American Comics Update: Their Name Is Legion: The Legion of Super-Heroes get their own title at last!
*DC: With the last year or so of the Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes title, following the Earthwar saga, the title was somewhat in decline, and unfortunately, when the Legion left Superboy behind and took over the title with #259, things didn’t improve, thanks to very ordinary stories by Gerry Conway (who didn’t have a feel for the characters) and very stilted artwork by Jimmy Janes (despite the odd bright spot from Steve Ditko). But Legion fans (and I’m one) are famously completist and wouldn’t be without these issues. Issues #259-283 (almost all of ’em) fresh in this week. We all got our rewards starting with #284 when Paul Levitz ushered in a new vitality and one of the best Legion periods ever, but that’s a story for a future update…