American Update: A Ghoulash of Horror!
*Horror/Mystery 1960-1980’s: Well, lashings of ghouls and other creatures of the night in our mega horror update this week! From ACG: Adventures into The Unknown, Forbidden Worlds, Midnight Mystery & Unknown Worlds; from Charlton: Ghostly Tales, Ghost Manor, Haunted & Haunted Love (#1); from DC: Doorway To Nightmare (#1), Ghosts, House Of Mystery, House Of Secrets (including many stunning high grade issues), Plop (from #1 – early issues in high grade), Secrets Of Haunted House, Unexpected (including Giant issues), Weird Mystery Tales (inc. high grade #1) & Witching Hour; from Gold Key: Ripley’s Believe It Or Not; from Marvel: Arrgh (#1), Beware, Chamber Of Chills, Chamber Of Darkness, Fear, Giant-Size Creatures (1st app Tigra), Journey Into Mystery, Man Thing 2nd series, Monsters On The Prowl, Tower Of Shadows & Vault Of Evil (stunning VF+ #1); and last but not least, the rare and seldom seen Dell Giant from 1962 Tales From The Tomb #1 which has a unique atmosphere all its own. A selection of the #1 issues in this update are pictured below. Full details of grades and prices in our catalogue.