Books Update: Comic Strip Books
*Comic Strip Books: We’ve added five new books to this compact and bijou section: The Executive’s Comic Book featuring Goodman Beaver (Kurtzman & Elder) and Fiction Illustrated # 1 – 3 (considered to be among the first graphic novels). #1 features Schlomo Raven Public Detective (Preiss & Sutton), # 2 features Starfawn, ‘in the tradition of Star Trek’ (Preiss & Fabian) and #3 features Chandler, ‘a hard-boiled detective’, written and drawn by Steranko. More alert readers will have counted up to four and be wondering what the fifth book is – in addition to the standard version of Fiction Illustrated #3 we also have the Curtis Circulation variant, distinguished by the ‘cc’ logo and numbered 02764 instead of P4078.