327 NM £8.25
327 NM- £6.75
327 VF/NM £5 The Good Doctor Collection
328 VF/NM £21 The Good Doctor Collection
328 VF £14
329 FN £7.50
329 VG+ £5.75 The Good Doctor Collection
330 NM £24
330 VF/NM £16.25 The Good Doctor Collection
331 NM £20 2 available
331 VF+ £14 The Good Doctor Collection
331 VF £11.50 2 available
332 VF/NM £16.25 Venom
332 VF+ £14 The Good Doctor Collection; Venom
333 VF/NM £16.25 Venom
333 FN/VF £19.50 The Good Doctor Collection; Venom
334 VF £4.25 The Good Doctor Collection; Return of the Sinister Six. Pictured below.
335 VF+£4.75 The Good Doctor Collection
336 FN/VF £3.50 The Good Doctor Collection
338 VF+ £4.75 The Good Doctor Collection
339 VF- £4
339 FN+ £3 The Good Doctor Collection
340 VF/NM £5
340 VF- £4 The Good Doctor Collection
341 VF- £4The Good Doctor Collection
342 NM- £6.75
342 VF- £4 The Good Doctor Collection
343 NM- £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
344 VF/NM £40 The Good Doctor Collection; 1st cameo Cletus Kasady (later Carnage). Pictured below
345 VF £15.50 The Good Doctor Collection; 1st full Cletus Kasady (later Carnage); Venom.
346 VF/NM £32 Venom
346 VF £24 The Good Doctor Collection; Venom
347 VF+ £32 The Good Doctor Collection; classic Venom cover
348 NM £5
348 VF £4.25 The Good Doctor Collection
349 NM £5
349 FN £3.25 The Good Doctor Collection
350 NM- £8.25
350 VF £5 The Good Doctor Collection
351 VF/NM £4.75
351 NM £6
351 FN/VF £3.75 The Good Doctor Collection
352 VF/NM £4.75
352 VF- £4 The Good Doctor Collection
353 NM £6
353 VF+ £4.50 The Good Doctor Collection
354 NM £6
354 VF/NM £4.75 The Good Doctor Collection
355 VF £4.25 The Good Doctor Collection
355 VG £2.25
356 VF £4.25 The Good Doctor Collection
356 FN £3.25
357 NM £6
357 FN- £3 The Good Doctor Collection
358 NM £6
358 NM- £5
359 VF+ £4.50 The Good Doctor Collection
360 VF/NM £24.25 The Good Doctor Collection; 1st cameo Carnage
361 VF+ £65 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. 1st full Carnage. This key issue is a very nice high grade copy with brilliant colour and gloss, square corners, tight and flat, with firm staples and pure white pages. The only blemish is a tiny dink mark at the base of the spine which is not severe and does not break colour and is about 5 mm in length. Pictured below.
362 NM+ £30 2nd part of Carnage trilogy
362 NM £27 2nd part of Carnage trilogy
362 VF+ £16 2nd part of Carnage trilogy
363 NM £27 3rd part of Carnage trilogy
363 VF/NM £18.75 3rd part of Carnage trilogy
363 VF £13 3rd part of Carnage trilogy
364 VF/NM £3.25
364 VF/NM £3.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
365 VF+ £25The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection; 30th Annivwersary issue; Hologram cover
366 VF/NM £3.25
366 VF+ £3 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
367 VF £2.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
368 NM £3.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
369 VF+ £3 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
370 VF £2.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
371 VF £2.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
372 VF £2.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
373 VF+ £3 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
374 NM- £16.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection; Venom cover
375 NM- £40 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection; Venom foli cover; 30th Anniversary of Amazing #1. Pictured below.
376 NM- £3.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
377 NM- £3.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
378 NM- £30 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection; Maximum Carnage Part 3
379 NM- £30 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection; Maximum Carnage Part 7
380 NM- £30 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection; Maximum Carnage Part 11. Pictured below
381 NM- £3.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
381 NM- £3.50
382 NM- £3.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
383 NM- £3.50
383 VF/NM £3.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
383 VF- £2.75
384 VF/NM £3.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
385 NM- £3.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
386 VF £2.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
387 VF/NM £3.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
388 NM £8.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection; Foil cover Collectors’ Edition
388 VF/NM £4.75
389 FN £3.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection; Masterprint insert
390 NM £6.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection; Animated series preview and cel
391 VF/NM £3.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
392 VF £3 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
393 NM- £3.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
394 NM £6.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection; Foil cover
394 VF/NM £5Foil cover
395 NM £3.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
396 NM- £3.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
397 VF+ £4.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
398 VF/NM £4.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
399 VF/NM £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
399 VF+ £4.50
400 VF+ £15 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection; Grey overlay cover
401 NM £5
401 VF/NM £4.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection.
401 VF £4.25
402 NM £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
402 NM £5 2 available
403 NM- £8.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
403 NM £10
404 NM- £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
405 VF/NM £4.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
405 NM £5
406 VF/NM £4.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. 1st female Dr Octopus; with Overpower trading card
407 NM £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
408 NM £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
408 NM £5
409 NM- £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
409 NM £5
410 VF+ £22 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Web of Carnage.
411 VF/NM£4.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
411 VF £4.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
411 NM £5
412 VF+ £4.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
412 NM £5
413 VF £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. With Kool-Aid sachet
413 VF £5 With Kool-Aid sachet
414 VF+ £4.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
415 NM- £6.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
415 NM £8.25 3 available
416 VF £6.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. With Trading Card
416 NM £13 With Trading Card
417 NM- £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
417 NM £5 2 available
418 VF/NM £4.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
419 NM- £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
419 VF £4.25
420 VF+ £4.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
420 NM £5
421 NM £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
422 NM £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
422 NM £5
422 VF £4.25
423 NM £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
424 NM- £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
424 NM £5
425 NM £10 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
426 NM- £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
426 NM £5 2 available
426 VF £4.25
427 NM- £8.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
428 VF/NM £4.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
429 VF+ £4.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
430 NM £50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Carnage & Silver Surfer. Pictured below.
431 VF- £30 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Cosmic Carnage
433 NM £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
433 NM £5 2 available
433 VF £4.25
435 NM £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
436 NM- £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
437 NM- £5 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
438 VF/NM £4.75 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
439 NM- £11.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
440 VF+ £4.50 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection
441 NM £10 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Final issue
-1 NM- £4.25 The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection. Flashback issue
-1 NM £5 Flashback issue
Ann 4 FN/VF p £43
Ann 4 FN+ £42
Ann 4 FN+ p £35
Ann 4 GD/VG £18 The Good Doctor Collection
Ann 5 VG p £15
Ann 5 GD £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
Ann 11 FN £20 The Good Doctor Collection
Ann 13 VF £26 The Good Doctor Collection
Ann 18 NM £20
Ann 18 NM- £19 The Good Doctor Collection
Ann 20 FN £16.25 The Good Doctor Collection
Ann 22 VF/NM £26 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Speedball
Ann 25 NM- £22.50 The Good Doctor Collection
Ann 26 NM- £26 The Good Doctor Collection
Ann 27 NM £3.50 Sealed with trading card
Ann 27 NM £2.75 4 available
Giant-Size 2 VG/FN £25 Spidey & Master Of Kung Fu. Opening pages off bottom staple
Giant-Size 3 VF/NM £36 Spidey & Doc Savage
Giant-Size 3 VF- £26 Spidey & Doc Savage
Giant-Size 3 VG £6.75 Spidey & Doc Savage
Giant-Size 4 VG/FN £44 Spidey & Punisher. Ballast ink at edges. Pictured below
Giant-Size 5 FN/VF £36 Spidey & Man-Thing
Giant-Size 6 FN/VF £19.75 Spidey & Human Torch
SPIDER-MAN, AMAZING (Volume 2, 1999)
1 NM £18 D F Exclusive cover variant with certificate of authenticity
1 NM £10
2 NM £4
3 NM £3
6 NM £3
16 NM £3
32 NM £4
37 NM £3
39 NM £3
40 NM £3
42 NM £3
44 NM £3
45 NM £3
47 NM £3
49 NM £3
51 NM £3
54 NM- £2.75
55 NM £3
56 NM £3
57 NM £3 2 available
58 NM £3 2 available
(numbering reverts to original after #58, commencing with #500)
501 NM £2.75
502 NM £2.75
503 NM £2.75
504 NM £2.75 3 available
507 NM £2.75
511 NM £2.75
516 NM £2.75 3 available
518 NM £2.75 2 available
518 VF £2.25
519 NM £2.75
533 NM £10 Civil War tie-in
535 NM £10 Civil War tie-in
537 NM £10 Civil War tie-in
538 VF £8 Civil War tie-in
547 NM £2.75 2 available
548 NM £2.75 2 available
2 VF/NM £65
3 VF+ £40
6 FN/VF £10
9 NM- £80 1st colour comic app. White Tiger. Great copy with only the most minimal handling wear.
10 VF+ £19
12 FN- £4.75
13 FN £5
16 VF £6.25
21 VF £5
23 VF+ £22 Moon Knight app
27 VF £35 1st Miller art on Daredevil. Just very minor edge wear.
28 VF+ £27 Miller art
33 VF £4.25
36 VF- £4
37 VF+ £4.75
39 VF+ £4.75
40 VF+ £4.75
48 VF £3.50
51 VF- £4
53 VF- £4
54 VF £4.25
55 VF+ £4.75
55 VF p £3.25
56 VF/NM £8.25 2nd Jack O’Lantern
57 VF+ £4.75
57 VF p £3.25 2 available
58 VF/NM £6
58 VF £4.25
59 VF £3.50 2 available
59 VF- £3.25
60 VF £4.25
61 FN £2.75
62 VF £4.25
63 VF £4.25
63 VF- £4
64 VF £50 1st Cloak & Dagger. This is a nice high grade copy, tight, flat and glossy, good staples, supple white to off-white pages. A few short spine ticks do not break colour. There is a faint vestige of a soft crease across 3 cm of the bottom right cover corner, but this does not break colour and can barely be seen.
65 FN/VF £3.50
65 FN £3.25
66 FN/VF £3.50
67 VF £4.25
68 VF £4.25
69 FN £5 2nd Cloak & Dagger 2 available
70 FN £5 3rd Cloak & Dagger 3 available
71 VF £4.25
73 VF- £4
74 VF £4.25 2 available
76 VF+ £4.75
77 VF £4.25 2 available
78 VF £4.25
79 VF £4.25
79 FN+ £3
80 VF/NM £4.75
81 VF+ £6 Cloak & Dagger
85 NM- £8.25 Cloak & Dagger
82 VF £5 Cloak & Dagger
83 VF £7.50 Punisher origin retold. 2 available
84 VF £4.25
84 FN £3.25 2 available
85 VF/NM £8.25 Hobgoblin
86 VF £4.25
87 VF/NM £30 Spidey reveals secret identity to Black Cat. Pictured below
88 VF+ £4.50
88 VF £4.25 3 available
89 VG+ £2.25
90 FN £30 Joint first appearance in continuity of Spider-Man’s black costume. Pictured below.
91 VF+ £4.50
92 FN/VF £3.75
95 FN- £3
96 VF £4.25 2 available
102 VF £3.50
103 FN/VF £3
104 VF £3.50
105 VF £3.50
105 FN/VF £3
106 FN/VF £3
111 VF £3.50 2 available
112 VF £3.50 2 available
113 NM £4.25
113 VF £3.50 2 available
114 VF/NM £4
114 VF £3.50 2 available
115 VF/NM £4
115 VF £3.50
116 VF £7.50 Sabretooth cover and story
117 VF £3.50 3 available
118 VF £3.50
119 NM £12.25 Sabretooth cover and story
119 VF £7.50 Sabretooth cover and story; 2 available
121 VF £3.50
122 VF £3.50 3 available
123 VF £3.50 3 available
123 NM £4.25
124 VF/NM £4
125 VF £3.50
125 FN £2.75 2 available
126 VF £3.50
127 VF £3.50 2 available
128 VF/NM £4
128 VF £3.50 2 available
129 VF £3.50 4 available
130 VF £5
133 VF £3.50 3 available
134 VF £3.50 2 available
135 VF £3.50
136 VF+ £3.75
136 VF £3.50 2 available
137 FN/VF £3
138 NM £10 1st full Tombstone; 2 available
139 VF £3.50
140 VF £3.50
142 VF £3.50 3 available
143 VF £3.50 2 available
144 VF £3
145 FN £2.25
146 VF/NM £3.25
146 VF £3 2 available
147 NM £16.25 1st cameo new Hobgoblin; 2 available
147 VF £7.50 1st cameo new Hobgoblin; 2 available
148 VF £3
149 VF £3
150 VF £3
151 VF/NM £3.25
152 VF £3 2 available
153 NM £3.50
153 FN £2.25
154 VF £3 2 available
155 VF/NM £3.25
155 VF £3
156 NM £3.50
156 VF £3
157 VF £3
158 NM £24.25 Spidey goes cosmic; pictured below
158 VF £13 Spidey goes cosmic
159 VF/NM £4.25
159 VF £3.50
160 NM £3.50 2 available
160 VF £3
161 VF/NM £3.25
162 VF £3
163 FN/VF £2.50
164 VF £3
165 VF £3 2 available
166 VF £3
167 VF/NM £3.25
167 VF £3
168 VF £3 3 available
169 VF £3
170 VF £3
171 VF £3 5 available
172 VF £3
172 FN/VF £2.50
173 VF £3 2 available
174 VF £3 3 available
175 VF £3
176 VF £8.25 1st Corona
177 VF £3
181 FN/VF £2.50
182 VF £3
183 VF £3
184 VF £3
185 VF £3
186 FN/VF £2.50
187 VF £3
188 VF £3
189 VF/NM £7 Hologram cover
190 VF £3
195 VF £3
201 VF £3.50
202 NM £4.25
204 VF £3.50
205 VF/NM £4
206 VF/NM £4
207 FN £2.75
208 VF/NM £4
209 VF £2.25
210 NM £4.25
211 VF £3.50
212 VF £3.50
213 FN/VF £3
213 FN £2.75
214 VF £3.50
216 VF £3.50
217 VF £3.50 Flip Book
218 VF £3.50
220 VF £3.50 Flip Book
221 VF £3.50
222 VF/NM £4
222 VF £3.50
223 FN/VF £5 Die-Cut Cover
224 VF/NM £4
225 VF £5 Hologram cover
226 NM £4.25
226 VF £3.50 2 available
227 VF £3.50
228 VF/NM £4
229 NM £4.25 2 available
229 VF/NM £4
229 NM £5 De Luxe
230 VF £3.50
231 NM £4.25
231 VF £3.50 2 available
232 VF/NM £4
233 VF/NM £4
234 VF/NM £4
235 VF/NM £4
236 VF £3.50
237 NM £4.25
237 VF £3.50
238 NM £4.25
239 VF £3.50 2 available
240 VF/NM £4
240 VF £3.50
241 VF £3.50 2 available
242 NM £4.25
242 VF £3.50
242 FN £2.75
243 NM £4.25
243 VF £3.50
245 VF £3.50
250 NM £4.25 2 available
254 NM £3.50
254 VF/NM £3.25
256 NM £3.50 3 available
257 NM £3.50
258 VF £3
260 NM £3.50
261 NM £3.50
-1 VF £2.25 2 available
Ann 1 VF £9
Ann 2 VF £5
Ann 3 VF £4.25
Ann 4 VF £4.25
Ann 5 VF £4.25
Ann 6 VF/NM £4.75
Ann 6 VF £4.25
Ann 7 VF £4.25
Ann 7 FN £2.25 2 available
Ann 8 VF £4.25 2 available
Ann 9 VF £4.25
Ann 10 VF/NM £4.75
Ann 11 VF £4.25
Ann 12 VF/NM £4.75
Ann 13 VF £4.25
Ann 14 VF/NM £4.75
16 VF £3.50
17 VF £3.50 2 available
22 VF £3.50
23 VF £3.50 2 available
25 VF £3.50
46 NM £20 In original polybag complete with 16 page preview of Spidey cartoon series
1 FN £35 Pictured below
1 NM £35 Trial Of Venom; with poster
1 VF/NM £55 Pictured below
7 NM/M £7.50
7 VF+ £4.75
8 NM £6
8 FN/VF £3.50
9 VG/FN £2.25
10 VF £3.50
10 FN £2.75
11 NM/M £7.50
11 VF p £3
11 FN+ £3
12 NM/M £7.50
12 VF p £3
12 FN/VF £3.50
13 NM- £6
14 VF/NM p £3.75
15 NM/M £7.50
16 FN £2.75
18 VF/NM p £3.75
18 FN/VF £3.50
19 VF/NM p £4.25
19 VF- £4.75
21 VF/NM p £4
21 FN £2.75
21 VF p £2.25
22 VF/NM p £4
22 FN/VF p £2.75
22 FN £2.75
23 VF £4.25
23 VF p £3.25
24 VF p £3.50
24 VF- £4
25 FN/VF £3.50
25 FN p £2.50
26 VF+ £4.75
26 FN p £2.50
27 VF £4.25
27 VF p £3.25
28 VF+ £6 Spider-Man
29 VF- £4.75 Spider-Man
30 VF £4.25
31 VF/NM £5
31 VF/NM p £4
31 VF p £3.25
33 VF/NM p £4
33 FN £2.75
33 FN p £2.50
34 VF p £3.50
34 VF £3.75
34 FN/VF £3.50
35 VF+ £4.75
36 VF+ £4.75
37 FN £20 1st Siryn; Newstand edition
38 VF- £7.50 X-Men
40 VF/NM £3.75
40 VG £2.25
41 VF/NM £3.75
41 VF £3.50
42 VF- £4
43 VF £4.25
44 VF+ £4.50
45 VG/FN £2.75
46 VF £3.50
46 FN £3.25
47 FN £3.25
48 NM £4.25
48 FN/VF £3.75
50 VF £9 Final issue; photo cover
4 VF £3
5 VF £3
6 FN/VF £2.50
7 VF £3
8 VF £3
10 VF/NM £3.25
10 FN/VF £2.50
11 VF £3
STAR TREK (1980)
1 NM £20
1 VF+ £15 Pictured below
1 VF £10
STAR WARS (1977)
2 FN+ p £55 Pictured below
3 VF+ p £55 Pictured below
3 VF p £33
4 FN+ p £32 Pictured below
5 VF p £42 Pictured below
6 VF+ £42 Pictured below
6 FN/VF £32
7 VF- £11
9 VF+ £18
9 VF- £11
10 FN £9
11 FN/VF £10
12 VF- £11
49 NM £13.75
55 FN £5
64 FN £16.25
STRANGE TALES (1951) (For 1950s issues, see Horror 1940-59 section)
90 VG £70 Solid, tight copy with firm staples and minor edge wear. Some cover creasing, mostly not breaking colour. Pictured below
93 VG+ p £57 From the Square Mile Collection. Marred only by a very small upper back cover tear, adjacent to the spine, which does not affect the content or structural integrity of the comic
95 FN p £68
95 VG+ £52
See Rob’s Lockdown Interlude article Strange Times: The Doctor Is In
110 GD+ p £1,000 1st Dr Strange. This is a lowish grade pence-printed copy, but therefore relatively affordable. The cover colours are strong and the staples are tight and firm if a little rusty (with no rust migration). There are very short tears at the lower staple, but these are without any loss. There is also some corner blunting with wear at top and bottom spine. The spine itself is a little worn, but other edge wear is minimal. The cover image is very attractive with just a couple of short colour-breaking creases in the bottom right corner and a barely noticeable 10 cm crease vertically down from the top edge; you can only see any faint colour-break in this for a few cms. Pages are a supple and very respectable off-white to cream. There are two or three very short tears on interior pages without loss (including pages 2/3 of the Dr Strange story). All in all, not a bad copy. Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
112 VG- p £35 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Eel. Solid pence printed copy with only minor wear but a small stain in the bottom left corner of the cover.
114 VG/FN p £210 The Good Doctor Collection. The Return of Captain America? Nice glossy, solid, pence-printed copy with bright colours and staples firm at spine and centrefold. Soft central crease and small crease across bottom right, neither of which break colour. A few spine ticks. Supple white to off-white pages.
116 FN p £70 From the Square Mile Collection. An exceptional copy, clean and bright with only a tiny amount of fine creasing at the lower cover corner, not impeding the cover scene.
116 GD £30 The Good Doctor Collection. Off lower staple
117 FN p £60 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence printed. Lovely bright copy with minor creasing horizontal from the spine which do not break colour. Pictured below
117 GD £13 Felt tip price centre cover
119 VG+ p £50 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
120 GD £20 The Good Doctor Collection. Iceman guest stars. Off lower staple
123 GD p £70 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Beetle. Loki and Thor in Dr Strange story. Pictured below
124 VG £21 The Good Doctor Collection.
124 GD/VG £14.75 Felt tip price centre cover
125 FN- £40 The Good Doctor Collection. Sub-Mariner. Lovely copy with minor edge wear and small dink at base of spine. Pictured below.
128 VG £28 The Good Doctor Collection. Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch
129 FN £40 The Good Doctor Collection. Lovely bright copy with minor spine stress and small dink at base of spine. Pictured below
129 GD/VG p £14 Book shop stamp
129 GD/VG £14.75 Felt tip price on cover
131 VG £21
132 VG+ £24 The Good Doctor Collection.
132 VG+ p £18.25
132 GD+ p £12
132 GD/VG £16
133 FN+ £50 The Good Doctor Collection. Great copy with superb colour and gloss; only minor amounts of edge wear. Pictured below
134 VG+ p £30 Pence stamped. The Good Doctor Collection. Watcher!
136 VG+ £25 The Good Doctor Collection.
138 FN £70 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Eternity. Pictured below
139 FN- £20.25 The Good Doctor Collection.
140 FN+ £28 The Good Doctor Collection.
140 FN+ £28
145 GD/VG p £6.75
149 FN p £13.25 2 available
151 FN/VF £47 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Steranko SHIELD. Pictured below
151 VG+ £16.50 1st Steranko SHIELD
151 GD/VG £11 1st Steranko SHIELD
152 VF- £35 The Good Doctor Collection. Steranko art.
152 VG+ p £11.75 Steranko art
152 VG p £9.75 Steranko art; small spine split
153 VG- p £9 Steranko art
154 FN p £13 Steranko art
154 GD/VG p £8 Steranko art
155 VF- £29 Steranko art
155 VG p £10.50 Steranko art; 2 available
160 VG+ p £11.75 Steranko art
160 VG+ p £11.75 The Good Doctor Collection. Steranko art
161 VG+ p £11.75 The Good Doctor Collection. Steranko art
162 FN/VF £29 The Good Doctor Collection. Steranko art. Pictured below
162 VG+ p £11.75 Steranko art
162 VG £10.50 Steranko art
162 GD+ £7.25 Steranko art
163 VG+ £11.75 The Good Doctor Collection. Steranko art
163 VG £9.25 Steranko art
163 VG £9.25 Steranko art; light water marking
164 FN/VF £20.25 Steranko art
164 FN + £17.50 Steranko art
164 FN- p £14.25 The Good Doctor Collection. Steranko art
164 VG+ p £10 Steranko art
165 VF- £40 The Good Doctor Collection. Steranko art. Excellent copy with just very minor edge wear and a small, faint arrival date in the bottom right corner. Pictured below
166 VF- £40 The Good Doctor Collection. Steranko art. Excellent copy with just very minor edge wear and corner blunting. Pictured below
167 FN+ £60 The Good Doctor Collection. Steranko art. Classic cover. Very minor edge wear. Off-white to cream pages. A little corner blunting. A couple of small, invisible creases bottom spine. Pictured below
176 VF p £9.75 2 available
176 FN p £6.25
177 FN+ p £7.25 Golem
177 FN p £6.25 Golem
178 VF+ p £50 Warlock series begins. 1st Magus. Pictured below
179 VF+ p £35 1st Pip the Troll
180 VF/NM p £100 Intro Gamora. Pictured below.
Ann 1 FA p £35 Giant 72 pages. All reprint. Multiple Kirby and Ditko plus others. Pence stamped. Taped and heavily creased spine, with cover coming loose. Book shop stamp. Colour-breaking creases across cover. Small graffiti. Corner blunting with heavy wear and a few tears, but complete apart from margin corner off bottom splash page. Pictured below.
7 VF- £60 The Good Doctor Collection. Classic photo motorcade cover. Pictured below
9 VF- £60 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Serpent Crown
10 VF+ p £75 The Good Doctor Collection
10 VG+ £20
11 FN+ £22 The Good Doctor Collection
11 FN/VF p £24
11 FN+ p £20
11 VG/FN p £14
12 VF £40 The Good Doctor Collection
14 VF p £33
14 FN p £30 The Good Doctor Collection
15 FN- £11.25 The Good Doctor Collection
15 VG+ £7
25 FN p £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
25 VG/FN p £4.75
25 VG p £4
26 FN p £6.25 2 available
26 VG+ p £5.25 The Good Doctor Collection
27 VG p £4.75
28 FN/VF £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
28 FN+ p £8
28 FN p £6.75 2 available
28 FN- p £6.25
28 VG/FN £5.75
29 FN p £6.25
29 VG/FN p £5.75 The Good Doctor Collection
29 VG/FN p £5.75
29 VG+ £5.25
30 FN/VF p £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
32 VF/NM £19.50 The Good Doctor Collection
33 VF+ £18.25 The Good Doctor Collection
38 VF/NM £19.50 The Good Doctor Collection
39 FN/VF p £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
40 FN+ p £8 The Good Doctor Collection
42 VF- p £10.50 The Good Doctor Collection
42 VG p £4.25
43 VF- £14 The Good Doctor Collection
43 VG+ £5.75 Ballast ink
44 FN £7.50The Good Doctor Collection
45 FN p £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection
45 VG/FN p £4.75
46 FN- p £4.25 The Good Doctor Collection
56 VG+ p £3.50
57 FN+ p £20 Return Of Venus. Pictured below.
60 FN £5
60 FN p £4 2 available
62 FN p £4
62 FN- £4
64 VG+ £3.25
68 GD/VG £2.75
Ann 1 GD- p £2.75 Book shop stamp
3 VG+ £4.75
3 VG+ p £4.25 2 available
6 VG p £3
8 FN p £4.75
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
T – V
25 GD+ p £47
27 VG p £32
30 VG p £32
34 FN p £80 From the Square Mile Collection. A beautiful bright crisp copy, with sharp corners and only very fine wear at edges, unmarred cover scene with vivid unfaded colour
35 VG+ p £50 Watcher prototype
36 FN+ p £110 From the Square Mile Collection; extraordinary vivid cover colour, typical of this collection
37 VF- £170
37 FN+ p £110 From the Square Mile Collection. A beautiful bright crisp copy, with sharp corners and only very fine wear at edges, unmarred cover scene with vivid unfaded colour
40 GD p £200 2nd Iron Man. A lower graded but perfectly serviceable copy of this significant issue. Pence printed. The cover scene is okay, but there are a fair number of colour-breaking creases across the logo, edges and centre. Slight nicks at top and bottom spine, and a bit tired overall. marvel chipping to right edge, but not too bad; small chip out edge back cover and edge wear generally with corner blunting. Staples are fairly tight at spine and centrefold and page quality is a reasonable off-white to cream. Pictured below.
41 VF p £700 From the Square Mile Collection. 3rd Iron Man. Dr. Strange (villain) app. This beautiful copy is one of the gems of the Square Mile Collection, a stunning copy with bright pages, lustrous cover colour, and only very vestigial lines at the left cover edge, barely visible. A truly remarkable grade from the early days of the Marvel Universe. High resolution images are available on request.
43 VF/NM p £1,150 From the Square Mile Collection. One of the jewels in the crown of the Square Mile Collection, featuring the 5th ever Iron Man story in a vibrant VF/NM grade. Flat and tight with no creases and excellent staples, and just the merest hint of edge wear along the top and at the spine, but almost invisible. Glossy and refective with white to off-white pages, this must be virtually as nice as it was when it came off the presses in 1963. A great investment copy. High resolution images are available on request.
44 FN/VF p £275 From the Square Mile Collection. Glossy cover, superb page quality and minimal wear (highly unusual condition for a comic with a midnight blue background cover). Only a few minor spine ‘ticks’, slight blunting of some corners and a tiny insignificant chip out of centre back cover prevent a higher grade.
46 GD+ p £60 1st Crimson Dynamo; Iron Man still in solid golden armour. Pence printed. Decent copy with some soft cover creasing breaking colour. Staples and pages okay. Cover colour good, but small scuff mark centrally. Firm creasing to back cover. Corner blunting and small spine split at bottom 1 cm. Pictured below
47 GD- p £115 1st Melter. Pence printed, cover and spine worn with small colour-breaking creases. Staples attached throughout. Pages are okay with some wear and foxing at edges. Tanned edges to interior covers. A tired copy. Pictured below
49 PR/FA p £25 Angel & X-Men crossover (1st anywhere). Tales of the Watcher back-ups begin. Pence printed. Bit of a wreck, unfortunately. Cover detached and holes at staple area. Some spine roll. Much wear at spine with bottom split of 2+ cm. Handwritten and overprinted prices on cover image and logo; some graffiti. Tear along bottom edge and back cover. Pages are okay and staples firm at centrefold. Only really a reading copy. Pictured below
50 VG- p £320 1st Mandarin; nice colour, okay staples and pages and some corner blunting. Wear is restricted to the edges, where fine creases break colour, except for one long vertical crease down the centre which is quite faint and does not significantly break colour. There is the beginning of a small tear midway down the right cover edge. But it presents reasonably well.
52 VG- p £275 1st Black Widow. This is a structurally solid copy, pence printed, with good firm staples and minimal wear. 2 cm upper spine split. Pages are off-white, turning creamy at the margin edges. Cover colours are good. There is a suspicion of an imprint or pressure mark of some sort centre cover, but this is so faint, it’s impossible to tell what it is. Inside covers are tanning, but not brittle at the edges and the right side of front cover has a narrow dust or sun shadow line. Nevertheless a presentable lower to mid-graded copy of this key classic. Pictured below
56 VF p £140 1st Unicorn; great cover colour and gloss, clean and bright, with only a couple of minor spine stress marks and tiny edge and corner wear; tight and flat with excellent staples and off-white pages; presents very well indeed.
57 VG- £300 1st Hawkeye. This nice cents copy is approaching mid-grade, with an unmarked cover with good colour and decent white background. Corners are a little blunted and there is minor wear at spine and edges. There are a couple of faint creases, barely breaking colour except gently at the spine and across the very edge of bottom right (Hawkeye’s foot). Staples are firm at spine and centrefold and the pages are a supple off-white. The most significant defect is a small piece of tape centre inner front cover sealing a 1 cm vertical tear which can barely be seen from the front. Pictured below.
59 GD/VG p £115 Captain America series begins; 1st Jarvis. Pence stamped and structurally sound with good solid spine, tight staples and only minor edge wear. Cover has good colour and some gloss. Nice off-white to cream pages. The comic is marred by a long dust shadow down the right hand edge (see scan). Inner covers are heavily tanned at edges, but not brittle.
60 GD £40 The Good Doctor Collection. 2nd Hawkeye, with Black Widow. A bit limp and tired, with staples a little rusty, small amounts of water damage to bottom and lower right edges, but not too bad. Pictured below
61 FN+ £70 The Good Doctor Collection. A clean, superior white copy with little wear and good reflectivity, nice pages and firm, tight staples. Pictured below
62 FN/VF £80 The Good Doctor Collection. Origin Mandarin. Great copy with good cover colour and gloss, nice off-white pages and firm tight staples, square corners with just very minor edge and spine wear. Pictured below.
67 FN- £45 The Good Doctor Collection. Nice glossy copy with great colour; some wear along top edge. Pictured below
67 FN p £18.25
68 FN p £19.75 2 available
68 VG p £12.25
68 FA+ p £4.25
69 FN/VF £95 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Titanium Man. Really nice glossy copy with great colour; just very minor edge wear and a tiny nick top spine. Pictured below.
69 FN+ p £29 1st Titanium Man
69 VG/FN p £18.25 1st Titanium Man
70 VF- p £38
70 VG+ p £15
71 FN p £15.50
71 GD p £3.25
74 FN+ £20.50
75 FN £80 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Sharon Carter, 1st Batroc. Nice glossy copy with great colour; just minor edge wear and corner blunting. Pictured below.
75 VG p £70 1st Sharon Carter, 1st Batroc. Superficially, a decent pence printed copy, flat with little wear, no creasing, staples tight at spine and centrefold and supple creamy pages. The inside front and back covers are moderatly tanned (but not brittle) just around the edges, and this shows to a small degree along the top and right edge of the front cover.
78 FN+ £22 The Good Doctor Collection.
79 FN+ p £21
80 FN+ £32 The Good Doctor Collection.
81 FN+ p £13.25
83 VG £10 The Good Doctor Collection.
83 GD p £5.25 Lower spine split
84 FN £14.75 The Good Doctor Collection.
84 VG+ £10.25
85 VF p £24.25
85 VG £10 The Good Doctor Collection.
85 VG p £9 2 available
86 VG/FN £12.25 The Good Doctor Collection.
86 FN p £13.25
86 VG- £8
87 FN+ £19 The Good Doctor Collection.
87 FN £12.25
88 VG £10 The Good Doctor Collection.
88 VG+ p £8.50
89 FN+ p £16 2 available
89 FN £14.75 The Good Doctor Collection.
89 FN p £13
89 VG/FN £12.25
90 FN+ p £17.25 The Good Doctor Collection.
90 VG/FN p £10.25
91 FN+ p £16
92 VF- p £26 The Good Doctor Collection.
92 FN+ p £16
92 GD/VG p £6.75 The Good Doctor Collection. Front cover off both staples
93 FN £14.75 The Good Doctor Collection.
93 FN- £11.25
93 VG+ p £10
94 FN+ £165 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Modok. A very nice cents copy, with excellent cover colour and gloss. Printed without a bottom staple, but held firm and tight by the upper, with supple off-white to white pages. Small spine ticks and tiny creases across bottom corners do not break colour on this dark background cover. Pictured below.
95 VF+ £38
95 VF- p £26 The Good Doctor Collection.
95 VG+ p £10
96 VG £10
96 VG £10 The Good Doctor Collection.
96 VG p £8.25 2 available
16 VG p £90 Stone Men prototype
20 GD+ £44 Book shop stamp
25 GD/VG p £50 A solid pence-printed copy with some spine wear; firm staples. Good colour but bookshop stamp centre cover, fairly hidden against monster’s body. Pictured below.
32 GD+ p £37 Sandman Prototype
33 VG+ £56
52 GD/VG p £45 1st Black Knight (villain). Pence printed. Pictured below
53 GD/VG p £29 Pence printed. Pictured below.
53 GD p £14
54 VG/FN p £32
54 VG+ p £29
54 FA/GD p £10.50
56 FN £37
58 GD p £13 2 available
60 GD+ p £25 Hulk series begins
65 GD £10
66 VG/FN £27 The Good Doctor Collection.
66 VG+ £22 2 available
67 VG p £19
67 VG p £19 The Good Doctor Collection.
67 GD p £9.75
68 VG- p £15.75
69 VG/FN £27 The Good Doctor Collection.
69 VG+ p £19.75
69 VG p £16 2 available
70 FN/VF p £60 The Good Doctor Collection. Start of Sub–Mariner series. Pence stamped, with great colour and some gloss. Some spine ticks and a couple of short spine creases which do not break colour. Firm staples and supple white to off-white pages. Pictured below.
71 VG+ p £13 The Good Doctor Collection
71 VG p £9.50
71 GD £5.50
72 FN p £15.50
72 FN/VF p £23.75
72 VG/FN p £12.75 The Good Doctor Collection
72 VG/FN p £12.75
72 VG- p £9
73 VG/FN p £12.75 The Good Doctor Collection
73 VG p £10.50
74 VG/FN £14.25 The Good Doctor Collection
74 VG £9.75
74 GD/VG £8
75 FN- £15.75 The Good Doctor Collection
75 VG/FN p £10.50
75 VG £10.75
75 VG p £10
75 GD £5.50
76 FN/VF £22
76 FN- £15.75 The Good Doctor Collection
76 VG p £6.50
77 VG/FN £14.25 The Good Doctor Collection
78 FN+ p £13.25
78 VG+ £11.50 The Good Doctor Collection
78 VG £10.75 2 available
79 VG- £10 The Good Doctor Collection
80 FN £17 The Good Doctor Collection
83 VG- p £7.75 The Good Doctor Collection
84 FN £14.75 The Good Doctor Collection
84 FN+ p £14.75
84 FN £14.75
85 VG+ £11 The Good Doctor Collection
86 VG+ £11 The Good Doctor Collection
87 VG p £8.75 The Good Doctor Collection
88 FN £13.25 The Good Doctor Collection
89 VG+ p £10 The Good Doctor Collection
89 VG £8.25
90 FN+ £95 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Abomination. Very rich cover colour, supple off-white pages and firm, tight staples. There is a minimum of edge wear (mainly at top edge), a couple of soft dinks at top and bottom of spine (which are barely noticeable and do not break colour) and a very soft crease along the upper right edge (also non-colour breaking). This copy presents very well and looks nicer than the grade we’ve assigned. Pictured below.
91 VG+ £50 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Abomination cover. Glossy, flat copy with minor edge and handling wear. Firm staples; off-white to cream pages. Pictured below.
92 VG+ £25 The Good Doctor Collection. Surfer crossover
92 VG £20 Surfer crossover 2 available
93 VG- p £70 Surfer crossover and cover. This is a pence-printed copy towards mid-grade, with bright colours and some gloss. Colour-breaking creases at the corners, particularly across bottom right, with a short softer crease from the right edge to the Surfer’s shoulder. Staples are tight and firm and the pages are off-white, although there is a small chunk out of the back cover and a tear on the letters page with no loss. Pictured below
94 FN £12.25 2 available
94 VG £9.25
94 VG p £8.25
94 GD/VG £7
96 FN £14.75 The Good Doctor Collection
96 FN £14.75
96 FN- £11.25
97 VF p £27
97 FN+ £15.50
97 FN £14.75 The Good Doctor Collection
97 FN p £13.25
97 VG+ £10.25
97 VG £9.25 2 available
98 FN p £13.25 2 available
98 VG £9.25
98 GD/VG £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
98 GD/VG £7.50 2 available
99 VF- £26 2 available
99 FN £13.75 3 available
99 VG+ £11 The Good Doctor Collection
99 GD £4.75
THOR (1966) (see Journey Into Mystery for issues up to #125)
126 GD p £55 1st issue of series. Long colour-breaking creases across cover. Good staples, slightly at the back of centre, so that the very left edge of the cover is at the back. Decent off-white to cream pages. Pictured below
130 VF £45
130 VF- p £37
130 GD/VG p £13.50
131 GD/VG p £10
131 VG p £13.25
132 FN/VF £55 1st Ego, the Living Planet
132 VG/FN p £25 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st cameo Ego, the Living Planet
132 VG £23 1st cameo Ego, the Living Planet
132 VG p £21 1st cameo Ego, the Living Planet
132 VG- p £20 1st cameo Ego, the Living Planet. Price sticker over pence stamp.
132 GD+ p £13.50 1st cameo Ego, the Living Planet
133 GD+ p £32 1st full Ego, the Living Planet. Small chip out splash page.
134 VG p £125 1st High Evolutionary. This is a perfectly serviceable mid-grade copy. Like all Marvel comics dated October and November 1966, its UK distribution was affected by a dock strike, and the relatively few copies that made it here at the time had a diferent 10d stamp on them. On this copy, that stamp has been overwritten with ‘6d’ in black marker (see scan). Otherwise there are minor colour-breaking creases in corners and edges, with a few white spine ticks. Corner blunting, but okay, off-white pages and tight, firm staples. Pictured below.
135 VF p £35
135 VG p £11
136 VF+ p £53 Re-intro Sif
137 FN/VF £35 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Ulik
138 VF p £39
138 VF- p £30
138 VG+ £15.25
138 VG p £11
138 GD p £6.75
139 VF- £36
139 VG+ £15.25
139 VG+ p £12.50
140 VG £13.75
140 VG p £12.25
141 FN £15
141 VG £10.75 2 available
142 VG £10.75
142 VG p £10
143 FN+ £22.75 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Enchanters
144 VF- p £27
145 VG £10.75
146 GD/VG p £9
147 VF+ p £43
148 VF- p £80 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Wrecker; Black Bolt origin. Pence stamped. Bright reflective copy with strong colour, good staples and pages. Just minor edge wear and corner blunting. Pictured below
149 VF £50 The Good Doctor Collection. 2nd Wrecker; Black Bolt origin concludes. Great colour and gloss, good staples and pages. Extremely minor edge wear. Pictured below.
150 FN/VF £90 The Good Doctor Collection. Hela app. Nice rich glossy copy, marred by small creases at spine which only very slightly break colour. Tight, firm staples, supple off-white pages. Pictured below.
150 VG- £20 Hela app; off top staple
151 FN p £16.25
151 GD/VG p £8 The Good Doctor Collection. Upper spine split.
151 GD p £5.75
152 VF p £26
152 VF- p £25
152 VG/FN £14
152 FN+ £25 The Good Doctor Collection.
152 FN p £16.25
153 VF- £29 The Good Doctor Collection.
153 FN+ p £16.25
154 VF- £29 The Good Doctor Collection.
155 VF- £29 The Good Doctor Collection.
155 FN+ £25
155 VF+ £41
155 VF £33
155 VG £9.25
155 GD/VG p £6.25
156 VF- £29 The Good Doctor Collection.
156 VG/FN £11.50
157 FN/VF £24 The Good Doctor Collection.
158 FN/VF £34 The Good Doctor Collection.
158 FN £21.50
158 FN- £18.75
158 VG+ £15.25
159 FN+ p £16.25
159 FN p £12.25
159 VG+ £11 The Good Doctor Collection.
159 VG p £8.75 3 available
161 FN p £50 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence stamped, with additional pence sticker over the stamp. White pages and tight, firm staples. Minor edge and spine wear. Pictured below.
162 FN+ p £65 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence stamped, glossy and rich. White pages and tight, firm staples. Minor edge and spine wear; no colour breaks. Pictured below.
163 VF p £26
163 VF p £23.75
163 FN £11.50 2 available
165 VG+ p £75 1st full appearance Him (later Warlock). A pence-printed copy, with excellent cover colour and gloss, good staples and supple off-white pages. Some edge wear, including small colour-breaking creases at top and bottom right corners. Pictured below.
166 FN- p £40 2nd part Him story. A pence-printed copy, with good cover colour and gloss, good staples and nice page quality, ever so slightly grubby with minor edge wear. Pictured below.
166 VG+ £40 2nd part Him story. Great colour and gloss. Tight, firm staples, supple white to off-white pages. Some stress marks at spine; small arrival date in biro in mast-head box. There is a slight dingy patch to the right of the logo, which, from its regularity, looks as though a label has been removed, but it has no residue of that. Pictured below
166 VG+ p £35 2nd part Him story
168 FN p £75 The Good Doctor Collection. The origin of Galactus. Pence stamped. Nice copy with some gloss and good colour. Some corner blunting, minor handling wear. Firm, tight staples; whiite to off-white pages. Pictured below
169 VG+ p £40 The Good Doctor Collection. The origin of Galactus concluded. Pence printed. Decent copy with some gloss and good colour. A little corner blunting, some edge and spine wear, but nothing nasty. Firm, tight staples; white to off-white pages. Pictured below
170 VF £25
170 VF p £23
170 FN/VF £18.50
170 FN+ p £12.25
170 VG £8.25 The Good Doctor Collection
170 VG p £7.50
171 VF- £16.25 The Good Doctor Collection
171 GD p £4
172 VF £28 The Good Doctor Collection
172 FN/VF p £16.75
172 VF- p £17.75
172 VG/FN £9.50 2 available
173 VF- p £17.75
173 FN+ p £13.50
173 VG p £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
174 VF+ p £29
174 FN p £9
174 VG p £7.50
174 VG- £7.25 The Good Doctor Collection
175 VF/NM p £37
175 FN £11.50
175 VG p £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
176 VG/FN p £9.25 The Good Doctor Collection
177 VG+ p £8.50 The Good Doctor Collection
178 FN- p £10.25
179 VF- p £19.75
179 FN/VF £18.50
179 FN p £11 The Good Doctor Collection
179 FN £12.25
179 VG £7.25
180 FN £14.75 Neal Adams art; The Good Doctor Collection
182 VG+ p £8.50 The Good Doctor Collection
184 VF p £13.75 1st Infinity
184 VG+ £7 1st Infinity 2 available
184 VG+ p £6.25
188 VG/FN £7.75
188 GD+ p £4
191 FN £10 The Good Doctor Collection
191 VG+ £7
191 GD/VG £5
194 FN p £9 The Good Doctor Collection
194 FN p £9
195 FN p £9
195 VG+ £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
196 FN £12 The Good Doctor Collection
197 VF- p £12.50
197 FN p £9
197 FN- £8.50
197 VG/FN £7.75 2 available
198 FN/VF £12.25
198 VG/FN p £7.50 The Good Doctor Collection
198 VG+ £7
199 VF p £17 The Good Doctor Collection
199 GD/VG p £4.25
200 FN/VF £18.75 The Good Doctor Collection
203 FN/VF p £9.75
203 VG p £4.75
204 VG p £4.75 Stacking ink imprint over logo
205 VF p £12.50
206 VF+ p £15.75
207 VG/FN p £7.50 Pictured below
208 VF p £12.50
209 VF p £12.50
210 VF/NM £13.75
210 FN/VF p £9.75
211 VF+ p £15.75
213 VG p £4.25
213 GD £2.75
214 FN+ £7.25
217 VG+ p £4.25
218 FN p £6.75
218 VG p £4.75
219 VF/NM £13.75
219 VF p £10.50
219 FN/VF £8
219 FN p £5.75
221 VG p £4.75
226 FN/VF p £8.50
227 NM £12.25
227 NM p £9.25
227 VF p £5.75
227 VF- p £5.25
228 NM £12.25
228 VF p £5.75 2 available
230 VF/NM p £8.75
230 FN+ £5.50
230 FN p £4.75
231 VF £7
231 VF- p £6.75
231 FN/VF £6.75
231 FN+ p £4.50
233 VF p £8.75
234 NM p £12.25
237 VF- £6.25
237 FN+ £5.50
238 FN- £4.50
240 VG+ £3.75
242 VF/NM p £8.75
242 VF+ £8.25
242 FN/VF £6.25
242 FN p £4
243 VF- £6.25
243 FN+ p £4.50
243 FN- £4.50
246 VF £7.75
246 VF p £6.25
247 FN+ £5
248 VF/NM p £8.75
248 VF p £6.25
248 FN+ p £4.50
249 NM p £11
249 VF/NM £9.75
249 VF £7
249 FN/VF p £5
250 NM p £11
250 VF £7.75
250 VF p £6.25
252 VF £4.75
252 VF p £4.25
253 VF £4.75
253 FN p £3
253 VF p £4.25
254 VF p £4.25
255 VF p £4.25
256 VF p £4.25 2 available
257 FN p £3
258 VF p £4.25
258 VG £2.25
259 VF p £4.25 2 available
260 VF/NM £6.25
260 VF p £4.25
260 FN p £3
263 FN p £3
264 FN/VF £4.25
266 VF p £4.25
267 VF p £4.25
269 FN p £3
274 FN/VF p £4
275 FN p £3 2 available
276 VF p £4.25 2 available
277 VF p £4.25 2 available
278 FN p £3
281 FN p £2.25
286 VF £4.25
286 VF p £3.75 2 available
287 FN p £2.25
289 VF p £3.75 3 available
290 VF £4.25
291 VF £4.25
295 VF £4.25
297 VF £4.25
298 VF £4.25
299 VF p £3.75
302 VF p £3
309 FN p £2.25
311 FN p £2.25
312 VF p £3.75
340 FN/VF £7.50
341 FN £4.50
341 VF/NM £6.50
342 VF £6
343 VF £6 2 available
343 FN+ £5
346 VF+ £6
347 VF+ £6
347 FN £4.50
348 VF/NM £6.50
354 NM £7
354 VF £6 2 available
354 FN £4.50
357 NM £7
360 VF £6 2 available
360 FN £4.50 2 available
361 FN £4.50 2 available
374 VF £7
376 VF £6
377 VF £6
377 FN £4.50
379 VF £6
411 NM £35 1st New Warriors Cameo
412 VF £22.75 1st full New Warriors
Ann 2 VG+ £15.25
Ann 2 VG p £12.25 2 available
23 VF £4.25
28 VF £4.25
30 VF £4.25
2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (1976)
1 FN+ £15 2 available
2 VF+ p £8
2 FN+ £5.25
3 VG/FN p £3.25
4 FN p £4.75
6 FN/VF £5.75
9 VF/NM p £7.50
1 NM- £15
4 NM- £15
4 VF/NM £6
1 NM £20
3 NM £15
3 VF £10
3 NM/M £15
3 FN/VF £8
3 NM £5
1 NM £25
4 NM £20
5 NM £20
2 NM £15
3 NM £15
4 NM- £12.50
1 VF £19
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
WARLOCK (1972)
5 FN £7.50
9 VF+ p £37 2nd Thanos saga begins.
9 VF £25 2nd Thanos saga begins.
10 NM- p £65 Origin Thanos and Gamora; Thanos Vs the Magus. Pictured below.
11 VF+ p £27 Thanos app; Warlock dies.
11 FN/VF p £13 Thanos app; Warlock dies.
12 VF+ p £17
12 FN/VF p £10
13 VF+ p £17
13 FN £7
14 VF/NM p £20
14 VG/FN £5.75
15 VF- p £21 Thanos cover and story.
15 VG+ p £8.50 Thanos cover and story.
See under ‘A’
WHAT IF (1977)
7 FN £13
27 NM £19.50
27 VF £10.75
35 VF/NM £9
35 VF £5.75
WHAT IF (1989)
5 VF £3
5 FN £2.25
7 NM £5
9 FN £2.75
9 GD/VG £1.50
19 FN £2.25
112 VF £2.25
2 VF £14
3 VF/NM £11.50
4 NM- £14.75
10 VF/NM £30 vs Sabretooth
10 VF £20 vs Sabretooth
13 NM £6.75
15 NM £6.75
18 NM £6.75
22 FN+ £3.50
42 VF £15 Sabretooth proved not to be Wolverine’s father. Pictured below.
50 VG £5 Die-cut cover with Wolverine claw marks. Some wear.
1 VF £16.25
2 FN/VF £6
A B C D E F G H I J K – L M N O – R S T – V W X – Z
X – Z
X-FACTOR (1986)
1 FN+ £10 Label residue
2 VF £4.25 2 available
3 VF £4.25
4 VF £4.25
4 FN/VF £3.75
4 FN £3.25
5 VF £30 1st cameo Apocalypse
8 VF £3.50 2 available
9 VF £3.50
10 NM £4.25 2 available
11 NM £3.50
11 VF £3
12 VF £3
15 VF £3
16 NM £3.50
16 VF £3 2 available
17 NM £3.50
17 VF £3
19 VF £8.25
20 VF £3.50
21 VF £3.50
22 VF £3.50
25 VF £4.25
26 NM £5
26 FN £3.25
38 VF £3.50
39 NM £3.50
X-MEN (1963)
5 VG+ p £300 The Good Doctor Collection. This pence printed copy is a nice mid-grade example, with an unmarked cover image, good colour, tight, firm staples and lovely off-white pages. Only moderate spine and edge wear (tiny nick at top of spine, spidery reading crease between staples) and one narrow diagonal crease across the bottom right cover corner which faintly breaks colour.
7 VG+ p £190 The Good Doctor Collection. A reasonable mid-grade pence printed example, with good colour cover. There is minimal edge wear and some corner blunting. A teeny weeny crease across the bottom right corner breaks colour, as does a vertical reading crease along the spine between the staples. Supple pages are a nice off-white to white and the staples are firm at spine and centrefold. In the number box, the month has been written in biro below the number. Pictured below.
7 GD+ £110 A reasonable lower-graded cents copy, with an unmarked cover, good tight staples and excellent off-white pages. There is a ragged 3 cm tear at centre right edge with no loss, a colour breaking crease across the bottom right cover corner, a 4 cm lower spine split and a bit of colour fading to the cover. Pictured below.
12 FN- £650 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Juggernaut. A bright cents copy with rich cover colours, staples firm at spine and centrefold and supple white to off-white pages. Minimal edge wear, mostly at the spine around the staples and a tiny crease in the upper right cover corner, just breaking colour. A little corner blunting. Pictured below. High resolution images are available on request.
13 VG/FN p £160 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence printed and also stamped in another currency; it has vibrant colour, firm staples and nice off-white to white pages. There is a reading crease breaking colour along the spine, some spine ticks and minor edge wear. Pictured below
15 VG/FN £85 2nd Sentinels; origin Beast. Decent pence-printed copy with strong cover colour. There is some handling and edge wear and short, minor creasing with faint colour breaks; stress marks at upper staple break colour. Staples are tight and firm at spine and centrefold, pages are a supple white to off-white. Pictured below.
16 FN £180 The Good Doctor Collection. Lovely copy with rich cover colour; staples are firmly attached. Minor edge wear only, including a couple of small creases at spine which do not break colour. Minor corner blunting; off white pages.
19 FN- £115 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Mimic. Nice solid copy with vivid colour. Good staples, excellent white to off-white pages, Small stress marks at spine do not break colour. Two very small creases at bottom right corner do break colour; otherwise little wear. Pictured below.
21 FN p £80 The Good Doctor Collection. Brilliant white background cover. Pence printed. Good pages and tight staples. Only very minor wear to spine and top edge. Pictured below.
22 VG p £50 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence printed with strong colour. Good pages and staples. Slight reading crease and stress marks at spine; other minor edge wear. Colour breaking crease across small corner bottom right. Pictured below.
23 VG+ p £60 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence printed with slight corner blunting at base of spine. Colour-breaking stress marks at spine. Good pages and staples. Pictured below.
24 VG/FN p £70 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence printed with bright colours. Slight stress marks at spine; almost invisible diagonal mark in title box bottom right. Tight staples and nice white to off-white pages.Pictured below.
26 VF+ £95
26 VF- £65
28 FN- £180 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Banshee. Good cover colour and gloss, a strong spine, staples firm and attached at spine and centrefold, supple white to off-white pages and only very minimal edge wear. There is a small figure ’11’ in pen on the ‘X’ of the logo (see scan) and a couple of short creases at centre and bottom spine which don’t break colour. Pictured below.
32 FN+ £185 The Good Doctor Collection. Nice flat copy with great colour and nice pages; just minor edge wear with tiny creases at bottom corners (front right and rear spine).
36 FN+ p £80 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence printed, solid unmarked copy with nice pages and staples, just minor edge wear and very minor corner blunting. Pictured below
37 VG/FN p £55 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence printed, nice copy with minor edge and handling wear. Good pages and staples; long reading crease that breaks colour for about 4 cm. Pictured below
37 VG £33
40 FN+ p £100 The Good Doctor Collection. Pence stamped, lovely presentable copy with great colour and gloss, great pages and staples, only very minor edge wear. Pictured below
44 VG/FN p £40 Pence stamped; small biro marks on cover. Pictured below
48 VF- p £38
55 FN+ p £40 2 available
60 FN/VF p £80 1st Sauron; pence printed, nice solid copy. Pictured below.
60 VG+ £55 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Sauron. Decent copy with some spine and edge wear Firm staples and white to off-white pages and a crease across the bottom right cover corner which just breaks colour. Small arrival date in wax crayon over the ‘X’ in logo. Pictured below.
61 FN/VF p £60 The Good Doctor Collection. Nice pence printed copy with great colour and gloss. Firm staples and white to off-white pages. Small dink with no colour break top right corner; minor corner blunting. Pictured below.
61 FN £22.25 2 available
61 VG p £15 Cover scuff
62 VF+ p £100 The Good Doctor Collection. Excellent fresh pence-printed copy with great colour and gloss. Firm staples and near white pages. Tiny amounts of edge wear at spine and just a little more at top edge. Pictured below.
63 VG+ p £25 The Good Doctor Collection. Decent pence-printed copy with some pressure marks to cover, not breaking colour. Nice staples but off at lower centrefold. Nice near white pages. Minor edge wear. Pictured below.
64 VF- £175 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Sunfire. Nice clean glossy copy with vibrant colours, tight, firm staples and white to off-white pages. Minor wear at spine and very slight handling wear. Pictured below.
65 FN/VF £65 The Good Doctor Collection. Professor X back from dead. Nice clean glossy copy with vibrant colours, tight, firm staples and near white pages. A very narrow 4.5 cm crease at top right corner breaks colour. Pictured below
66 VF- p £150 The Good Doctor Collection. Final original issue of series until #94. Pence-printed. Glossy and vibrant, with tight, firm staples and near white pages. Just minor handling edge wear. Pictured below.
70 VG+ p £15
76 GD/VG p £10 Pence printed; book shop stamps
78 FN p £19.75
83 FN/VF p £30
85 VG p £11.75
86 VG+ p £13.25
93 VG+ p £19
93 VG p £18.25
96 VG+ p £55 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
97 VG/FN p £55 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
97 VG+ p £45 The Good Doctor Collection
98 VG p £37 The Good Doctor Collection
100 VG p £60 The Good Doctor Collection. Pictured below
101 VF+ p £450 1st Phoenix; flat, tight, glossy, vibrant, supple, and all those other adjectives applicable to the best quality. Square corners, white pages, firm staples. There are just the very slightest stress marks at the spine (just a couple) and a tiny crease mark at the bottom right corner which just stopped us awarding an even higher grade. High resolution images are available on request.
103 VF- £75 Juggernaut. Tight and glossy with some reading wear at spine.
107 FN/VF £120 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Imperial Guard, 1st Starjammers. Nice clean cents copy with great colour and gloss, square corners, nice pages and staples, just some spine ticks that just break colour bringing the grade down a bit. Pictured below.
108 NM- £135 1st Byrne art on title. Stunning copy with just the most minimal signs of handling wear.
109 FN £50 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Weapon Alpha. Pictured below.
110 VF+ £60 Warhawk. Tight and glossy. Very small soft crease at top right edge does not break colour.
111 VF p £39
112 NM- p £60
113 NM- p £60
113 VF p £23.75
113 VF- p £22.25
114 VF/NM p £44
114 VF+ p £36
115 VG/FN p £21
116 VF/NM p £30
116 VF p £23.75 2 available
117 VF- p £33
118 VF/NM p £38
118 FN/VF p £19.75
118 VF p £20.75
119 VF p £23 2 available
120 VF p £100 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Alpha Flight cameos. Glossy and very nice; just a few spine ticks, one narrowly breaking colour. Minor reading wear. Pictured below
123 VF- £23.25 The Good Doctor Collection
124 FN/VF p £17
124 FN p £16
124 VG+ p £14.50 The Good Doctor Collection
127 VF/NM p £45 The Good Doctor Collection
128 VF+ p £28
128 FN/VF p £18 The Good Doctor Collection
129 VG/FN p £80 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Kitty Pryde, 1st White Queen. Lovely condition copy but for long soft vertical crease unobtrusively along left side of cover, which does not break colour. Pictured below.
130 FN+ p £60 The Good Doctor Collection. 1st Dazzler. Nice clean copy with just minimal edge wear. Pictured below.
131 FN+ £30 1st White Queen cover. Newstand edition.
134 VF p £50 The Good Doctor Collection. Dark Phoenix Saga; clean, unmarked and fresh condition with only very minor wear. Pictured below
136 VF p £45 The Good Doctor Collection. Dark Phoenix Saga; clean, unmarked and fresh condition with only very minor wear. Pictured below
136 VF p £45
137 VF- £55 The Good Doctor Collection. Dark Phoenix Saga; clean, unmarked and fresh condition with only very minor wear. Pictured below
138 VF/NM p £30
140 VF p £22.75
143 FN/VF £16
148 VF/NM p £8
149 VF p £6.25
150 VF £11
153 NM £10
153 VF £6.75 2 available
154 VF £6.75 3 available
156 VF £6.75
170 VF £6.75
179 VF/NM £6
179 VF £4.25
181 VF £4.25
185 VF £4.25
186 VF £5
195 VF £4.25
197 VF £4.25
204 VF £4.25 2 available
206 VF £4.25
208 VF/NM £6
208 VF £4.25
215 VF/NM £5
215 VF £4.25
216 VF/NM £5
217 VF/NM £5
220 VF/NM £5
220 VF £4.25 2 available
222 VF/NM £16.25 Classic Wolverine vs Sabretooth Battle
223 VF £4.25
223 FN £2.75
224 VF £4.25
224 FN £2.75
225 VF £4.25
226 VF/NM £5
226 VF £4.25
228 VF £4.25 2 available
229 VF £4.25 2 available
230 FN/VF £3.50
230 FN £2.75
232 FN/VF £3.50
233 VF £4.25
233 FN £2.75
235 NM £6
235 VF £4.25
236 VF £4.25 2 available
237 VF £4.25 2 available
238 NM £6
238 VF £4.25 2 available
239 VF £14.75
240 VF £16.25
241 VF £14.75
242 VF- £12
242 FN £2.75
243 VF £4.25
243 FN £2.75
245 VF £4.25 2 available
246 VF £4.25 3 available
247 VF £4.25
248 FN/VF £10 1st Jim Lee art 2 available
249 VF £3.50 2 available
250 VF/NM £4.25
250 VF £3.50 2 available
251 VF/NM £29
252 NM £6
252 VF/NM £5
253 VF/NM £4.25
253 FN £2.75
254 NM £4.50
254 VF £3.50 2 available
255 VF/NM £4.25
255 VF £3.50
255 VF £3.50 Small lower cover tear
258 NM £27
259 NM £4.50
259 VF £3.50 2 available
260 NM £4.25
260 VF £3.50
260 FN £2.75
261 NM £4.25
262 VF £3.50 3 available
263 NM £6
263 VF/NM £4.50
263 VF £3.50 2 available
264 VF/NM £4.25
264 VF £3.50
265 VF £3.50 3 available
268 FN/VF £26
270 VF £4.25 2 available
271 VF/NM £5
272 VF £4.25 2 available
276 VF £4.25
277 VF £4.25
278 VF £4.25
279 VF £4.25 2 available
280 VF £4.25
281 VF £3.50 2nd print
284 VF £3
285 VF £3
286 VF £3
287 NM £3.50
287 VF £3
288 VF £3
289 VF £3 2 available
290 VF £3 2 available
291 VF £3 2 available
292 VF £3
293 VF £3
298 VF £3
Ann 2 FN £20
Ann 3 VF £22.50
Ann 4 VF £10.75 2 available
Ann 5 FN+ £5.25
Ann 9 NM £10
Ann 12 VF £3.50
Ann 15 VF £3.50
Giant-Size 1 VF £2,250 1st new X-Men team. 1st Colossus, Storm, Nightcrawler, Thunderbird. This is an outstanding copy from an original owner collection, bought new in 1975 in New York, and carefully preserved ever since. Vibrant cover colour and gloss, square corners, totally intact squarebound spine, tight staples and off-white to cream pages. There is a soft 2 cm crease towards the lower spine that is difficult to see and does not break colour. If you run a finger along the front cover adjacent to the spine, you will feel an uneveness where the stapes are below, a common aspect of the Marvel Giant-Size issues of the mid 1970s, where the pages were stapled and the spine glued. Pictured below. High resolution images are avaiolable on request.
Giant-Size 2 VF £42
X-MEN (1991)
1 SET OF 5 VARIANTS. 3 X VF, 1 X VF/NM, 1 X FN £65. Pictured below.
YOGI BEAR (1977)
1 NM £65 Pristine. Glossy and colourful, great staples and white to off-white pages. Pictured below.