American Update: A Queen-Size Update!
*Teen Humour/Funny Girls: Half-a-dozen of the later Millie the Model Annuals/Specials, each of which proudly proclaimed over its masthead, “A Queen-Size Special!” – to distinguish them from the testosterone-soaked super-hero “King-Size” counterparts. In 1967, the venerable Millie the Model series had a ‘reboot’ (and you thought DC were the first…), flipping from a soap-opera romance to a shameless imitation of the ‘mod’ Archie style, and the Annuals followed suit, under the artistic helm of Stan Goldberg. These are all of the ‘Mod’ Millie Annuals, from 1968’s #7 through to #12 in 1975 – dated three years after Millie’s own ongoing title shut shop! Most are Fine or better, seldom seen in any grade, and some very attractive copies. #11 pictured.