American Comics Update: The Good Doctor Collection: Strange Tales #141-150 Complete
*Marvel: From the Good Doctor Collection this week, every issue of Strange Tales from #141-150, starring Nick Fury, Agent Of SHIELD and Dr Strange. Fury comes up against some wacky foes, including Mentallo and the Fixer, the Druid and AIM. John Buscema makes his Marvel debut in #150 on the Fury strip. Over in Dr Strange, a period of change as with #146, the first full Dr Strange cover on the title, Steve Ditko draws his final Strange story as we conclude the Dormammu saga, to be succeeded by no less than Bill Everett on art duties. There’s the origin of the Ancient One in #148 and the debut of Umar in #150. Pretty nice condition on most of these.
141 FN £17
142 FN/VF £27
143 VF- £32
144 VG+ p £11.75
145 GD- £5.25
146 VG p £10.50
147 VG/FN p £12.75
148 VG+ £16.50 Origin of Ancient One
149 VG+ £13
150 FN £29 (PICTURED) 1st Umar. Also, on Nick Fury, John Buscema’s first work at Marvel.