American Update: If you can stand the Shock and the Suspense, the Mother Of All Pre-Code Horror Fests concludes!
*EC: Eight issues of EC’s most challenging title new in the conclusion to our Pre-Code Horror Fest event! Shock SuspenStories was, like its stablemate Crime SuspenStories, a departure for the EC comics group which had founded its empire on the supernatural, whether horrific or science-fictional; Shock derived its drama primarily from the darker side of human psychology – and what a dark side it was! Among the usual stories of lust and violence (and there were plenty of them), were parables about racism, drug addiction, corruption, anti-Semitism, child abuse and more. Presented with intelligence and skill – albeit punched-up for dramatic effect – these stories raised the bar for what could be expected in the comics medium, and, as always, illustrated by Wally Wood, Jack Kamen, Johnny Craig, and others of the finest artists of the time. Particularly worthy of note is issue #6, with its notorious “Klan” cover; this copy, though apparently a Very Good, is marred by a severe interior page tear which removes most of two interior panels (see scan below). Ordinarily we would not sell something so severely damaged, but the price of this issue has escalated so sharply over recent decades (seriously, check for yourselves online) that we thought we would offer an opportunity to obtain an otherwise very presentable copy at an affordable price. Pictured Below: #6 App VG £75, #7 FN £150, #14 VG/FN £63. We’re looking forward to further Fests in the New Year if we’re lucky enough to acquire more of these increasingly rare gems…