American Update: Alan Moore’s Miracleman #15 — the rarest issue
*Miscellaneous 1960 Onwards: Alan Moore’s sixteen issues of Miracleman are widely regarded as one of the great classics of modern age comics (if you count the 1980s as modern, that is). He took an ersatz Captain Marvel, invented as Marvelman in the 1950s when Len Miller’s license to reprint the captain ran out, and rebranded him as an adult super-hero for the times, in one of the greatest sequences of comics ever created IMHO. Originally serialised in Warrior Magazine, Marvelman changed to Miracleman when published by Eclipse in the USA (need I cite obvious copyright reasons?) and the series got its conclusion there, at least as far as Moore was concerned. When joined by artist John Totleben for the last issues, story and art clicked seamlessly, if somewhat horrifically. Issue #15 has the lowest print run of the series (possibly due to its gruesome content) and is regarded as the key issue featuring the conclusion of Miracleman’s mortal combat with his former sidekick Kid Miracleman — and if that sounds silly, let me assure you it isn’t. Not for the squeamish. A great copy on offer, with only the smallest spine ticks precluding a NM grade or higher.