American Update: The Atlas Explosion! Go Wild! 1950s Mad-Imitator by Everett, Maneely, Heath & More
*Miscellaneous 1940-1959: The venerable Mad Magazine started life as a comic book, and like any hit, it generated scores of imitators. Atlas Comics produced several of these Mad-alikes, and Wild, although it lasted only five issues, covered a wide range, from parodies of classic literature (Sherlock Holmes, the Scarlet Pimpernel) to media hits of the day (Charlie Chan, a bit cringey in today’s more ‘woke’ times), to popular genres such as science fiction and horror, illustrated by a fine team of artists including Everett, Maneely, Heath and Post, and featuring, often, a level of meticulously detailed and overcrowded artwork that surely couldn’t have been covered by the standard page rate! We have four of the five issues of Wild new in, lacking only issue #4. Illustrated are #2 VG £35 and #5 FN £45.