American Update: Spider-Mania: The Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection: Amazing #34: Kraven the Hunter
*Marvel: From the high grade Totally Amazing Spider-Man Collection this week, a lovely copy of Amazing Spider-Man #34, in which Spidey faces off against Kraven the Hunter for the second time. Beneath a dynamic Steve Ditko cover which just screams action and movement, Stan and Steve are both at the height of their powers portraying this tale of pathos, irony and adventure. Typical of this collection, this cents copy is beautiful, with a crisp white background cover, virtually no corner blunting, staples tight at spine and centrefold, no creasing and virtually no wear. The pages are off-white and of great quality. Flat, tight, glossy, reflective and delightful. The only slight snagette is a small stamped ’25’, faintly showing though the webbing above the logo close to the masthead, but this is quite tough to spot.