*Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: In fact there are 10 great books and many shorter stories altogether in these large tomes. The collection of Philip K Dick novels (The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch, Martian Time-Slip, Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?, Ubik and A Scanner Darkly) represents the first opportunity to get these classics in one volume. The Classic Horror Omnibus similarly brings together five classic horror novels (Frankenstein: Mary Shelley, The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde: Robert Louis Stevenson, The Werewolf: Clemence Housman, Dracula: Bram Stoker and The Phantom Of The Opera: Gaston Leroux) in a striking hardcover edition. The Gardner Dozois curated Year’s Best Science Fiction (25) features work by authors such as Stephen Baxter, Gregory Benford, Robert Silverberg, Bruce Sterling and Michael Swanwick in a NM grade 1st US PB. The highlight of this update, however, is Philip George Chadwick’s The Death Guard. Originally published in 1939, and the only novel he wrote, this legendary rarity languished almost forgotten until it was published again in 1992. Featuring a striking cover by an old friend of 30th Century, Peter Garriock, this is a rare opportunity to obtain this story. Written before genetic engineering was even a twinkle in biologists eyes, the Flesh Guard are modified plants turned into automatons to defend Britain, with horrific unexpected results (a bit like some vegetarian Christmas dinners!)