American Comics Update: Mighty Marvel Firsts: 1st Deathlok in Astonishing Tales #25
*Marvel: In the 1970s, Marvel was experimenting with a wide range of genres, and the dystopic near-future science-fiction field showed promise, with Killraven over in Amazing Adventures and, here in Astonishing Tales #25, the premier of Deathlok, a cyborg assassin who rebelled against his programming and searched for his purpose – while shooting people a lot. The creation of Rich Buckler and Doug Moench, Deathlok has remained a fixture in the Marvel Universe and this copy of his debut issue is a superior pence printed copy, with firmly-attached staples and bright colours. Just a short white line/crease at right edge and minor wear to bottom right corner. Nice white pages. Completist bonus: AT #25 also features a two-pager with George Perez’s first Marvel artwork!