American Update: Golden Age DC Greats! A Quartet of Sensation Comics, with Wonder Woman, Wildcat and more
*DC: Ranging from 1942 to 1947, four issues of Sensation Comics, the DC anthology in which the Amazing Amazon, Wonder Woman, was the lead feature. Created by H.G. Peter and William Moulton Marston, the dynamic diva’s derring-do caused not only Sensation, but Comics Cavalcade and WW’s own series, to be top sellers during this decade, and these issues feature her at her prime, before censorious cretins and creator illness caused her to become a shadow of her former self. Other popular and long-running features in Sensation were her fellow Justice Society members, crusading pugilist Wildcat, and show-off polymath Mr. Terrific, and the trio were backed up by some of the odder series in DC’s history – the Black Pirate, the Gay Ghost and Little Boy Blue and the Blue Boys. No, really. Sensation Comics #11 is GD/VG £165; #49 VG+ £125; #51 VG/FN £135 and #61 GD+ £65. With the recent blockbuster Wonder Woman movie, and her reappearance in the upcoming Justice League film, interest in Diana’s doings has never been keener, so now’s the time to grab yourself a slice of Amazon justice! SORRY, THESE HAVE NOW SOLD