*DC: By my reckoning, Detective Comics #37 from March 1940 is the 11th comic to feature the Batman; it’s also the last to feature him solo before Robin debuted in the following issue. The story advertised for the next issue in the last panel of the Batman story here was in fact re-routed to Batman #1, published after this. Thus Detective #37 is the earliest Batman comic in the Midas Collection. Beneath a moody yet action-filled Bob Kane cover, Kane and writer Bill Finger produce a harrowing tale of crime, smuggling, torture and death. Numerous other detectives fill out this 68 page (including covers) issue including Slam Bradley, the Crimson Avenger, Speed Saunders and many others of varying lengths. This is a low grade copy (which at least renders it relatively within reach financially). The spine is heavily (and amateurishly) taped, holding the cover in place, which otherwise appears to be off staples. The cover itself is relatively unscathed; there are a few small white marks a couple of nicks and tears at edges, with one longer tear of just over 2 cm at top right. The centrefold is loose, but otherwise the staples hold the pages together; the pages are off-white to cream. The tops of both inside covers are tanned, with lots of chipping along the back cover top. Small graffiti along the margin only at the top of the Batman story. High resolution images are available on request.