American Update: A sweep through the denizens of Marvel’s Horror-verse of the 1970s
*Horror/Mystery 1960-1980s: This week, a much overdue visit to Marvel’s horror titles from the 1970s, and the famous monsters that inhabited them. All the following are issues previously missing from our stock: Creatures on the Loose (with Man-Wolf, including the start of his series in #30), Fear (with start of Man-Thing series in #10 and Morbius in #23), Frankenstein, the Monster of, Man-Thing (1st series and Giant-Size, with 1st Howard the Duck solo in GS #4), Supernatural Thrillers (with the Living Mummy), Tomb of Dracula (#43 high grade with Wrightson cover), Werewolf By Night (many issues from #3, inc 2nd Moon Knight in #33 and Giant-Sizes with Morbius in GS #4). All the famous monsters covered!