*Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: This release consists of a set of novels originally published between 1950 and 1965, mainly by authors who first achieved recognition in pulp fiction, but also Stanislaw Lem, represented here by The Cyberiad (1977 edition), but perhaps best known for Solaris. The reinvented pulp authors are Asimov (The Stars Like Dust, 1958 edition), Budrys (Who?, 1960 Badger edition), Chandler (Space Mercenaries, 1960s edition) and E E ‘Doc’ Smith (First Lensman, 1973 edition).
Tag Archives: Isaac Asimov
Books Update: A Luxury SF Selection
*Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: Here’s an update brimming with classic authors and titles, often 1st PB – like a box of chocolates, it’s hard to know where to start! Asimov’s I Robot joins Biggle’s Watchers Of The Dark, Farmer’s The Stone God Awakens, Le Guin’s The Dispossessed and The Wind’s Twelve Quarters (Vol. 1), Moorcock’s The Knight Of The Swords, Stewart’s Earth Abides and Swann’s Green Phoenix. Other highlights of this collection consist of Leinster’s Planet Explorer, Davidson’s Mutiny In Space (with Jack Gaughan cover art), two excellent works by Keith Roberts, Pavane and The Chalk Giants. In the first he imagines an alternate history of Britain if the Armada had succeeded, while in the latter he conjures up a fearful future. Hal Clement represents the best of hard SF, conjuring up a completely believable planet and aliens in Mission Of Gravity, and another, but very different alien in Eye Of The Needle. Saving the best for last (unlike a box of chocolates) we have Spinrad’s The Iron Dream aka Adolf Hitler’s blockbuster SF hit. All of these books are guaranteed to give you hours of reading pleasure; your only problem will be choosing.
Books Update: Stellar Authors, Stretching All The Way From A To D!
*Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: Fifteen Science Fiction books by authors who should need no introduction join our bookshelves today. Venturing only four letters into the alphabet, they are Brian Aldiss, Isaac Asimov, J G Ballard, Arthur C Clarke and Philip K Dick. Every book is a highlight, but notable amongst them are Report On Probability A, Aldiss’ take on quantum mechanics and the multiverse theory, which is complex enough to make Schrodinger’s cat need a lie-down, Ballard’s The Drowned World, where the Triassic Age returns to London, and Philip K Dick’s The Transmigration Of Timothy Archer, the final part of the Valis trilogy, an exploration of belief. Other titles include Dick’s Our Friends From Frolix 8 and the Simulacra, Ballard’s Low Flying Aircraft and Clarke’s Tales Of ten Worlds, plus more.
Books Update: Aspects Of Asimov
*Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: Isaac Asimov was never known for his modesty, but this update demonstrates that he had a lot to be immodest about: the Foundation series, his Space Ranger series (targeted at younger readers), short stories, work as an editor and collaborator with other authors are all represented here. We have Foundation itself, Second Foundation, Space Ranger and The Big Sun Of Mercury, Nightfall One as well as one of his anthologies of early Science Fiction, Before The Golden Age 4 and The Positronic Man, written with Robert Silverberg and based on Asimov’s short story The Bicentennial Man.
Books Update: The Mysterious Dr Asimov
*Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror and Crime, Spies & Sleaze: Although best known for his Science Fiction, the talented and unassuming Dr Asimov also wrote excellent mysteries. In classic novels such as The Caves Of Steel and The Naked Sun he combined both genres to great effect, but he also wrote short stories with mysteries set in far-flung futures and places, thirteen of which we have in Asimov’s Mysteries. In the spirit of genre-spanning we also have two crime mysteries, one a novel (A Whiff Of Death) and the other a collection of short stories based on the Black Widowers Club (Tales Of The Black Widowers).
Books Update: Old Masters I – Asimov And Clarke
*Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: A great selection of books by two great authors, chosen to add to the titles already offered. From Isaac Asimov we have Prelude To Foundation, Foundation and Forward The Foundation, I, Robot and The Rest Of The Robots, The Caves of Steel and The Stars In Their Courses. From Arthur C Clarke we have 2001 A Space Odyssey, Rendezvous With Rama, Earthlight and The Deep Range. We also have three late 1950’s Corgi editions, Pebble In The Sky (Asimov) and The City And The Stars and The Sands Of Mars (Clarke).