American Update: EC’s Shock Suspenstories
*EC: While EC was mostly, and justly, famous for its horror titles, a personal favourite here at 30th Century Towers is Shock SuspenStories, the ‘sampler’ title which presented a ‘taster platter’ of crime, sci-fi, and horror, as well as occasional ‘issue’ stories which pushed the boundaries of the powers-that-be’s comfort zone by challenging then-popular positions as to race, poverty, and social injustice. We have an even half-dozen of Shock SuspenStories new in, #’s 13-18, in affordable mid-grades, averaging Good. #13 features Frank Frazetta’s only solo story at EC, the famous “Squeeze Play”, but the remainder of the series is no artistic wasteland, as Wood, Crandall, Kamen, Evans, and Ingalls, among others, are all present and at their creative peaks. Due credit must also be given to Marie Severin, EC’s colourist, who created the evocative palette in the relatively primitive four-colour process which makes these covers among the most striking of the EC line – and that’s saying a lot! #17 shown.