American Update: A plethora of Facsimile Editions plus…
*Modern Reprints: A chunky update to our stocks in this category, comprising: a) in the DC Facsimile series: Batman #232 (1st Ras Al Ghul), Brave & Bold #28 (1st JLA), DC Super-Stars #17 (origins Huntress, LSH, Green Arrow), Detective Comics #475 (Joker laughing fish), Flash #123 (Flash Of Two Worlds), Mystery In Space #75 (JLA guest-star); b) in the DC Dollar Comics series: New Teen Titans #1 (1st Deathstroke from #2); c) in the Marvel Facsimile series: Wolverine #1 (1982), Wolverine #1 (1988); d) in the Marvel True Believers series: Empyre Swordsman (Avengers #19), Amazing Spider-Man #101 (1st Morbius); and e) Marvel Masterworks: Captain America Vol 1 Silver Age in original livery.