British Update: A plethora of Annuals
*Annuals: Just in time for Christmas, a chunky update to our stock of these seasonal favourites, across most of our sub-categories. In Humour, we have a nice GD+ Beano from 1961 (an uncommon year), plus a couple of the softcover Buster annuals from the 1960’S and 1970’s; in Film & TV Related, Green Hornet 1967 (the first we’ve ever seen), plus the 1st and 3rd TV Century 21 annuals from 1965 & 1967 and Space 1999; in Boys’ Adventure, Smash from 1974 and Valiant from 1971 and 1974; and finally in Girls’, Valentine from 1975 and two real oddities: the Sally Book of Pets from 1970 and the Sally Cook Book from 1971, for all you Sally completists out there.