What’s Old: The Adam Strange Trilogy in Showcase
This week in our What’s Old feature, where we spotlight items from our existing stock you might have missed, we are proud to present, tying in with our Kanjar Ro double-header, the first three appearances in Showcase #17-19 of Adam Strange, Guardian Of The Spaceways. The creation of Gardner Fox with Mike Sekowsky, archaeologist Adam Strange was transported each issue to the exotic planet of Rann, where, together with the lovely Alanna, he defeated threats to two worlds. His first three appearances are offered here in appealing low-mid grades. His debut in Showcase #17 is FA/GD at £140 with light repair work at the spine. #18 is GD- at £55 and #19 is GD/VG at £100. After this trilogy, Adam Strange became a regular in Mystery In Space from #53 onwards.