American Comics Update: Frank Miller’s Sin City: Hell & Back: Complete Set
*Miscellaneous 1960 Onwards: Frank Miller’s Sin City burst on to the comics scene in 1991, firmly establishing the neo-noir mood he had built on in his earlier classic run on Daredevil and the seminal Dark Knight Returns. The original Sin City series (later entitled The Hard Goodbye) originally appeared in serial form in Dark Horse Presents, and Hell & Back (a nine part series) was the longest and last instalment of these stories of Basin City and its denizens. It tells the tale of Wallace, an artist/war hero/short order cook who saves a suicidal woman named Esther, who is subsequently kidnapped; Wallace vows to rescue her and track down those responsible. It’s chock-full of the dark, seedy characters that inhabit the city and the locations that form it. The film noir influence on the series’ artwork is seen in its use of shadow and stark backgrounds. Black and white are the sole colours most of the time, with other colour used sparingly to highlight certain characters. The writing style also draws heavily on detective and crime pulp fiction. We’re delighted to present all nine parts of Hell & Back in pristine condition from an original owner collection.