American Update: A Torrent of DC Tabloids! Batman Vs. Hulk, Superman Vs. Wonder Woman, Welcome Back Kotter (!?!) and Many More!
*DC: During the 1970’s and early 1980’s, both major companies experimented with tabloid formats, and DC’s was the Limited Collectors’ Edition, selected reprints in oversized format, which proved popular enough to spread to several subsidiary series – Famous First Editions (reprinting in full iconic issues such as Action Comics #1), All-New Collector’s Edition (with, as the name implies, non-reprint stories of major characters) and occasional forays into normally regular-sized titles such as DC Special Series. We have selections from all these gargantuan behemoths new in. Their unusual dimensions meant that they were not well-distributed by newsvendors in the States, nor have they generally fared well in long-term storage. Added to that the fact that barely saw any distribution in the UK at all, and their rarity will be appreciated. From Limited Collector’s Editions itself, we have the Batman All-Villain Special, The Bible, with stunning all-original Nestor Redondo artwork, Superman, Secret Origins of Super-Villains, Super-Friends, (with an original Alex Toth framing sequence), Batman: Baffling Mystery Stories, More Secret Origins of Super-Villains, Superman Salutes the Bicentennial, and the rare but peculiar Welcome Back Kotter – one for John Travolta completists – including material intended for the never-published WBK#11! From Famous First Editions, we have giant-sized facsimiles of Whiz Comics #2 (debut of original Captain Marvel) Flash Comics #1, Superman #1, and Action Comics #1, with Superman’s premier appearance. All-New Collectors’ Edition – which confusingly shared a numbering sequence with Limited Collectors’ – brings us Superman the Movie, and not one, but two copies of the epic Superman Vs. Wonder Woman battle, with superlative Jose Luis Garcia Lopez artwork. And a title that’s ordinarily more modest in stature, DC Special Series, brought us Superman II, Superman and His Fortress of Solitude, and – most awesome of all – Batman Vs. The Incredible Hulk, featuring the Joker, with Garcia Lopez illustrations! A selection of these super-sized stunners is reproduced below for your delectation.