American Comics Update: Rare Chesler – Dynamic Comics #20 from 1946
*Miscellaneous 1940-1959: We get very few Chesler comics through our hands, so it’s a real pleasure to have a copy of Dynamic Comics from 1946 new in this week. An anthology title with super-hero Dynamic Man (and Dynamic Boy) & Yankee Boy, adventure with the Echo, crime with the Manhunters, science fiction with Dan Hastings, occult adventure with Mister E and a couple of humour strips. Artists include Ralph Mayo and Paul Gattuso, with an infamous cover by the latter. A reasonable copy; the cover has vivid colours, with some foxing spots. Some edge and spine wear, with spidery colour-breaking creases just in from the spine. Slight staple pulls, but fully attached at spine and centrefold. Page quality is a nice white to off-white. A rare chance to grab an uncommon item.