American Update: Bring Out Your Dead!
*Miscellaneous 1960 Onwards: Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard’s ongoing saga of a band of survivors struggling to get by in the wake of a Zombie apocalypse has achieved huge popularity, helped along by the TV show in which Andrew Lincoln plays our hero, Rick Grimes, with an American accent that after several seasons is almost convincing. New stock for the Dead this week includes forst and second printings of #100, in which the new ‘Big Bad’ of the series, Negan, made his debut. Oddly, the second printing – the only variant on #100 which had Negan featured on the cover – outstrips all of the #100 first printing variants in demand, and this NM/M copy is offered at £50 – but for those of you who just want the story, a first printing is also available at a mere £8! Further additions this week include selections from the range #106-122, and a smattering in the early #150’s. SORRY, #100 2ND PRINT NOW SOLD