American Update: Marvel’s Space-Born Super-Hero – Captain Marvel Restocked From #2 to #53
*Marvel: Mar-Vell, the Kree warrior sent to conquer Earth from within, got his own series in Marvel’s 1968 expansion year, chock-a-block with intrigue as his superior officers schemed to overcome the planet, and Captain Marvel played a double game. Overtly a good soldier following orders, he secretly strove to thwart their agenda, as he came to sympathise more with Earthlings, particularly one Carol Danvers, the security agent who would, decades down the line, take over the role of Captain Marvel herself. We have added more than twenty issues of Captain Marvel to our stock, from his second issue through to #53, more than half entirely unrepresented in our previous inventory. Although the upcoming cinematic Captain Marvel release stars Carol, Mar-Vell is rumoured to be among the supporting cast, and interest in his first series is accelerating, so now’s the time to buy!