American/British Update: UK-generated Tarzan comics with Free Gift Farrago
*Tarzan/ERB: With the worldwide popularity of Tarzan, the ERB estate was, in the mid-197Os, in the happy position of commissioning hundreds of pages of artwork and stories that initially saw print only in the European market – despite having been generated by American creators. UK publishers Byblos saw an opportunity to exploit this material by presenting it in English for the first time, and in 1977 launched Tarzan Weekly – followed, in fairly short order, by Tarzan Monthly. There are some impressive names among the creators credited in these issues: Dan Spiegle, Marv Wolfman, Will Meugniot, Russ Manning, Pat Boyette, Mike Ploog, Rick Hoberg, and Mark Evanier. We have the first issue of Tarzan Weekly, with the original free gift, a Survival Sick-Bag – I’m sorry, Tarzan Survival Kit Bag – for your protection when wandering the wilds of the Dark Continent! This is available in two grades; VF with Free Gift VF (£7.50, pictured) and FN with Free Gift VF £6. In addition, we have Tarzan Monthly #1 from 1977, and the 1980 Tarzan Autumn Special. SORRY, BOTH WEEKLY #1s NOW SOLD