American Comics Update: The Good Doctor Collection/Spider-Mania: Amazing #30 – The Claws Of The Cat
*Marvel: I always thought when reading Amazing Spider-Man #30 that it was a little off-beat compared to what had gone before, a one-off tale of a fairly nondescript cat burglar, somewhat understated when compared to most of Spidey’s rogues gallery. Years later, I realised that this was probably due to the fact that Steve Ditko had (uniquely) plotted this issue, and that his art gave the story a distinct noir flavour I came to appreciate. This copy from the Good Doctor Collection, a pence-printed ‘Marvel Pop Art Production’, is very nice with rich, moody colour cover and residual gloss. Minor corner blunting with a small dink at top left spine and small stress marks along the spine. Nice white to off-white pages and tight staples. Presents very well.