American Update: A Kirby Trilogy! Demon, Kamandi and Omac First Issues
*DC: Following his critically-acclaimed ‘Fourth World’ series of intersecting titles at DC, Jack Kirby branched out into three stand-alone series. (Lesser talents have subsequently tried to ‘link’ them, but we shrug dismissively at such efforts). The Demon told of Jason Blood, an innocent man possessed by a mediaeval entity, the malevolent Etrigan, and Blood’s struggles to subvert the Demon’s powers for good; Kamandi, in the wake of the Planet of the Apes phenomenon, showed a post-apocalyptic future in which all humanity has degraded to virtual beasts, oppressed by all manner of super-evolved animals and Omac – One-Man Army Corps – was a near-future upgrade of Kirby’s Captain America concept, as feeble Buddy Blank became the invincible superhuman warrior under the omniscient direction of Brother Eye, in a 1984-insipred surveillance-ridden future which has particular resonance in the present day. The first issues of these series, the premier appearances of each title character, are new in, in high grade Cents copies, no UK price stamp; Demon #1 VF £50, Kamandi #1 VF+ £50 and Omac #1 FN/VF £20.