American Update: The Atlas Explosion! Red Warrior: ‘The Mightiest Warrior Of Them All’
*Western: Credit where it’s due, despite having an unfortunate ‘redface’ leading character in Apache Kid (a white man who pretended to be a Native American), Atlas did also attempt to have authentic Native American protagonists – one such was Arrowhead, and another was Red Warrior, son of Comanche chief Grey Eagle, who starred in his own series for six issues from 1951. Although rather unfortunately (in retrospect) subtitled ‘Tales From The Land Of The Redmen!’, the series did at least try for a different perspective on the Western tale. We have five of the six-issue run, lacking only #3, new in stock. Issue #1 GD+ £25, is pictured; grades and prices on the rest, as always, in our online listings.