American Comics Update: The Midas Collection: Early issues of Girls’ Romances
*Romance: For our final update of this inaugural Midas Collection release, we feature five issues of Girl’s Romances, one of DC’s longest running romance titles, which started in 1950. Our update features #4, #6 and #8-10. Although mostly drawn by unknown artists, DC’s romance comics from this period featured a good standard of appealing art, and often very well composed and executed covers. Here, #4 & #6 are photo covers, as was common with romance back then, but by #8 had changed to line-drawn art. Seldom seen, particularly over here in the UK, the Midas Collection is quite rich in this genre, with many more to follow.
#4 GD £22 Both staples neatly off.
#6 VG £44
#8 VG- £38 Off top staple SOLD
#9 VG- £38 Extra central staple
#10 GD- £19 Off top and centre staples; upper spine split