American Update: Flash Bulletin – Debuts of the Top and Sue Dibny!
*DC: Another nice Flash update this week, from #119 to #122, bracketed at the far end by the premier appearance of the Top, one of the more popular members of the Flash’s Rogue’s Gallery, and at the nearer end by the first appearance of Sue Dearborn Dibny, spouse of the ever-exasperating Elongated Man! Before his long career as a backup in detective Comics, Ralph Dibny, the Elongated Man, was a supporting character in the Flash, and with this issue he took the very rare step, at that time, of becoming a married superhero, with Sue as his partner in light-hearted adventures for many happy decades. The Trickster and a Kid Flash team-up also adorn this update, for a cross-section of the Flash’s Crooks n’ Chums. For the most part nice copies, all cents, with the star turn being #121 in a sparkling VF at £140. See our catalogue listings for full details.