American Update: Calling All Girls! It’s Quirky Corner!
*Miscellaneous 1940-1959: In this week’s Quirky Corner entry, two of the “Largest Circulation Magazine For Girls”, or so it proudly claimed – Calling All Girls! This launched in 1941, and by 1943 and 1944 , the issues offered here, was well into its swing of encouraging even the “Junior Miss” set that they, too, could play their part in defeating the Axis – and pick up some grooming and fashion tips into the bargain! Comic strips included the ongoing adventures of teen-queen “Judy Wing”, and a selection of comics biographies of famous and/or heroic girls. These charmingly dated combinations of comics, beauty, recipes and short fiction were the inspiration for Timely/Atlas’ Miss America Magazine, but Miss A. won the day, whereas Calling All Girls was gone by 1950, though it was sporadically revived thereafter. Nevertheless, a pleasing look through the windows of nostalgia, quite unlike anything else recently acquired.