American Update: Batmania continues: Batman #227 – ‘Demon of Gothos Mansion!’ Classic Adams Cover
*DC: In the late 1960s and early 1970s, there arose a craze for ‘Gothic Romances’, the covers of which depicted diaphanously-clad lovelies fleeing a darkened mansion/castle/palace at night, frequently pursued by beasts. Writer Denny O’Neil, clearly having had Enough Of This Sort Of Thing, parodied the genre in Batman #227’s ‘Demon of Gothos Mansion!’, casting Alfred’s niece Daphne as the ingenue and arranging a beautiful Neal Adams cover, which became one of the most sought-after iconic covers of the Silver Age – not least because it also ‘homaged’ a Golden Age cover, Detective #31. This copy of Batman #227 is a lovely FN/VF copy, pence priced but unobtrusively in the logo, with deep cover colour, tight staples, and only a few small spine ‘ticks’ preventing a better grade. On sale at £225.