American Comics Update: The Arch Collection/L B Cole Miasma: Terrors Of The Jungle #9
*Miscellaneous 1940-1959: L B Cole was one of the most famous of Golden/Atomic Age cover artists. He drew in a variety of genres, and was artistic director at Star, illustrating 95% of the company’s covers; his lurid, feverish style, almost hallucinogenic, graced horror, science-fiction, jungle and romance alike. Terrors Of The Jungle was a sort of hybrid jungle and horror title. From our new Arch Collection this week: issue #9 features a new story by the stylishly attractive Jay Disbrow, a Tangi jungle queen reprint from an earlier issue of TOTJ and a Fox Jo-Jo Jungle King adventure with his mate Tanee. Of course it’s the wonderful L B Cole cover for which this issue is prized, with a very buxom Luana in the foreground, glowing before a group of savages in the jungle behind her (despite a very small arrival date on her thigh!). Although this copy is marred somewhat by wear and erosion along the right edge, the central image in all its wonderful colours, is unspoilt. There is some spine wear with small nicks top and bottom. Staples are tight and firm and page quality a decent off-white.