American Update: A Date With Patsy: Girls’ Life, Hedy Wolfe and Meet Miss Bliss
*Teen Humour/Funny Girls: In addition to holding down no fewer than four long-running titles – Patsy Walker, Patsy & Hedy, Patsy & Her Pals, and Miss America starring Guess Who – the formidable Miss W. also helmed a number of shorter run series, three of which we spotlight this week! Girls’ Life was, allegedly, edited by Patsy herself, with our ubiquitous redhead giving advice on fashion, charm, and love dilemmas – all in comic strip form. Hedy Wolfe was a one-off spotlighting Patsy’s beloved ‘Frenemy’, and Meet Miss Bliss starred, of all things, one of Patsy’s teachers at Centreville High – when your supporting cast can score their own titles, that’s star power! All three feature rather charming art by Al Hartley. Pictured are Girls’ Life #1 GD £16 and Hedy Wolfe #1 GD/VG £35; for details of the rest, check out our catalogue entries.