American Comics Update: Hawkman #1 1964
*DC: The Silver Age Hawkman stories (six try-outs in Brave & Bold and the first 21 issues of his own series that followed) are, in my opinion, perfect comics. Reimagined for the Silver Age as interplanetary police officers, Hawkman and Hawkgirl were exquisitely illustrated in Brave & Bold by Joe Kubert, and equally so (albeit in a different style) by Murphy Anderson in the Hawkman title. All penned of course by Gardner Fox, my favourite comics writer. Highly imaginative super-villains, space and fantasy settings and one of the best married relationships in comics between the leads. Two stores in this fabulous first issue, including the cover feature where the Winged Wonders come up against an ancient Mayan with super-weapons. A very nice copy, pence-stamped, with vibrant, rich colour glossy covers (including the deep blue sky background that DC did so well), white to (just) off-white pages, tiny split at bottom of spine, some corner rounding and minor edge wear. It’s such a shame that the cover is off lower staple, and that the previous owner has (skilfully) restapled it; otherwise it would grade significantly higher. From an original owner collection and new to the marketplace.