American Update: Double Double, Toil & Trouble
*DC: Quick, riddle me this; when did the X-Men, Sub-Mariner, Spider-Man, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four co-star in Action Comics? When it was Action Double Double Comics, of course! This ingenious if cheeseparing move on the part of the UK distributors, Thorpe & Porter, gathering up unsold copies of American comics (the covers having been returned for credit), and re-purposing the ‘destroyed’ copies, four to an issue, under a new cover – usually an ineptly-recoloured stat of a US original. Usually some attempt was made to include at least one copy of the parent title, but having a copy of, for example, Green Lantern Double Double Comics is no guarantee that it would necessarily contain an issue of Green Lantern, as the selection process was pretty random, based on whatever was in T & P’s heaps of unsold warehouse stock. Thus there are different contents even of issues bearing the same title and issue number — our catalogue listing details the contents. Although we’ve never seen a Double Double Comic that didn’t claim to be a DC title on the cover, the contents are just as likely to be Marvel – or occasionally ACG – as DC once you get inside. Three new Double Doubles in stock – Action #’s 3 and 4, and Detective #3.