American Update: A Superior Pre-Code Horror Fest: Strange Mysteries
*Horror 1940-1959: Superior was a Canadian publisher active from 1945-1956 who mostly reprinted American comics from the same time period. They also published a number of original series that were distributed in the United States. Among these were three horror titles famous for their hallucinogenic covers and accomplished Fiction House style interior art. When you see a lot of these together, they have an almost hypnotic and uncomfortable effect. Our focus this week is on issues #9-13 of one of those titles: Strange Mysteries; mixed grade copies, with specific defects listed below.
#9 FA £65 Several margin pieced torn out; stories OK
#10 VG+ £240 Nice copy, some corner blunting, tiny chip out bottom right cover SOLD
#11 FA/GD £60 Chip out by front upper staple; extra staples SOLD
#12 VG+ £190 Nice copy, no specific defects, just edge wear SOLD
#13 VG £165 Spine roll/mis-cut SOLD