American/British Update: Undergound and Indies Restocked – Wally Wood’s Witzend, Crumb’s Home Grown and Motor City, More Oddities and Rarities
*Undergrounds: A long-overdue update to this popular section, with low-print run counter-culture classics galore! Robert Crumb, leader of the underground pack, brings us Home Grown, Motor City, and R. Crumb’s Comics and Stories, while Wally Wood and his pals provide two latter issues of cult magazine Witzend, featuring the artistic skills of Toth, Zeck, Frazetta and Ditko, as well as Wally himself. Richard Corben’s Neverwhere is a handsome full-colour paperback showing off all the boingy dangly bits Corben’s famous for, while Frank Thorne’s Ghita of Alizarr answers the question; “What if Red Sonja wore even less clothing?”. There are a couple of retrospective/informative entries that might go in our ‘Mags/Books About Section’, but are here because of their specialist subject matter – Best of the Rip of Press, Illustrated Checklist to Underground Comix, and Mal Burn’s 1977 Comix Index, covering the then-burgeoning UK scene. More modern fare is the Kitchen Sink iteration of Death Rattle, including the special reprint of Xenozoic Tales’ debut, and Star*Reach Classics, featuring P. Craig Russell’s Parsifal, while vintage obscurities include the UK-published newspaper tabloid Cyclops, Gung Ho and Om Home Made Comix (Dutch-published but English-language collections), Pure Joy, and Teen-Age Horizons of Shangrila. From the feminist front come more Wimmen’s Comix, Pandora’s Box, and Mary Wings’ Come Out Comix, and never let us forget our furry friends – Dorman’s Doggie and Fat Freddy’s Cat!
MOTOR CITY COMICS #2 FN (3rd Print) £20