American Update: A new batch of DC’s Archive Editions
*Modern Reprints: Some new additions to our stock of DC’s handsome Archive Editions, full colour hardcover volumes presenting the best of DC Comics from its long history. New stock comprises Action Heroes Vol 2 (actually Charlton reprints of Ditko’s Blue Beetle, Captain Atom and the Question after DC acquired the rights to those characters), All Star Comics Vols 3 & 8 starring the Justice Society, Challengers Of The Unknown Vols 1 & 2 presenting all the Kirby issues, and Rarities Vol 1 (pictured), featuring three big comics, New York World’s Fair 1939 & 1940 and Big All-American Comic Book, comics you’re very unlikely ever to own in their original form! Prices range from £25 — consult our catalogue for full information.