American Update: Hulk Annual #1 with iconic Steranko cover
*Marvel: 1968 saw Jade-Jaws’ first-ever Annual, a 50 page extravaganza by Gary Friedrich and Marie Severin in which our favourite not-so-jolly green giant travelled to Attilan and fell out with Black Bolt, leader of the reclusive race of super-beings known as the Inhumans. Needless to say – spoiler alert – wannabe usurper Maximus is behind the hostilities, and has assembled his own band of rebel Inhumans to further bedevil our hero. Featuring a striking Steranko cover, this is a beautifully-presenting FN+, with lovely interior page quality, deep vivid cover colours, and only slight wear at mid-right cover edge preventing us grading it even higher. The spine, often problematic on these squarebound editions, is sound and complete, with only the very faintest ‘shelf wear’ at upper and lower edges. A cents copy, no pence stamp or overprint, this is on sale at £100. SORRY, THIS HAS NOW SOLD