American Comics Update: DC Debuts: 1st App. Darkseid – Jimmy Olsen #134 by Kirby
*DC: Having quite startlingly revitalised the moribund Jimmy Olsen title with #133, writer/artist Jack Kirby took it up a notch by introducing Darkseid, the fiendish ruler of the hell-world Apokolips, in the very next issue. It was only a fleeting cameo – Darkseid’s image flashes up on a monitor screen while Facetiming with Morgan Edge – but it’s nevertheless the first appearance of the villainous fulcrum of the entire Fourth World Saga, and as such is in high demand. This copy of Jimmy #134 is a gleaming high gloss copy, small pence price stamp, striking Neal Adams cover image. Tight staples, and off-white flexible interior pages. Only a very tiny amount of edge wear precludes an even higher grade.