American Update: Adventures on Earth-2! Silver Age appearances of Golden Age DC Greats
*DC: This DC update centres upon the members of the illustrious Justice Society of America, the super-team which defended democracy in the 1940s. Returning in the Silver Age Flash series, the veteran heroes, explained as denizens of a parallel world, reunited for regular team-ups with their modern counterparts, and occasional adventures of their own. This update, we are delighted to present some of our favourite comics of the 1960s. We open with Brave & Bold #61, which united Black Canary and Starman; then, a trio of Flash issues where Barry Allen teams up with Jay Garrick – #129, #137 (with the first Silver Age appearance of the JSA as a group) and #151; Green Lantern #40, retconned as a ‘Crisis On infinite Earths’ prequel and co-starring Alan Scott, the GL of Earth-2; Justice League of America #21, in the first full JLA/JSA team-up, which became an annual tradition for decades; Showcase #55 and #56, with the power-packed pairing of Doctor Fate and Hourman and Showcase #60, which brought the Spectre, the Ghostly Guardian, back to… non-death? Stellar creators Fox, Infantino, Broome, Anderson, Sekowsky; epic villainy from the Mist, the Shade, Vandal Savage, the Psycho-Pirate and Solomon Grundy and amazing odysseys spanning two universes – it doesn’t get better than this! Illustrated: Flash #137 VF- p £160, Green Lantern #40 FN £120, and Justice League of America #21 VG- p £50.