British Update: Alan Class Creepy Worlds #84: A very special issue with 1st Ant-Man and lots of Extras
*Alan Class Reprints: Not an Alan Class Printing Plate set this one, since we don’t have the plates for it, but Creepy Worlds #84 is a very special issue. Cover featured are THUNDER Agents, and there are four Tower reprints: three featuring Dynamo and the Thunder Agents (2 by Wally Wood plus cover) and 1 Undersea Agent. Each of these is further represented by a complete set of printer’s proof copies (Undersea Agent story does not have splash proof, since that’s on the inside front cover). There are several Marvel pre-hero stories as well in the comic, but most significantly the issue also reprints ‘The Man In The Ant-Hill’, the first Ant-Man story from Tales To Astonish #27 by Lee & Kirby, featuring the debut of Henry Pym. Also included in this great package is a wraparound colour cover proof (including inside front and back covers), a signed certificate from Alan Class and a letter from Alan Class to his printers dating from 1976, which, although not directly related to this issue, is an interesting curiosity. A totally unique treasure of an item.