American Update: Fabulous Facsimiles – The First Robin Appearance, ‘Flash of Two Worlds’, Wolverine, Vampirella and more
*Modern Reprints: More from DC and Marvel this week, with new additions in the Facsimiles range being Detective Comics #38 (the very first appearance of Robin the Boy Wonder, originally published in 1940!), Batman #232 (First Ra’s Al Ghul, illustrated by Neal Adams), Flash #123 (‘Flash of Two Worlds’, the first meeting of the Silver and Golden Age Flashes), and Mystery In Space #75 (a.k.a. ‘Justice League 3.5’, with the JLA teaming up with Adam Strange against Kanjar Ro!), plus the Dollar Comic edition of New Teen Titans #2, presenting the first Deathstroke. From the House of Ideas, we have Wolverine #1 (the mini-series by Claremont and Frank Miller) and… Wolverine #1 (the first issue of the later ongoing series, by John Buscema and that Claremont lad again!), plus the ‘True Believers’ edition of Spider-Man #101, with the first appearance of Morbius the Living Vampire! But wait – there’s a third entry in the race? Yup, we also have a modern facsimile of Warren’s Vampirella #1, in which the lass from Drakulon sets off for Earth to save her own dying planet – while drinking human blood and striking lots of suggestive poses. Well, a girl’s got to have a hobby! All of these ‘Time Capsules’ are brand new/mint.