American Comics Update: Six Of The Best: Silver Age Flash
*DC: When Flash was relaunched in 1959, with Barry Allen now in the lead role, the artistic duties fell to Carmine Infantino, who pencilled every issue from #105 to #174. If ever an artist was made for a title, it was here. His speeding hero, fabulous cityscapes, gorgeous women, dynamic and colourful villains characterised the Silver Age Flash. We have six issues new in from Infantino’s mid-period. #148 features one of my favourite comic stories Doorway To The Unknown, a ghost story classic, a rarity in a ‘straight’ super-hero comic.
#146 FA/GD p £6.25
#148 GD/VG p £14.25 Off lower staple
#149 FN- p £20.50
#150 GD+ p £12
#152 FA p £4 Cover detached; long spine split
#154 VG- p £12.75