American Update: DC Debuts: 1st Arm-Fall-Off-Boy in Secret Origins #46
*DC: Now it’s time for a bit of speculation fun. There are those who would have you believe that the character played by Nathan Fillion in the upcoming Suicide Squad 2 movie is none other than Arm-Fall-Off Boy, a Legion of Super-Heroes reject who first appeared in Secret Origins #46 in 1989, unlikely as that may seem. Essentially, his power is exactly what his name suggests it would be: he can remove his arms at will with no pain and use them as blunt instruments to beat his enemies into submission. Even in a series fondly remembered for its wacky rejects, AFOB stands out as the dumbest. Personally, I find it hard to believe, but what do I know? Stranger things have happened. Here’s your chance to join the speculators and invest in a copy of Secret Origins #46 in pristine condition. Honestly, you couldn’t make this stuff up…