Books Update: Queens Of Crime: Agatha Christie
*Crime, Spies & Sleaze: The Golden Age of Detective Fiction was surely between the 1920s and the 1950s, and in this period several women dominated the genre. We refer to them collectively as the Queens of Crime, but of them all, Agatha Christie is surely the High Queen. The most read author in the English language, her works continue to populate our media, whether on TV, in films and theatre and, of course, books. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more books by her in circulation than anyone else. A diverse range of offerings from Ms Christie this week: one Miss Marple novel (The Body In The Library), and a book of short stories featuring Miss Marple (The Thirteen Problems), two Poirot book-length mysteries (Evil Under The Sun & Three Act Tragedy), and the distinctive The Hound Of Death, twelve mostly eerie stories of the supernatural, but with the famous story Witness For The Prosecution tucked in the middle.
THE BODY IN THE LIBRARY Great Pan 1960 4th UK PB GD/VG £5 Miss Marple
EVIL UNDER THE SUN Pan 1963 1st UK PB thus GD/VG £5 Poirot
THE HOUND OF DEATH Great Pan 1960 1st UK PB thus VG £6
THE THIRTEEN PROBLEMS Pan 1963 3rd UK PB GD/VG £5 Miss Marple short stories
THREE ACT TRAGEDY Pan 1964 1st UK PB thus GD £5 Poirot